Keep complaining about Spirit

And I’ll just burn through my stock of SM and BW as Myers give y’all something to really moan and complain about.
same with Iri hatchets gg ez
Scratched mirror op lol? Not sure what BW is?
Fragrant tuft 3 gen Myers is about the most annoying build / playstyle he has.
I imagine iridescent hatchets will be changed soon though.
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That's more enjoyable than going against spirit so please do
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Oh no, Myers and huntress over performing. Nerf them now
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I have spine chill
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People really need to stop crying and "git gud" at mindgames.
Spirit doesn't bother me at all anymore after i watched this short guide on how to counter her. Very reliable too, so watch and learn :)
Nerf Legion and Pig, Spirit who?
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Don't forget to nerf Wraith, Clown, and Trapper as well. Just in case they might over perform
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Boring to play against
No counterplay
How dare you?
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I just play Tombstone Meyers when survivors complain too much.
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I have lockers
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I love facing spooky Michael. So much fun with those jump scares. Lucky survivors who get in your lobby.
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scratched mirror is a thousand times more fun then spirit in general
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And bring an ebony mori with you just in case.
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The irony that you think that those first two are actually unfun to go up against in comparison. 😂
Also, is it me or are we seeing more posts complaining about the actual complaints?
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Yep. Killers on these forums actually whine and cry 10 times more than survivors do. There was probably like 10 nerf spirit posts and we have like a 100 don't nerf spirit or stop crying survivors posts lmao.
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But scratched mirror is fun though.
Regardless, threatening to go out of your way to make people upset just because they dare to state something you disagree with is pretty sad in my opinion. And I don't mean the use of the addons themselves, you make it pretty obvious you'd specifically put them on "to give people something to complain about" 😄
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Yeah, at least I can say most of the posts asking for Spirit changes have somewhat of an argument and present ideas on how she could be changed.
Though many are just ignoring anything being said but going to other threads and saying people are just asking to nerf her without any legitimate reasons.
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This is also the counter play to people that think teabagging or camping is toxic
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Gg bro.
Complain about her? Well give you more to complain about...
Till devs nerf all killers, so we will happily leave this game and those damn swf will queue 4h for a single game. Take that
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What did you try to prove honestly. Lol.