What the hell Devs has doing with the Nurse? Shes garbage now ! and more ...

I don´t want to talk with any Dev or any Mod about the changes....but im so tired to see what they has done with the Nurse. She is a garbage killer now a big garbage !! ..and don´t tell me how to play her. I play on Red Ranks ....3600h i spend in DBD and i have seen so many stuff on history.
She was my Mainkiller ! and now... ? who´s next ???
The Spirit ? and then Billy and continue so on ? ... because some community member are crying here on the Forum ? Survivor is so easy to rank up and pip at the momend. Everyone knows that. The Devs know that. They have the statistics and they see it.
So why they change nothing on the highrank games...Survivors trolling you and rushing you down. They force us to play with crapperks like ruin and stuff to slow down a little bit the game and if you don´t.... Survivors rushing you down with 5 minute games. This has nothing to do with gameexperience and this is not fun.
This is a Pain ! and i don´t spend any cent in the future in Dead by Daylight if they change nothing in the future.
Some ppl think this is a Baitpost ?, no this here has nothing to do with bait. This is the truth and my opinion
Greetings a rly mad Killermain
Just use her ultra rare addon to move at 4.6 and loop with the survivors, 4head! She's is still good, just git gud and M1 them, baby killer!!1!11
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Its 4.2
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She wasn't fun silly goose !!! Use the addon to make them scream and the one that turns her into a loopable killer. I heard SWF loves those add-ons.
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The addon that turns her 4.6 is surprisingly good.
I actually love new Nurse, just wish framerate was better on ps4
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Nurse isn't even that bad after her nerfs, and I doubt you're even a high enough rank to be affected by her "nerfs" she still plays the same and completely ignores pallets and walls unless you have her iridescent add-on, even then her blink is still able to be made fast af.
I think you're just bad fam
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Are you a red rank nurse main @horsegod386 ?
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Im not a nurse pro but I played her enough to get used to her (maxed leveled her to purple ranks). I do think she needs a slight change or maybe a baseline .5 second buffer on her chain blink charge or a shorter stun on her first blink to make her less punishing. They really didn't nerf her, they made her more clunky to play, but they have cleaned up some of her power interactions I notice I don't have weird blinks and floaty blink animation as much as I used to.
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I've gone up against nurses a few times and they're still pretty good. Idk why everyone is complaining. Sorry that anyone who hates her now hates change. Try to adjust. At least try. And if you can't, switch to a different killer. Simple.
Don't act as if life is over because her blinks now have a charge timer.
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Post edited by redbeard92 on3 -
She's not garbage, just not S tier anymore.
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Well nurse was able to play fair, have a decent match, you didn't need to play optimal, now you do. I played with her for abit this weekend, to me it seems that people enjoy this far less than my playstyle before but that is what the devs wanted.
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She's fine, but unfun and clunky af.
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she is still strong but other killers are stronger now. just run in a straight line and your are fine as long the nurse is using no addons. also she is not fun to play anymore with this bs they did to her base kit. other killers are more fun now.
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Omg even worse, what a garbage addon but hey "ultra rare" lol
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dude the nurse is still op af people on console are playing her more now and completely wrecking teams into oblivion
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What? You just said Legion is a good killer m8.
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1) Legion has nothing to do with this
2) have you ever tried the addon? I was skeptical at first,but I had success with it. People dont even try to loop you and you become a normal killer with a slightly better lunge.
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I did a really long PTB review over all addons and her base change.
I tried the addon with Bad Mans last on indoor maps, the best combination of it, and it was okay at red ranks. I got two or three kills most times, but you also have to consider, that no one is used to her new addons. On an outdoor map against good survivors it's a meme, not more.
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that has nothing to do with being op but with the nonexistence of the killer before that which is odd since the killer was stronger
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He said she’s garbage now, and she’s not.
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oh no, how dare they implement a 3 second cooldown before you can double blink again :O
yeah the killer is complete trash now. unplayable. waiting a full 3 seconds for my double blink? are these devs insane?!
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I have no problems playing her, she's still the same for the most part the only thing she suffers on is huge maps but she still destroys survivors close and mid range.
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Nurses pre-nerf: Git gud survivors.
Nurses when you tell them to git gud:
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You know it is kinda like the argument about old freddy being viable. Yeah you can 4k however it has lots of frustration due to the cd mechanic, i doubt you are able to comprehend as all you do is try to flamebait.
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You're using an addon to turn you into an M1 loopable killer with no power. Not only is the addon not good but it's literally nerfing yourself intentionally.
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God, these "mimimimimi, nurse is GARBAGE now, mimimimimi" are really annoying. Cannot believe that u guys are serious. She is still strong and her new addons are awesome. I don't play her often and in green ranks and violet ranks I still get 3ks and 4ks. So pls stop this nonsense.
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I can still get 4k, as long as the map is not an obstacle (Lery's).
The funny thing is that they still do DC when they realize you're good. 😂
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Nurse is still hands down the best Killer, but she is in my opinion not that much fun to play anymore like she used to be.
