I’m tired of pig getting the short end of the stick

Now I know there’s been countless threads on pigs RNG but c’mon now, you’re really gonna have 2 survivors get their RBT off on their first box at the same box?? I know pigs traps aren’t meant to be lethal, but they are meant to stall the game, how is she supposed to do that when her power doesn’t even work for her? If you guys were gonna make her RBTs useless you can at least let her reuse them.
I agree on all points i personally would like to see her have the ability to replenish traps your so limited to such few for whole match its really sucks
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Honestly her traps are fine the way they are. She just needs an add-on rework, something to compensate for the EGC nerf and qol changes. Sometimes they find it in the first box, sometimes the last. It’s supposed to be a saw game of finding your key in the time limit, not “get your trap off after searching 3 times”.
@DevourOfSalt there’s an addon for an extra trap but it’s never really necessary. Adding extra jigsaw boxes is always your best bet with her addons.
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Make it so that every bleep on the trap emits an audio of her squeal.
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I'm of the opinion that the range in variance for the Pig is a bit too high and that there needs to be a little more consistency in the Pig's favor. I think first box being auto-fail could go a long way in helping her out in this regard.
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I think, at the very least, the first box you search should be the wrong one no matter what. That way, her power works at least a little bit instead of the survivor walking to the nearest box (that could be right next to them) and having the trap off less than 30 seconds after it was put on.
Also, Rule Set No. 2 should be basekit.
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I would like to see some kind of lasting effect, not sure the balance issues but something like mangled the rest of the game after removing a trap? To similar bleeding yourself out to get the key.
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Leaked patch notes for the new chapter
Pig can now only place one trap per survivor and survivors will always take it off on the first try.
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XD they have done the job by then. 12 seconds of search time plus travel time usually amounts to 30 to 40 seconds on first Box. Even with great skill checks your looking at someone not playing for roughly 1/4 to 1/2 gen at average.
Use Ruin, PGTW, Thrilling Tremors, and BBQ and Chili. Keep 2 traps in play at all times. For addons use Last Will and Interlocking Razor/ Tampered Timer with Crate of Gears or Jigsaws Sketch (purple one). This let's the RBT be as effective as possible.
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Making the first box wrong automatically feels cheap to me and doesn’t fit with the saw theme.
Yeah I think we all agree rule set no 2 should be base kit. Getting traps off before it even triggers makes her powerless.
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You might like this video I did on reworking Pig to make her more viable.
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Rule set number 2 at base wouldn't help at all. If would incite people to do the gen first and then search for a box. That's the opposite of what you want. If anything the trap should he active after leaving your Terror Radius.
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While I agree that pig is getting bashed by nerfs all the tme, auto-fail is as lame as free escapes.
Whatever they do, she needs addons like the doctor's files... Each affecting both her rbt/boxes and her crouch...
Pig could use a power bar (please dont kill me before reading the rest).... As a visible timer for when the next trap reloads. That's it, i want her to regenerate a trap every 45+ seconds.
Mostly i think they should re-implement inactive traps killing in the exit.
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You know how traps work right? It works both ways. If they work on gens then their traps trigger, if they go search for jigsaw boxes then they waste time. It’s a win-win. The point is with jigsaw auras being visible, they can remove their traps so quickly before they even activate and therefore make the traps useless.
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Well actually it does with Amanda that is
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I know how they work considering I main her among Spirit and Huntress. I think RSN2 at base is a just horrible idea. Talk all you want, but at the end of the day the RBT usually helps save your gatekeeper score. Not meant to actually kill.
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Never said it was meant to kill. Who the hell cares about the gatekeeper score? Stay on topic kiddo
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Correct me if I am wrong, but isn't Amanda's whole schtick in Saw that she rigs the games to be unfair?
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It has become a meme at this point.
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I always thought this too, Amanda never played fair, to be honest the traps shouldn’t come off at all. That would be too strong basically giving the players a two minute timer to die but something unfair fits her.
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Literally everyone who plays this game at any rank above brown and yellow ranks. Lmao you result to a insult because your unable to actually make a conversation man. Keep it civil please.
This was made by @Peanits in another Pig thread based on RBT times for RSN2 base.
150 seconds, 4 boxes. 150 / 4 = 37.5 seconds per box.
A box takes 12 seconds to search. 37.5 - 12 = 25.5 seconds to get to the next box.
