BHVR, are you going to grindwall/paywall more events to the Rift?

Title (obviously), do you plan to grindwall/paywall more events behind the Rift in future? Do you even intend on making Rift completion possible for the more casual players by reducing the grind, if you plan on doing this?
I haven’t played the game in months and probably won’t anymore until I get my own place to live, therefore more time per day to play, but if events are going to be locked behind 80+ hour grindwalls and impossible/meme challenges like the Rift and Archives are right now, I won’t have any reason to come back when I do, especially not when events happen, and I’m sure everybody who left solely because of the Rift-Archives would agree.
Please tell me you aren’t considering putting any more events behind the Rift. Withering Blight literally looks empty just on the surface, to the point where I even completely forgot the event was ongoing and had to be reminded so because someone got 40k points in the tally screen - because of event hooks. Withering Blight is a close contender for ‘worst event in the game’, I believe, if it doesn’t offer anything but weeks of grind for little payoff and doesn’t give incentive to come back and play.
I fully expect this to become the new norm.
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I really hope not, but I wouldn’t be surprised if Christmas presents were locked into the free track of the rift.
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I also hope events will not be connected to the rift.
But it's not really a pay-wall. You can anyway buy the event cosmetics, so buying them is a usual point during any event.
Like many players say, the actual event didnt really feel like an event, because you couldn't do anything special in the game, nor were the viles connected to the event offerings.
I pretty much hope the devs just wanted to combine the new rift with the event, so you can enjoy both together all at once. But in future events the rift should be separated from the events.
I think it's ok that you need to grind to get everything for free. Past events also gave you one cosmetic for free and you had to grind for the other ones. Guess they will keep it like that. The rift in my opinion didnt change that.
One cosmetic => Play through 2 tomes and a little besides that. Pretty much casual, there are still 60 days left.
Two cosmetics => Grind your viles.
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The game will decline if it does. Its already starting alot people will disagree but the way this game is now/heading its going to slowly die.
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@hudson What only required a small amount of game time to earn last year, 30 vials for a full outfit, now either requires you to grind significantly more time or pay to level up the rift. If you can pay to avoid grind but cannot possibly finish the grind because it takes too much time that you don't have or want to spend on DbD, then for you it is a paywall.
Saying that it will take two tomes, in other words four weeks, to earn what last year took one weekend is the perfect example of why this is a paywall.
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The sad truth of it all, isn't it?
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I really hope it's not gonna continue like this. It felt great back when we could get Halloween cosmetics for playing a lot during the Halloween event. The grind was reasonable and I liked it. Now with it linked to the rift it doesn't feel like part of any event (it already felt bad enough players could buy the cosmetics later), and what sucks even more is that I'm most likely gonna finish getting all vials at some point in December, far from Halloween. By then the skins are outdated and Christmas skins are probably gonna be released.
I miss the old events where you had to do specific gens with cool animations and if you did enough you'd get a new cosmetic. Even if they were just reskins (Kate, David) or new weapon/mask (Billy/Huntress) it was awesome and I felt like I was getting rewarded for playing. This event is lackluster and boring and doesn't feel like an event. I'd almost rather have vials back where your teammates would suicide shortly after.. at least that was rare.
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I understand the devs are busy of course but can we please get an official response? I think we would prefer to know a potential ‘make or break’ detail far in advance of the next event.