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She has 2 "speed limiters", your opinion about the addons is wrong.
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Perhaps if we made survivors fatigue every time they dropped a pallet and then had a cooldown on running they would understand
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Green ranks? XDDD
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I've said this before, I’ll say it again, my biggest complaint about Nurse now is how the counter to her new cooldowns is “run add ons lol.” I loved Nurse partially BECAUSE you didn’t want to run add ons if you were good. She was the best killer to play for the budget player...get your perks and you don’t need to ever invest points in her again. The fact that THAT has been 100% inverted is bullshit. Just increases the grind and continues to play against the idea that add ons should be optional bonuses, not required to be practical
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is it me trying to bait or is it me not being able to take someone serious who tries to tell me that the strongest killer in the game would be garbage tier?
ive been discussing this exact same topic over and over again. in the end, ppl will not want to give in and rather end up throwing the exact same argument at me over and over, turning in endless circles, so i wont even start a pointless discussion in the first place.
fact is: nurse, with her base power, is still able to ignore any defenses survivors have and end chases ridiculously quickly without really leaving survivors with any real counterplay to it, this has never changed. you just wait 3 seconds longer before you can doubleblink now.
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So when the discussion is pointless, why do you participate in it? The irony of that is kinda funny.
Fact is: Nurse does not ignore any defenses survivors have, she has never done that and will never do. Survivors have counterplay to it, always had and when you are unable to reproduce the counterplay you should try to copy survivors who can and do so.
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3 second cool down is a big deal, you can't traverse the map as quickly because you don't want to lose the survivors. And the survivor can make alot of distance in that time where you need the blinks to just catch up but the coolddown loses them again. I generally have to wait for survivors to make a mistake and corner themselves to get the hit.
The add-ons are meh, i'm assuming the add-ons were designed before the cool down was decided as there are multiple "speed limiters".
For me the biggest issue is how frustrating and unfun the nurse is now, mistiming the charge so you don't get the second blink is annoying, being add-on dependant is also frustrating.
Lastly it's a little more than 3 seconds if you count the charge time, it would be nice if they allowed the cooldown to continue even if you are charging the blink.
This is coming from a PS4 player.
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You probably play in ranks 10+ with dumb survivors or you are lying. Shes trash right now. I prefer to play every other killer instead.
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Saying that shes able to ignore objects its not a valid argument at all. Right now the most profitable way to play her is using spasmodic breath taking away your blinks, and that talks by itself. Blinks are garbage.
First of all im talking about her by playing in rank1-2. And i can tell that shes in an unplayable state, the lunge has been shortened either by servers issues or shadow nerfs, and those terrible tp charges makes imposible to reduce the distance between survivors.
Teleporting through line of sight blockers its a lotery, you are too slow at tp traveling for getting a hit and you don't have addons to increase that like before, its very easy to avoid as a survivor and you will probably miss or have to wait for a tp recharge and while doing that they are miles away.
Only mashochists play her now.
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She's slower than 115% killer at base range now. I don't think you play Nurse. Not trying to be combative, but if you don't think 3 seconds is a big deal, I don't believe you actually play Nurse. Maybe I'm wrong. It's not about double blinking quickly in chase. It's about performing basic killer functions now like finding survivors and moving across the map. What other killer needs add ons just to patrol adequately?
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No, but I was talking about the op. My friend is a red rank killer and he still says nurse is still the best killer in the game. @Uxoricide
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She is not garbage, she is balanced, deal with it now you can't do 5 blinks or super Blink to cross the entire map and that's fair.
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People who say that base Nurse was fine can't get ez 4k anymore , and refuse to 'adapt' . This door only swings to survivor side right ?
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Can confirm. I play like a rank 15 but I'm rank 3. Literally took me 3 days of casual playing to get there
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I said this in another Nurse rant post. This change will weed out all of the bad killers who got to red rank abusing omega blink that didn't belong there. Actual skilled Nurse players will still destroy with her at red rank and will adapt to it.
By the sounds of it you looked up "WhAtS STonGeST KILeR DbD" then just spammed that to red rank. You still have Spirit for the time being.
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Nice troll post kid. And btw i almost never used the "omega" blink. If you really played nurse so much you will know that those aren't her best addons.
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Nurse is still the strongest killer. The cooldown for her blinks is barely noticeable, and as long as you're accurate with your blinks, the nerf won't even matter. You'll still dominate survivors as long as you don't mess up your blinks. If you don't believe me go watch OhTofu's "New Nurse is Still Insanely Good" video.
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Those survivors belong to rank 20.. he didn't equip any gen rushing perk and they only did 3 gens.. that speak by itself of how bad they are. If you are going to take that video seriously... Ill lost faith in humanity
Oh and btw, that vid is a PTB video.. people don't play seriously in PTBs.
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Actually it's closer to 5 seconds.and that's with the green addon to reduce the cooldown...five seconds of free distance and ability to move potentially out of los..its honestly degrading that they added the change under the table like they did
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5 seconds - 3 of them will be spend in the normal fatigue though.
so you only have an additional 2 seconds to wait.