You move at 4.0m/s. 4 x 25.5 = 102m.
As long as each box is within 102m of the last one (and that's wicked far), you'll be able to do it in time. This is assuming the absolute worst case scenario and your key is in the last box you check.
And the same for tampered timer:
120, 4 boxes. 120 / 4 = 30 seconds per box.
30 - 12 = 18 seconds to get to the next box.
4 x 18 = 72m
As long as the boxes are within 72m, you're fine. Little tighter, but still very doable. (Tampered Timer or + Jigsaw's Sketch works out to the same time per box.)
So ultimately, it's still probably not going to kill them anyway unless they're really unlucky. For fun, let's just do TT + JS.
120 / 5 = 24
24 - 12 = 12
12 * 4 = 48m
Each box needs to be within 48m (3 tiles). That's pretty tight timing. If you get unlucky (maybe another survivor does a generator while you're still on the hook), you're going to die. Yes it'd be a buff, but that would be absolutely awful for gameplay. You wouldn't have gotten outplayed, you just got unlucky because of someone else's mistake.
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What for? traps are supposed to stall the trial by directing the survivors to a secondary objective, if taking a trap takes X seconds what does it matter if they go right away after an unhook, or after a gen, or if the trap is ticking or not, its X seconds wasted anyway, it wouldnt fix anything.
Imo I think is better if they go untrap right after an unhook since you can control, to a degree, where you hook and use a far away hook, if it activates after a gen they might be near a box after finishing one, and at green ranks or higher they will go after a gen instead of searching the map aimlessly.
The problem with RBT is not when survivors get rid of it or if they are activated when they do it, its how much time they waste by removing it and changes should be aimed towards that goal.
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Really? Have you seen Saw 3 where all the traps are rigged to fail? Having the first box be a dud is exactly what Amanda would do. As a Survivor if you are expecting the first box to fail then you know that one of the other 3 must have the key and you know you're wasting time with this box and it's meant to waste time. Sure it does feel cheap I totally agree with that, the system they have now is pretty fair and might actually be better than making it a percentage chance but we'll never know until they let us test it ourselves or at least show us the results of them testing it this way.
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Not bad changes, I do like that like every Killer in the game she can reload her power, why isn't this a thing? You don't see Huntress just running around with no Hatchets once she's used them all, she reloads at a locker. Activating once they're put on makes them more dangerous and being able to take them off at their first box won't matter because you can just put another one on. Her Ultra Rare sounds pretty cool too as it acts just like her traps are right now, it punishes you doing a Gen.
Also FYI they recently made it where Ghostface also has a tiny delay in his TR going away when he activates stealth, this is actually a buff as it confuses Survivors into thinking he's run off somewhere else rather than ''he just went into stealth''.
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Then at that stage why is the add-on an ultra rare it's potentially actively detrimental to her playstyle.
I've heard the comment that making it base kit would do more harm than good but everytime I hear it all I think is then why the hell am I wasting an ultra-rare slot on something that does more harm than good
Post edited by Volfawott on0 -
No idea on why honestly.
Personally I view it as a hindrance, but it's still good. It really depends on how you want to use Pig truthfully. Overall it would be more harmful in the long run.
Right now as is RBT usually stall gens so people can get RBT off safely within SwF groups and randoms who are decent. This provides time which is a good thing. If RSN2 was base it would encourage doing Gens ASAP to avoid traps being active and to get it off.
Without RSN2 RBT currently stalls and suggest not to gen rush until a survivor is safe. Which let's you deploy more RBT in general. Which further stalls the game and saves emblem.
With RSN2 RBT encourages doing the objective so to prevent the RBT from being used more often. Which means less RBT will be used and active. While this has its upsides it hurts your emblems score and your less likely to use all of your RBT.
Long story short
Without RSN2 is better at all ranks.
With RSN2 is better at lower ranks where survivors will search before gens to do because that's a logical thing for newer players.
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I haven’t seen anyone else mention this in the thread, but Skorpionz who is a Pig main Twitch streamer, has visited/is visiting Montreal to be ‘an advisor for Behaviour, and can’t say more than that’...
Might be that we find out more in the future ;P
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I don't know if it's just my experience but when I play Amanda a lot of survivors don't give a crap whether someone has a bear trap on or not.
Unless you're a really widespread map with the boxes all spread out it's usually more than enough time for you to get your trap off before you die.
survivors would just complete generators regardless once your bed trap is active it doesn't really matter if a generator is completed.
