

Which side is the balance inclined for? Survivor? Killer? Balanced? Answer depending on YOUR rank

Member Posts: 2,948

I really want to know what the community perceives about the game being inclined in favour of a specific role

Please select your choice depending on your rank color

Which side is the balance inclined for? Survivor? Killer? Balanced? Answer depending on YOUR rank 44 votes

Survivor inclined (Grey and yellow ranks)
2 votes
Killer inclined (Grey and yellow ranks)
3 votes
Balanced (Grey and yellow ranks)
1 vote
Survivor inclined (Green ranks)
3 votes
Killer inclined (Green ranks)
Balanced (Green ranks)
4 votes
Survivor inclined (Purple or red ranks)
23 votes
Killer inclined (Purple or red ranks)
3 votes
Balanced (Purple or red ranks)
5 votes

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  • Member Posts: 2,948
    edited November 2019
    Survivor inclined (Purple or red ranks)

    I'm actually selecting this cause all I see in red ranks are Spirits, Nurses and Freddys, I can escape a good Freddy, sometimes a good spirit and never a good nurse.

    I mean, it's survivor inclined if the killer IS NOT Spirit, Freddy or Nurse

    @Allhel1 What do you think?

  • Member Posts: 56
    Killer inclined (Purple or red ranks)

    In the past 2 months all I’ve seen is Spirit, Doctor, and Trapper but from what I’ve been experiencing it’s almost felt as if the killers have 5 perks sometimes well that and the doctor’s full map insane range and you can never fully snap out of it. I also don’t think that almost all the killers should have a 4.6 running speed there’s not really a variation. That and there’s been a lot of issues with demogorgon, Michael, and Spirits attacks clipping through walls and downing people.

  • Member Posts: 10
    Survivor inclined (Purple or red ranks)

    I picked survivor inclined because the game is heavily survivor sided for 90% of the killers but a good nurse or spirit can shred any survivor group.

  • Member Posts: 416
    Survivor inclined (Purple or red ranks)

    Survivor, Devs bend over cause of survivors DCing all the time cause something wasn't going their way or they make an obvious screw up and blame the killer being too OP when gens are massively more op that ruin is a basic perk in every build as a result, that's not good

  • Member Posts: 14,110
    Survivor inclined (Purple or red ranks)

    My reasoning for this is map design.

  • Member Posts: 1,238
    Balanced (Purple or red ranks)

    the devs have arranged things for both sides during this time like insta-heals (for killers) and nurse (for survivors

  • Member Posts: 2,948
    Survivor inclined (Purple or red ranks)

    You mean large maps? Care to elaborate? I'm interested in this argument

  • Member Posts: 14,110
    Survivor inclined (Purple or red ranks)

    Auto haven, Azzoravs (dunno how to spell it lol) these maps have really open non-mind game able loops. Haddonfield has so many safe houses that it can be awful for killers.

  • Member Posts: 1,147
    Survivor inclined (Purple or red ranks)

    Survivors definitely have the upper hand. Especially after my Main's nerf.

  • Member Posts: 2,246
    Survivor inclined (Purple or red ranks)

    Survivors, i barely play anything but with my set group. 4 people and when you play optimal you just wreck all killers (sure not all and props to those who actually somehow managed to win) that is such a rare occurance.

    So yeah as omega blink/5 blink nurse etc was possible so is this. BHVR needs to step up and balance survivor like they balanced nurse for the cases such as these.

  • Member Posts: 45
    Balanced (Purple or red ranks)

    The only thing that makes the game lean in favor of survivors are a few maps or survive with friends (at times).

    When I get a certain map as a certain killer I just know that I'm gonna need extra work to get those kills...

    Maps affect Balance the most I think. Which perks survivors are running and which killer at which map.

    People get frustrated at this game a lot, but there is a luck factor. And that is what people nag on all the time without realizing. Sneaky killers are great in maps with a lot of LOS blockers. But when you play myers in open fields it gets a little harder. And playing Billy in Lery's is annoying.

    But I think it is part of it... games are not that long... people just need to not care too much about one particular game and enjoy the game when you get a good map

  • Member Posts: 13,037
    Balanced (Purple or red ranks)

    I mainly play Demogorgon here

    Its fun only in the purple ranks sadly as Red Ranks are a stress train

  • Member Posts: 1,493
    Killer inclined (Purple or red ranks)

    i run solo so it is almost always leaning towards the killers favor, but if i was in a 4-man SWF then it lean's toward survivors IMO

  • Member Posts: 93
    Survivor inclined (Purple or red ranks)

    I also would like to see a killer get buffed instead of nerfed.

    K ... Freddy seems to be buffed, but I guess that was by accident, cause they just wanted to get rid of the old dream world mechanic, which I acutally enjoyed.

    But where is the buff for leatherface and clown??

    Therefore survivor perks seem to get a buff all the time, maybe except for borrowed time.

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