swf abusing head on is going to kill the game at high ranks

I have run into this 3 times today alone. SWF groups will coordinate head on stuns over comms. They will just have the person in the chase run you past a locker and then stun you for free. There is no counterplay to this and makes it borderline impossible to win a chase as killer if they decide to implement this strategy. Only nurse and spirit would be able to circumvent this strategy as far as I can tell. Iron maiden is a tiny bandaid counter at best, and enduring only reduces pallet stuns. I am honestly going to start leaving games if this ######### gets done on me, it's straight up cheating at this point and something needs to be done about it.



  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    Just wait for the DS + Head On stun

  • wannabeuk
    wannabeuk Member Posts: 135

    Only had that happen once, and i must fully admit i just dc'ed. I was a rank ######### 16 vs rank 4/5 and they pulling that #########, i was so done haha.

  • bududubdubdubs
    bududubdubdubs Member Posts: 12

    Completely wrong way of looking at it.You still have 2 people doing gens, but you also are guaranteed to lose the chase. How are you supposed to win if you lose every chase?

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,247

    It's annoying, no doubt. I've started to check lockers if a survivor is downed in front of one. If only Iron Maiden wasn't the Hangman's Trick of Monstrous Shrines....

  • bududubdubdubs
    bududubdubdubs Member Posts: 12

    How do you suggest "looking for it"? Are you seriously suggesting that baiting head on DURING A CHASE is acceptable counter play? I'm not talking about after you down someone, I'm talking they are still running away from you.

  • Larisa
    Larisa Member Posts: 176

    kill the game at high ranks lol

  • premiumRICE
    premiumRICE Member Posts: 798

    More people in lockers less people at gens

  • SpaceCoconut
    SpaceCoconut Member Posts: 1,962

    Head on had a nice counter, but thanks to Dedi-servers the lag has made every attempt fail since their implementation.

    It's unfortunate. I enjoyed the counterplay in injuring or downing a survivor who thought they had me with that tactic.

  • EldritchElise87
    EldritchElise87 Member Posts: 626

    Yeah, its not exactly efficient, and they won't have an exaustion perk.

    Head on is one of those things that if you get hit by it twice in a game its your own fault really, just go wide around lockers or bait it out.

  • Xerge
    Xerge Member Posts: 928

    Not only that, it's just simply boring and annoying as #########. I seriously could careless if none of them are touching the gens when all they're doing is coordinating head ons over and over again with the only porpuse of making the game as annoying as possible for the killer for the lulz.

    I really encourage every killer to bring a mori everytime they can to deal with ######### like this, just proxy camp and tunnel, you could also spam the mori if you feel like it.

  • bududubdubdubs
    bududubdubdubs Member Posts: 12

    and then what? give up the chase because there's a locker?

  • knell
    knell Member Posts: 595

    Head On as a solo player is alright - I enjoy using it. But you are right in that SWF can utilize the perk much more effectively than solo players, in that coordination can dramatically change the way it can be used - which, according to the development team's own words, shouldn't ever be happening.

    From a Dev Stream on 10/26/18

    "I would say that it does affect our game design now... where we are not going to put in any designs that hinge on some survivors knowing something and other survivors don't. And now when we work on other mechanics, we always have to ask ourselves, how is this going to work for a solo group versus how is this going to work for a coordinated group, so that's the question we have to ask ourselves now. So we do keep this in mind these days."

    And again, From the Q&A on 8/1/19

    "We have been keeping SWF in mind as we design new content to make sure that solo players aren't left behind, and we would like to revisit existing mechanics as well to make them more accessible to solo players."

    Just to be clear, the Plague Chapter (with Head On) was released on 3/19/19.

  • bududubdubdubs
    bududubdubdubs Member Posts: 12

    you are literally telling me to take a ######### guess every time someone passes a locker

  • VincentRedfield
    VincentRedfield Member Posts: 285

    LMAO of all things to complain about? A meme perk?

  • Mew
    Mew Member Posts: 1,832

    You know you can respect the head on... if youve been head on’d before, if you get ran past a locker stop outside of head on range, the person will most likely jump out and you get a free hit.

    note: make sure to wait until the head on animation has ended.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,089
    edited November 2019

    I think you dont understand how it should work as Killer. You need to put Pressure on Survivors so they are not on a Gen. Like: 1 person hooked, one person you are chasing, 1 person going for the Rescue. This is 3 people not on Gens.

