Leatherface is over performing!

Like seriously I saw him 5 games in a row. Definitely over performing pls nerf. Make it so if he bumps into something while using his chainsaw the chainsaw breaks and he breaks down crying and is unable to move for the rest of the game due to how sad he is. Thank you xx
btw this is a joke. Please don’t mori me <3
I will just body block you in a corner and stay there until you DC.
Also Legion OP pls nerf.
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Pig hasn’t received enough nerfs either. Make it so she can put a trap on her own head so she can kill herself :D
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When Clown enters his own gas he suffocates and dies. <3
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When legion’s feral frenzy ends they die of a heart attack from running too long. <3
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When Nea gets sacrificed, everybody dies
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When are you guys going to stop with these pointless posts?
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When crybabies stop ruining every Killer that they actually need brain cells to go against :)
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When you Burn the Wraith out of the Spirit world you will actually burn him out of the map.
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When Huntress aims her hatchet to throw at survivors, she accidentally drops it and it lands on her head killing her instantly.
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When Ghost Face is revealed he dies out of embarrassment.
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The whole game ends as we all know Nea is the entity ;)
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When Myers stalks a survivor too long he gets arrested for harassment
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This thread is gold lmao xddd wonder which killer is going to be nerfed after spirit , I bet on billy or plague
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Plague definitely needs a nerf. If plague holds her vomit in too long then she chokes on it and dies. As for Billy they should make it so if he runs too long he falls over and chainsaws his face off :D
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Where's my basement counterplay?
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When BHVR stops doing unnecessary nerfs on high tier and mid tier killers.
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It's either going to be Doc getting nerfed or Billy getting nerfed, but im betting Doc first, then Billy, and then Freddy getting nerfed to F tier again
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The basement should be nerfed too. If a killer goes down into the basement then the entity seals off the exit trapping them for the rest of the game
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When the doctor charges his shock therapy, he accidentally shocks himself. Also he must carry a medkit so he can heal survivors
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Lol that's golden, Also add that the doctor gives himself illusions and has to snap out of it after each time he changes from treatment to punishment mode, and punishment mode to treatment mode, in which after the Doc completes a snap out of it, it gives survivors a 25% buff in everything
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Freddy also needs a change. After 60 seconds Freddy falls asleep and cannot wake up unless a survivor drops a pallet on his head. While Freddy is asleep he experiences hallucinations of dead by daylight hentai and instantly DC’s from the game
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*sees title*
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People who don’t read the part “this is a joke” in a nutshell tbh <3
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Ironically it's the killer community that looks like a bunch of crybabies by spamming the forums with sarcastic "overperforming" threads.
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Just a joke my dude. I couldn’t give a crap when they nerf spirit tbh. Just wanted to make fun of the situation about the outcry of the upcoming sprit changes.
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Your probably right. Only a matter of time XD
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Whenever trapper steps in one of his traps, he enters the dying state.
Survivors can pick the trapper up and sacrifice him! :P
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After nurse has blinked she must find her inhaler so can she exit out of fatigue otherwise her lungs explode
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Obviously Mikey needs a nerf in his stalking ability since he is able to INSTADOWN YOU!
Make it where it takes double the amount of default time to reach a full tier.
Also I think the Hillbilly needs a chainsaw nerf. I suggest he has to reload his chainsaw juice after every cooldown.
You're welcome BHVR.
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You forgot Wraith, make it so that’s he bongs the bell so hard that it breaks after first use and he becomes visible for the rest of the game
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To add on that wonderful suggestion. Make it where if a survivor uses a flashlight and burns him with it, he would melt.
Mission Passed
+ Respect
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Hag needs a nerf too. Survivors can use a new item to persuade hag not to eat them.
New item: McDonald’s voucher.
A voucher that contains a fabulous deal. Get two cheeseburgers for the price of one.
Makes the Hag leave the entity’s realm to go to McDonald’s.
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Bruh, you discovered secret lore material.
Careful, BHVR is watching you :DD
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Spirit has been over performing for too long now. When spirit exits phasing she throws up from feeling nauseous. If pallet stunned all her limbs fall off.
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Are we living in the same world? Survivors are talking about Spirit in this forum idk, since the jurassic period? Why y'all can't take a joke? It's because this jokes really represents the survivor point of view?
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I guess I'm taking things too seriously at the moment as I've been dealing with massive headaches for days now. My apologies.
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Survivors should be allowed to pull Freddy out of the Dream realm and mori him
Survivors should be able to acquire a vile of Cleansing fluid to "holy water" the plague curing her and turning her into a survivor.
Survivors should be able to "exorcise" Spirit, Granting 100,000 BP and Devotion 6.
Survivors should be allowed to Mock the Clowns poor jokes.
Survivors should be allowed to join "The Legion" turning into Killers for the remainder of the trial.
Survivors should be allowed to become understudies to the Doctor learning new perks each trial.
Survivors should be allowed call the police.
Survivors should be allowed to have cell phones.
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The Nun needs a nerf before she gets the chance to overperform...
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I honestly wish this was the case. Leather face is such a cool, scary horror icon that it’s sad he’s one of the weakest killers in Dead by Daylight.
Of course, he can be good in the right hands, but still… wish he was more of a threat and scarier. Oh yeah, and more cosmetics. Like that fancy suit and white mask he wore during that dinner scene!
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Played Leatherface and had multiple DCs. One happened as soon as I revved the chainsaw. Obviously his very existence is OP, plz nerf.
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Just like in the movies...
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No hard feelings mate. Hope you feel better soon:)
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Clown should be restricted to only being allowed to move for 30 seconds every 5 minutes as he needs to stop to take a breather
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Maybe whenever the wraith tries to uncloak, there could be a 30% chance that he accidentally drops his wailing bell and is unable to uncloak if he doesn't pick it up again.
Also, survivors could be able to pick it up, toss it around the map and hide it inside a locker.
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When she drops it, it would land a hit anyway due to the awesome hitboxes.
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If you stalk ghost face he becomes marked and does damage to himself.
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Neither billy or bubba take any skill, backrev ez instadown. Should be nerfed and make somewhat skill dependant to play.
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Dwight mains would love that