If you're going to improve on the store potential of a bear trap they would have to implement a penalty for actually completing a generator whilst reverse bear traps are in play for example an add-on that takes away 15 seconds from the reverse bear trap every time a generator is completed
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Poorly designed addon, like the old Waterlogged Shoe from Hag, it was also terrible and a hindrance (it isnt super good now either) or the old Black Box from Freddy.
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It depends on the start you have in my experience. Still there's a few more downsides to having RSN2 then without is all.
Ya I'm generally curious as a Pig main myself.
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i just recently had a game with a streamer i like (SWF, but no comms) and we had 3 traps getting taken off at the exact same box - twice of that was me on my first attempt.
i felt really sorry for that pig xD
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I believe that the add-on "Rule set NO.2" should be base power becuase that is how the Saw movie mechanics would work. The "game" didn't start until the trap is activated. Change the "Rule set NO.2" so people cant even look for the key until the trap is actually activared. This suits really well with the theme of Saw.
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Wait- RBT are not supposed to be lethal?!
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"But theres a carrot at the end of it!"
*gestures to carrot on a stick*
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The carrots just gonna be another nerf ;-;
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So survivors really supposed to be allowed to leave through the exit gates with the bear trap on or is that just a glitch? The description for the pig's power still says they cant leave...
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They can't leave it the Trap is active the only way to activate a trap is to to have a generator be completed whilst it's on the survivor.
This means that if all the generators are complete and you put a trap on somebody it's literally nothing more than a fancy party hat they could go whenever they want
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We should make it more lore immersive.
Once the Pig places a trap on the survivors head the survivor is rendered unconscious waking up at an interval of 2/3/4 minutes after the initial trap placement. Upon awakening the survivor finds themselves strapped to a chair with an old retro TV and a video of good old Kramer telling them the rules of the game. Once the video ends the trap is triggered and the survivor (through various jump cuts sprinkled with exposition in the scene) must find the will to survive and pass 1 of several test taken directly from the movies. If they fail the trap triggers and the Pig gets her kill. If they pass then the Pig is most likely camping outside the room waiting to instantly down them again and start all over.
Now we just need to figure out how to avoid the instant DCs once they see its Pig...
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"It would incite people to do the first gen.."
At what point, in this game, is there not an incentive to do a gen?? Even if everyone has bear Traps on their heads, gens will pop
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At least quote it right.
All I'm saying is with RSN2 people are more likely to do the gen first then if it was without RSN2 because it's easier to find the boxes. Which is the complete opposite of what you want with Pig. Without RSN2 you have a better stall potential then if you had it base.
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Well if they have a rbt on and the last gen gets done, they can still leave which didnt use to work that way
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Yes, Pig has been nerfed when no one asked for it. I think they should reintroduce EGC active RBTs but halt the timer of EGC (like when a survivor is down or on the hook) while one or more RBTs are active.
The Pig also should be able to apply debuffs from her ambush dash as it's more difficult to pull off than her basic attack and other killer's powers (like Billy's chainsaw which applies NOED if you have the speed limiter addon equipped).
The recent buff to her being Undetectable while crouching is a welcome one but it's a small drop in the ocean of nerfs.
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If the last generator gets finished whilst they still have a reverse bear trap on they cannot leave until they take it off.
Literally the only thing that has changed is that traps placed after the last generator has been completed will not activate so you can leave with them still on.
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Hmm must be a glitch cuz i chased a survivor right out the gate with her fancy hat...
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Honestly she just needs an add-on rework, so many of them are just unusable.
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No, do not run interlocking razor. I’m not gonna comment on the rest of what you said, but interlocking razor is nothing compared to stacking crate, sketch, rule set, or tampered timer
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I like it in green ranks during reset. It actually gets some use. Sadly they dnt have one that prevents skill checks.
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My fixes
- 1 Jigsaw box spawns in the basement
- Jigsaw boxes have harder skill checks (a little easier than overcharge/ds)
- New addon (Very rare) Boxes are not interactive until the trap is activated)
- New addon (uncommon/Rare) Traps make slightly/significantly more beeping noises
- Base Kit boxes cannot be seen until a survivor has a trap
- Blindness affects jigsaw boxes
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Why would I want to use add-ons that just make the Traps beep more?
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My guess is it's to make people with active traps easier to detect
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You wouldn’t