    With Head On, you are basically chasing two people at once. Two are not on Gens, just for this 3 second Stun. They are risking an Insta-Down with going into the Locker. Head On is gimmicky and fun, but not that strong.

    I guess you are overestimating the benefit of a Head On-Stun...

  • bududubdubdubs
    bududubdubdubs Member Posts: 12

    there is literally zero risk of an insta down in this situation are you kidding me? how am I supposed to magically know they're in a locker ahead of time unless, like I already said, I respect every single locker I am forced to run by during a chase?

  • PistolTimb
    PistolTimb Member Posts: 1,413

    If the survivor messes up and jumps in early, they're dead... that's why the perk is risky. Once they use head-on, you should be aware of their plan and can punish accordingly if they take a suspicious route. It's better than what most swfs do anyway. Most just run dead hard and adrenaline then rush gens. Head on is fine and balanced I'd say because it's high risk with mixed rewards.

  • bududubdubdubs
    bududubdubdubs Member Posts: 12
    edited November 2019

    I am talking about a separate person doing the head on stun that gets in a locker in a different structure than the one I am currently in. You are talking about the person I am currently chasing jumping in a locker. Please follow the conversation.

  • PistolTimb
    PistolTimb Member Posts: 1,413

    Not much that can be said. I'm genuinely curious if they'll change their opinion or stick with it.

  • PistolTimb
    PistolTimb Member Posts: 1,413
  • bududubdubdubs
    bududubdubdubs Member Posts: 12

    I'm complaining about a strategy, not a perk, obviously.

  • Xerge
    Xerge Member Posts: 928


    I'll tell you what I think the problem is; if you have four people using head on to sabotage your chases, that means that if you chase one survivor there are three other survivors waiting to use head in three different lockers; at this point it becomes a guessing game, you have to stop the chase near a locker to bait the head on three times during a chase, which makes the survivor you are chasing gain more distance if you get it wrong. And even if you manage to bait one there are still three lockers to bait that can either stun you during a chase or make the survivor you are chasing gain more distance again. If you don't see a problem with this level of coordination, I don't know what to tell you. But I would love to see you play against teams like this and in case you have already played against this strategy I'd like to see how you handle it just to get better at countering this strategy, because you sound too confident when you say "I don't see the problem".

  • bududubdubdubs
    bududubdubdubs Member Posts: 12

    ok cool so you have 3 ppl doing this dumb ######### and 1 person doing a gen. you will literally never win a chase, and eventually that 1 person is going to do all 5 gens.

  • Xerge
    Xerge Member Posts: 928
    edited November 2019

    Not it won't. It's boring and annoying as ######### to play a game like that. Like I said before I seriously could careless if none of them are touching the gens when all they're doing is coordinating head ons over and over again with the only porpuse of making the game as annoying as possible for the killer for the lulz. I play this for fun, not to get frustrated and bullied for the lulz, but if that's what dbd is all about, then I suppose camping and tunneling the ######### out of someone using and insidious leatherface just for the lulz is also acceptable, right?

  • PistolTimb
    PistolTimb Member Posts: 1,413

    If you guys are getting frustrated when the survivors aren't pressuring gens, that is a YOU problem.

  • Xerge
    Xerge Member Posts: 928
    edited November 2019

    Not at all, because when the only objective survivors have is using head on over and over again just to be annoying as #########, gens do not matter anymore; I once played with a team that told me in post game chat that they didn't care about gens, so that means they just cared about being a pain in the ass.

  • bududubdubdubs
    bududubdubdubs Member Posts: 12

    it's literally not transparent or predictable at all. you make it sound like "running past a locker" is something that is rare, and doesn't happen all the time by pure random chance.

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    If you know every survivor in the game is trying to hit you with a locker stun, you need to start taking routes around the obvious locker stun points (i.e. toward the guy who's working the gen you're approaching).

    Come around a different way, focus on kicking and regressing gens, and get as many pallets off of the map as possible. Use their perpetual inaction and hiding tactics to extend the game in your favor and clear yourself a path to get hits in when you can. Zone them away from the obvious stun choke points. They have to get out of the locker and work on gens sometime.

