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If you get camped and Hard Tunneled I feel like you shouldn't Derank for it

I have gone against players who use things such as Ghostface to Facecamp while being immune to the effects of BT

Spamming crouch in front of me because they got one successful chase and the second a teammate tries to save me, with or without BT, they have just removed their terror radius so I don't get the Endurance status

I then get tunneled. I DS and try to get away but get tunneled even more, the killer running past my teammates trying to bodyblock.

I die. I lose a rank for the killer only going for me pretty much the entire game.

Even though I had completed a gen before the chase, and the chase lasted a few minutes,I just got tunneled and deranked.

This isn't just a problem for me and contributes to the toxic attitude of survivors who will run full meta SWF and teabag after every slightly decent play.

This, in turn, causes more tunneling, camping and all around toxic play from killers, repeating the process.

I don't think it would be as bad if killers were punished a little more, and survivors didn't derank from being entirely focused, as it would make less of an incentive for the killers and if survivors do not lose out as much, there will be less malice.

I say this as somebody who equally plays survivor and killer, having experienced and watched both sides of the toxicity many times over.

I'd like to see some other opinions on this.


  • justarandy
    justarandy Member Posts: 1,711

    Rank is meaningless so I personally don't care. I find myself always in red ranks, I like Depipping

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    I think the game already rewards bad survivor play and punishes good killer play too much and we definitely don't need more. I also very rarely see this much tunneling/camping that you speak of. Are you on console or at low ranks? The few times I see this are because someone was BMing the killer and asked for it.

  • Sherry
    Sherry Member Posts: 227

    If I die early in the game, then I would prefer to depip. If I continue to pip or safety pip, then I think I'll have to go against harder and harder killers. I'm terrible at chases, so I'd prefer they not make it easier to pip, if I'm clearly not doing well in a match.

    If I keep pipping after being crushed in a game, then I think it would make it to where I am crushed in more and more games. Not my favorite.

  • Eihposta
    Eihposta Member Posts: 6

    I'm starting to have that same mentality as some, I've reached red ranks and people are all for themselves xD I go into games now not to survive so to say but to help the team survive :D #iwontletmyteamdie!

  • Sherry
    Sherry Member Posts: 227

    I agree... I'm all about my team, even when sometimes they aren't. :)

  • Creepwn
    Creepwn Member Posts: 8

    I'm on PC and this happens up to like rank 6 killers commonly

    I've been punished for my teammates unhooking me in front of the killer without BT and the killer going for me instead of them, even getting tunneled more when I hit DS

  • MightyDwight
    MightyDwight Member Posts: 156

    If you genrush & run second chance perks in a SWF, the Killer should not derank.

    I mean, if you want pity because the Killer 'played toxic', the Killer should have the same thing against toxic Survivors.

  • Creepwn
    Creepwn Member Posts: 8

    I understand what you mean, I play killer too, so when I see two trails of scratch marks away from a hook I JUST left, I'll usually follow one and if it's the guy I just unhooked I'll down them (If it's early on and they've been hooked twice etc I'll just slug them)

    But when I see somebody unhook in front of me, generally I'll go for a 1-1 trade and leave the recent unhook alone afterwards

    And for me It's a difficulty getting to red ranks as my skill level is around rank 6 - 9 and every time I go on a winning streak or get one good chase I just get camped and/or tunneled, usually the killer ignoring 1 or 2 other survivors directly in their face to go for me.

  • Creepwn
    Creepwn Member Posts: 8

    I don't find that ######### fair either, I very rarely play SWF, and when I do I usually run DH and DS and whatever is for my dailies/tomes or play style of the day

    when people bring like 3 broken toolboxes and a flashlight all in a SWF it's massively unbalanced and removes a lot of the skill involved in the game. Then again, so does getting downed 3 times in a row by campers, especially early on

  • Zixology
    Zixology Member Posts: 1,062

    Dude... I WISH I deranked for it!

    It happens to me every other match and I don't want to rank up and get put in red rank hell anymore. Keep me out of it.

    If getting tunneled/camped meant that I would never rank up, I'd be totally okay with it.

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    I don't agree. That's too much hand holding.

    When you play survivor, you should be able to survive long enough to get a pip.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    I wholeheartedly agree. Especially with nearly every killer I go against camping and tunneling.