

Which map is the best designed?

Member Posts: 6,807

A lot of people have said that this games biggest problem is it's map design. And that's fair, however that brings up the question of what a well designed map actually looks like?

So the question is: What is the best designed map and why?

Note that this is about balance and gameplay. I'm not interested in which map looks the best, just which one plays the best.

Which map is the best designed? 79 votes

MacMillan Estate
19 votes
Autohaven Wreckers
16 votes
Coldwind Farm
3 votes
Crotus Prenn Asylum
2 votes
Backwater Swamp
Red Forest
8 votes
7 votes
Yamaoka Estate
4 votes
8 votes
Hawkins National Laboratory/Léry's Memorial Institute
12 votes

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  • Member Posts: 6,807

    Note that the options that were put together were done so because I can only have 10 options. This unfortunately meant that I could not fit in an "other" option as well.

  • Member Posts: 1,936

    I choose this for springwood, not haddonfield

  • Member Posts: 6,807
  • Member Posts: 1,936

    I think it's a pretty balanced map. Not many safe pallets, no insane loops, mostly great totem spawns. This is how maps should be in the future.

  • Member Posts: 2,919
    Autohaven Wreckers

    Easily Autohaven. There is a reason why these are some of the only maps that are good for Huntress. You have a variation of very safe zones and dead zones. You’re able to mindgame most pallets that put survivor skill vs killer skill.

    I know you specifically didn’t ask for this but Ormond is a beautiful map. Honestly not the worst map balance wise.

  • Member Posts: 3,703

    Gideon/The Game =

    Multiple levels.

    Grisly decor.


  • Member Posts: 928


  • Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 23,590

    The difficulty for me in this post is that two maps are together - Haddonfield & Springwood, Springwood is now a very well designed map (with the exception of one window which I am not keen on), it has a great amount of pallets but not every single pallet is safe, so there's mindgames to be had. Haddonfield on the other hand, I would say that map needs work.

    Same with Hawkins Lab & Hospital, although I don't feel as strongly about Hospital as I do about Haddonfield...but i do think it needs some attention. I love Hawkins Lab, although it's tough on a survivor I do like that there is a decent amount of pallets and there is some outplay from that point of view.

  • Member Posts: 547
    Hawkins National Laboratory/Léry's Memorial Institute

    In my opinion Hawkins/Lery's are some of the most well designed maps. As a Survivor you need to learn the map's layout to play optimally, as a Killer you have the element of surprise. Which in my opinion is what should a map be in this game.

  • Member Posts: 41
    Hawkins National Laboratory/Léry's Memorial Institute

    Hawkins is absolutely stunning. I might still suck at navigating it, but it's freaking amazing.

  • Member Posts: 6,807

    Yeah sorry about that. It would only let me use up to 10 options so I had no choice but to group some.

    I chose haddonfield and springwood because they are both the houses maps and I chose the indoor maps for a similar reason to group.

    Ideally I wouldn't have to group any of them but eh technical limitations I guess

  • Member Posts: 4,172

    I think its a tough choice.

    Because tiles are still subject to RNG some maps can or cannot be "balanced" better than others. It also depends on what killer you are playing. If you put Billy on Fractured cow shed vs Rotten fields you will see a world of difference.

    Then you have polarizing maps like Lery/Hawkins, both of these maps I personally enjoy however some killers (mobility) struggle on these maps.

    Given the element of RNG and the asymmetrical core of this game I'm not confident enough to judge anything "balanced".

  • Member Posts: 3,786
    edited November 2019
    Red Forest

    Personally I like a lot Mother's Dwelling, I think it has a fair amount of pallets/windows, many trees to favour stealthiness (also for killers) and the buildings offer many mindgames for both sides

  • Member Posts: 1,493

    Springwood only

  • Member Posts: 4,125

    Ormond, not too many hiding spots that would waste the killers time to much trying to find them. Many open ways to reach the other side of the map fast without taking to many alternative routes. The big house in the middle is really well designed and balanced.

    Good and balanced pallet loops and jungle gyms. Decent totem spots and a nice colouring of the map that doesnt give some survivor outfits a too good hiding potential. There are none complete white cosmetics for survivors yet.

    No killer has a big disentvantage, you would NEVER say to this map, ah ######### i am so ######### as "this and this" killer.

  • Member Posts: 1,493

    but its super cold, if im nea my arms get goosebumps

  • Member Posts: 4,125


    Tell it to the hag or wraith with his bare feet :D

  • Member Posts: 558
    Crotus Prenn Asylum

    I like Crotus Prenn. Nobody ever complains about Crotus Prenn. It doesn't shut down any killers or make them op. Crotus Prenn is good.

  • Member Posts: 399
    Red Forest

    Mother's Dwelling for me. Heck, any map with a nice landmark in the middle with some decent loops locations all around is good for me.

    Temple of Purgation is cool but the temple itself would benefit from some changes, specially in the lower floor.

  • Member Posts: 13,671
    Hawkins National Laboratory/Léry's Memorial Institute

    I really hate that you had to put those two together as I like Hawkins but don't like Lery's.

    I find it pretty crazy how many people are saying Autohaven, Red Forest, Haddonfield, or Ormand. Other than the corn maps those are some of THE worst designed and unbalanced maps.

  • Member Posts: 6,807

    Again sorry. Technical limitations meant I HAD to put some of them together.

  • Member Posts: 13,671
    Hawkins National Laboratory/Léry's Memorial Institute


    I feel like people are ranking these more based aesthetically rather than actual balance design even though you said not to.

  • Member Posts: 399
  • Member Posts: 1,238
    Hawkins National Laboratory/Léry's Memorial Institute

    (Hawkins)I think its the best designed map but not optimal for some players

  • Member Posts: 720
    Autohaven Wreckers

    I'd say Autowreckers is the best map to be survivor favor.

    Coldwind for Killers.

  • Member Posts: 6,807

    Doesn't that make neither of them the best map? Since you just said that they are both unbalanced in one sides favor?

  • Member Posts: 197

    Badham is great, Haddonfield is the spawn of satan, why would you put them together? One map is quite good with lots of unsafe pallets and good chase areas, and the other is an abusable mapwide infinite

  • Member Posts: 110
    MacMillan Estate

    I wish Auto haven and Macmillan were put together because I feel those maps are very similar and pretty well balanced. Obviously some parts of the map aren't balanced (looking at you Ironworks window or Wretched Shop windows) they both have a decent amount of pallets that aren't too strong and are decently sized maps.

  • Member Posts: 110
    MacMillan Estate

    I agree with Lery's because I feel with that map you need to have good awareness and asses the windows and pallets near you to think of which ones are safe. It makes for fun gameplay and something that's different since it's not just mindless looping.

    For Hawkins I have a different opinion. Where as on Lery's you never know if the room your running is safe or not and you need to figure out how to use on, on hawkins every room you run in will have a guaranteed 1 or 2 safe pallets and a safe vault. It just isn't as fun as Lery's.

  • Member Posts: 1,737
    MacMillan Estate

    Shelter woods. That is, until they turn it into Pallet woods again.

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