  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    So here is a scenario, you've gotten this stun 3 times now in 3 different chases. At this point you know what they're doing. You're paranoid it'll happen again and sure you can swing at random lockers while in a chases but once they see you doing it randomly they'll know they won and they won't need to do their strat anymore.

    To counter this strategy it depends on the Killer, who are you playing?

    If you're playing Clown then you throw the bottle at them when they pass the locker, when you get stunned that person gets slowed, switch targets and make sure you bring Iron Maiden but only if you're that on edge it'll keep happening in every match.

    Ghostface doesn't really need to chase if you play him a certain way, stealth is his strength. Stalk them or just injure them, with Nurse's you'll find them healing and if you're in stealth they won't know to run.

    Leatherface? You got a saw bro just rev that ######### up and let it fly.

    Trapper? Why put traps at loops when you can put next to lockers?

    Nurse? That stun is nothing, just keep following them, same thing with Spirit.

    You're a Plague? You know exactly what locker someone is in at all times.

    Legion? Your FF stun is 4 seconds so that dude just saved you 1 extra second of stun and Iron Maiden is that dude's perk.

    Basically use your Killer's strength if you think this happening, if you don't play your Killer the way they need you to then you will always lose. Find another way, slow down perks for Gens, NOED, there is always a way to counter a strategy you just have to think out of the box and plan for it.

    When I say plan for it I mean like right now, keep it in your head and then if it happens again you already have the knowledge of what counter strategy you can make.

  • PistolTimb
    PistolTimb Member Posts: 1,413

    But the gens still matter. They are the survivors' MAIN objective. If they don't do them, they lose. So what if you eat head on stuns? It's not like they're personally insulting your mother or kicking your dog. They're locking you in an animation for 3 seconds. Getting mad about head on is like Getting mad about a DS or surprise pallet stun. It's not game breaking or indicative of bm. This whole thread is the equivalent of Survivors complaining about tunneling and camping. Completely self centered and non sensical. I'm done with this thread as well. It was fun chatting, everybody.

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    @bududubdubdubs This is such a weird hill to die on, man. It's reasonably countered by some awareness of the map and survivor locations, plus the fact that they are somewhat sandbagging themselves with their own deliberate inefficiency. And I dunno what killers you're playing either, but there are a lot of ways you could conceivably deal with this on a power-by-power basis, if it happens to you as often as you are implying.

  • bendermac
    bendermac Member Posts: 772

    I had games like this too. Just ignore the stuns and continue the chase. If you go after the head-on guy, you wont catch anyone.

    Yes, it's annoying, but you can win these games and who's laughing then ;)

  • Xerge
    Xerge Member Posts: 928

    No, sometimes gens do not matter because they do not have some sort of absolute value on them. I understand that the primary objective of the game is doing gens, however there can be a conflict and contradiction between the primary objective of the game and the personal motives of the player who is playing the game. And if what interests the player is camping the basement to be annoying as ######### or head on the entire match to be annoying as #########, the main objectives of the game do not matter anymore to the players involved.

  • SleepyWillo
    SleepyWillo Member Posts: 2,197

    So youre complaining about being handed an easy win by survivors that dont care about gens...?

  • Xerge
    Xerge Member Posts: 928

    No, I'm complaining about how boring and annoying it is to go against people who do that. I'd rather have a fun game and only get a 2k than a 4k playing with idiots like these.

  • SleepyWillo
    SleepyWillo Member Posts: 2,197

    A lot of survivors complain about killers that camp and tunnel. But its a strat that can be useful at times. Youre basically complaining about the survivor equivalent (though head on is much worse in this instance)

  • altruistic
    altruistic Member Posts: 1,141

    “There is no counter play.”

    Open the locker.

  • TheALIEN
    TheALIEN Member Posts: 327

    *Laughs in Iron Maiden*

    Really though- I’m a normally dumb decent Killer and even I don’t fall for this autistic-me tactic...

  • Psychopathy
    Psychopathy Member Posts: 21

    Head On is also an exhaustion perk.

  • ahandfulofrain
    ahandfulofrain Member Posts: 528

    If you get run past a locker, flick your mouse and M1 the locker. If you time it right you'll at least get a hit in.

This discussion has been closed.