I have never heard Ash say this before

'Are we gonna be here all day?'
Waiting for a 4th survivor to join the lobby with an Ash in it. Not gonna lie it took some time. I have never ever heard that before. Is that new or was it just hidden? :D
Maybe you never came across before. He says that from the beginning. Especially in long waiting lobbies.
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its been in since the start @JiggleWiggle
Love all Ash's lines tbh - especially "Look who's shittin in the tall grass"
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Guess I wasn't in a lobby for that long before, thanks guys <3
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I gotta say, I'm not a fan there are lines at all. No one talks in DbD, or no one did. I would have preferred it stay that way. It is an odd direction.
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The plague talks ? and i love it.
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I gotta say, I'm not a fan there are lines at all. No one talks in DbD, or no one did. I would have preferred it stay that way. It is an odd direction.
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Well i like someone whispering lines in my ear while waiting 10 minutes for a lobby. Don't buy Ash and the plague then if you don't like it. Are you leaving lobbies with Ash in it? Im curious
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The developers stated that it's their rules to have no one talk but they broke that rule once just because they really wanted ash
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Someone doesnt like evil dead
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I love Evil Dead. Was a killer main til Ash came out. I only started playing survivor seriously after getting Ash. This is apparent when seeing that the level of my Nea blood web still has Urban Evasion on it.
Edit: meant killer main. Fixed it
Post edited by DWolfAlpha on1 -
The tv show or the old movies? Based on the movies i hoped that we would get Ash as a survivor and killer. But im fine with the puppet, dont need the chainsaw :D
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Both. More Army of Darkness, though.
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I hear ash say it at least 4 times before each match start a day. I play with a friend in Canada and matchmaking sucks so bad when we survive with each other.
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Because for a guy like Ash Williams who I iconic for his cockiness and being a badass. It would be strange if he was just another silent survivor when that goes against his character's icon.
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I don't mind it but when you're in a match and multiple Ashes join the lobby it is annoying as hell
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Hey I personally wouldn't mind being able to send heart emojis when I am about to get sacrificed.. and a couple other cute forms of gratitude "survivor is about to die from killer face camp.. *floating heart ❤️ floating heart ❤️floating heart❤️
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Definitely worth the money for that 😂
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If you’re paying for a voice actor. May as well get your monies worth, this is why I don’t play with those people. They’re always so loud. Dweet4Lyfe
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More power to you babydweet! I personally like the killer to hear me crying for his love
Also, iron will
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I wish they all had lines, especially Myers
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I laugh..............
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I'm just mad Ash has a ton of lines that were supposed to be IN-GAME and not just in menus/lobbies that got cut
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I'm sure today he said "We're never gonna complete those Tome 4 challenges.."
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I find it pointless to waste a perk when many survivors are quiet enough as it is
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People probably got sick of trying to hide and then ash being like. Kiss my grits. Literally saying it to the player rather than the killer at this point.
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I'm a fan of the lobby banter from Ash... Nothing breaks up the lobby monotony then Bruce Campbell's witty lines... Though I wish there were quite a few more :)
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The thing is though that he had lines SPECIFICALLY for IN-GAME use that are completely different than what we hear in the lobbies.
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Wouldn’t it be funny if ash could talk in matches?
Killer hooks survivors and starts to walk away.
Your crouched and hiding then you hear “WhAt NoW?”
Then you see the killer racing back towards you. ;)
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It's a pretty rare voiceline