Does hitting a killer with head on increase you chances of being tunnelled or camped?

Does hitting a killer with head on increase you chances of being tunnelled or camped? 84 votes
I've seen killers in a chase with an injured survivor, get Head-On'd and then go for the Head-On'er. Then get Head-On'd again and redirect to Head On'er #2
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Depends on the killer
Depends who it is. I've had people who facecamp me for daring to use HO, whereas other killers let me go for getting off the stun multiple times in a match; the DS-HO-Firecracker Wombo Combo is most likely to cause a facecamp, whereas saving someone with it is most likely to result in respect (as well as salt) because that's really hard to pull off solo. So yeah, it all depends on the player themself.
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Depends on the killer
Depends, some killers used to let me go after a good head on.
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Never happened to me.
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Depends on the killer
Definetely. I have seen killers throw the entire match just to watch that one Head-Oner die on the hook. Head On definetely replaced Decisive Strike as the ultimate trigger the killer perk, and most survivor who do that are fully aware of it.
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Had a game recently where a survivor HOed me twice, interrupting chases with other survivors RIGHT before I could down them. It was at that point...I needed to see them die...
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Depends on the killer
If I'm going for the last Adept I need, then absolutely no mercy to anyone. If I am having a casual game though, then it's 50/50, erring on the side of not camping. (I don't camp because less fun for everyone on both sides.)
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Depends on the killer
While I think it strictly depends on the person playing Killer, in my personal experience it's been like this:
If you use Head On to somehow save yourself or save a teammate, you might get chased but not tunneled nor camped, because you acted in an altruistic or survivalist way, and the Killer probably gets this too. Probably.
If you use it for the lols/to try and get into the Killer's nerves and they notice this, then yes, 100% tunneled and perhaps a bit of camping.
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Nobody likes being stunned, although I’ve never done it.
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I'd say yes.
For myself it's not about tunneling, more about making sure they die over other people if the opportunity presents itself. (two left, one might get hatch, which do I hate more sort of scenario.)
While I'm glad it's actually working as a perk now, I find it very frustrating how little counterplay there is to it. You can KNOW a survivor has Head On, you can KNOW what locker they're in, but there's nothing you can do about it besides get stunned or leave them.
You can try the move where you walk in front of the locker then quickly move back out of the way, but that's such a 50/50 move, especially with dedicated servers on.
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Not from my experience, coming from a regular Head On user
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if we are after rank, nothing is going to increase or decrease the odds that a killer will "tunnel" "camp" or otherwise chase after you, other than you playing killer. It is our job to do so. Defend hooks, break generators, chase you across the map, realize we are being looped, ignore you, go after someone, pay attention to survivors with troublesome perks/addons/items and try to get rid of them first, and pretty much to sacrifice you to the entity. some people don't seem to care about rank. this game really needs a proper casual mode.
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I use it a lot and it doesn't seem like it. If I get head on:ed by a survivor, just good for them but I don't tunnel anybody. I pick whoever is the best target at the time.
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Depends on the killer
If i get Head On'ed, i will transport you to the gates and bow down to my meme overlord
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Depends on the killer
It really Depends
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For me, when people use Head On, it means they're exhausted now and gives me a better chance to get them.
If someone throws themselves in front of me I'll give them the hit, but otherwise, why pass up the chance to get someone who wanted to get a cheeky stun?
Has nothing to do with being butthurt about being stunned, more so that I know they're exhausted now and can't keep running around forever.
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Depends on the killer
It also depends on how it's used. If you use it to get out of a sticky spot (such as the basement after being saved), they'll usually leave you alone for example. If you do so to save someone after being picked up, it also depends. I think ultimately depends on the killer. There's some that'll camp you for daring to bring in an exhaustion perk or existing in the trial.
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It certainly doesn't decrease your chance. Personally, it depends if they're SWF. If they're toxic SWF I'll probably be more toxic. If they're meming SWF, I'll play along or hook depending on my mood. If they're solo, I just respect cuz I know from experience it's hard to use head on without friends
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...if you take the wee-wee with're gonna come a cropper.