Iridescent Heads should strictly be limited to one (1) hatchet

Letting it pair with Infantry Belt makes an already strong add on stronger - and imo, much more aggravating than the Prayer Beads on Spirit.


  • YungCloutking1
    YungCloutking1 Member Posts: 136


  • FancyMrB
    FancyMrB Member Posts: 1,250

    No and here is why:

    Huntress is a high skill killer and it takes time and work to even be decent with her... and even a decent huntress with belt and Iridescent heads is easy enough to loop and waste her 3 throws... making her have to reload or continue chase as M1 killer.

    If a team is getting wasted by Huntress with these add ons it means the survivors need to learn to play against her... zig zag, trees, and barriers ^^

    Now, a Huntress with the belt and yew seed... now that is scary!

  • Umbrae_pk
    Umbrae_pk Member Posts: 482

    Ok, so, here’s the thing. I’m a Huntress main and I can safely say that I- Head is sooooo good, that it’s too good. No one wants to play against it, which is understandable so they dc. Plus, it’s ez/ Spirit mode on Huntress and lets you sit back.

    Thus, I think I- Head needs to be reworked ENTIRELY so that people wont instantly dc when they see someone get Insta- downed and hear humming.

  • razaluna
    razaluna Member Posts: 52

    I've had the passing thought of changeing iri heads to be a piercing hatchet , making blocking hits for your team far more dangerous, but there's a chance the game could bug out and we could get the "double hit with one hatchet" glitch again

  • MisterCremaster
    MisterCremaster Member Posts: 614

    I like this.

    I'd like to see them be able to damage generators too. Could apply some good map pressure by damaging gens from a distance quickly

  • ScottJund
    ScottJund Member Posts: 1,115

    I think Iridescent Head is extremely overpowered but restricting it to only one even with a belt would make it worse than actually using no addons in my opinion. Would completely kill her snowball potential.

  • razaluna
    razaluna Member Posts: 52

    maybe a seperate iridecent item that damages gens , but cant be paired with normal iri heads, cause i can see that being too strong, for example if the piercing and gen breaking stacked you could in theory down one person , hit the second , and break a gen, all with one hatchet / or it could be made so only first hatchet of a full stack can damage a gen/ or have the gen damage effect be on a cool down, idk im just spitballing here for things that will never get put in the game

  • pemberley
    pemberley Member Posts: 1,510

    Oh please don’t be dramatic. Is this really the killer hill you want to die on? Defending Iri Infantry? There are so many other legitimate killer concerns but multiple Iri hatchets is NOT one of them. I’m not even advocating the removal of the iridescent hatchets - just limit it to one, which I think would be perfectly fair. Strong killer add ons are awesome (I love me some Spooky Myers and Seeing All Plague) but when it comes to add ons like omega blink, prayer beads, and iridescent heads - that just kills the fun for BOTH sides since survivors dc and other survivors give up, making it a really short lived and tiresome game for killers.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,068
    edited November 2019

    Yeah, Iridescent Heads/Infantry Belt are a Combo which should not exist. If I have the choice of either taking 5 Hatchets which do one Health State or 3 with Insta-Down, I go for Instadown. Furthermore, there is no additional Skill involved, because people who are already good with Huntress do not need to do anything special to use it. And most of the time they throw the Hatchets at you from 1 meter distance, even I will hit when I am that close.

    Either Iridescent Heads should trump all other Add Ons, making it one (or maybe two) Hatchets and no more.

    Or, what I have read on the Forum here: Iridescent Head should refill all Hatchets after a Hit or Down (I would prefer Down). This way it would not be broken, but also a timesaver for Huntress.

  • DeKillerKiller
    DeKillerKiller Member Posts: 547

    I agree, Killer Instadowns or Instakills require a heavy caviat in order to use them.

    Michael's Judith Myers' Tombstone makes him slower.

    Clown's Pink Finger requires him to be really precise with his aim, and even then he needs to be close to hit the survivor immediately right after.

    Billy and Leatherface's Chainsaw require the chainsaw to connect with the survivor first. With Billy requiring precise movement and Leatherface requiring the survivor to be out in the open.

    Ghostface's Mark requires him to stalk a survivor for a period of time that requires the survivor not paying attention.

    But Huntress? She just uses it like how she normally uses her hatchets. The fact that she can have 3 of them at the same time is bonkers to me.

  • Andreyu44
    Andreyu44 Member Posts: 1,527

    She becomes a low budget Billy but she needs skill to down you.

    No change needed

  • Marcus
    Marcus Member Posts: 2,047

    Iridescent Head would be completely trash and not worth using in serious builds if it couldn't stack with Infantry Belt anymore. You are better just reworking completely the add-on than nerf it in such a way.

  • KrazyKatFTW
    KrazyKatFTW Member Posts: 203

    Im fairly new to the game (3 months or so) and just started getting into Huntress and even in my noobish hands this add on felt unfair to those who faced it.

    How about if iri heads done the deep wound effect like Legion, so those hit would have 20 secs to mend?

  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768

    Iri heads are fine. No nees to jump on Huntress next.

    I mean Legion - Pig - Pig - Nurse - Pig - Spirit - Huntress - Freddy - Plague - ...

    Where's the end? All killer powers and addons useless? They are supposed to have heavy impact.

  • DeKillerKiller
    DeKillerKiller Member Posts: 547

    Look, I play Killer a lot. I know how to play pretty much all of them. And the only times I've used Iri Heads is when I want to try for Adept Huntress. Mainly because Iri Heads makes things that much more easier.

    Instadowns and Instakills for killers needs to have heavy caviats. Ending a chase or game that early should require you to work for it.

  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768

    And hitting your hatchets against a good survivor is no requirement?

  • ASAPTurtle
    ASAPTurtle Member Posts: 968

    Not every killer power needs a to resemble the strength of a God.

  • DeKillerKiller
    DeKillerKiller Member Posts: 547

    You already do that regardless of Iri Heads or not.

  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652

    And here we go

  • csandman1977
    csandman1977 Member Posts: 2,358

    Clown and huntress have same power but clown has 6? Pinky finger too op. Nerf clown next

  • DeKillerKiller
    DeKillerKiller Member Posts: 547

    Clown requires you to be precise with the bottle hits and hit the survivor in the short time frame they are intoxicated.

    Huntress can one down you from across the map. How is that the same?