if I escape I should NOT lose a pip

I played a game recently where the gens flew by quickly and I even got some healing done for my teammates, but I am an immersed player and didn't interact with the killer at all. I escaped, and then I depipped. why? I did my main objective, which is to escape, and yet somehow that isn't enough for the game.
Escaping at the very least should grant a safety pip, no matter what you got in emblems.
Do you really think you should be rewarded for doing nothing while your team does all the work and dies?
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I absolutely agree. Escaping should be a guaranteed black pip, just like 2 kills for killers
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You are being toxic, he didn't really ask for a reward. Sometimes you do play against terrible killers, sometimes they are afk, sometimes they dc. In all these scenarios, you can loose pips unfairly.
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..what? How am I being toxic? I'm asking if he thinks he deserves a reward for what he admitted to be basically doing nothing but hiding. The reward is a pip, which he also discussed.
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Yeah, you truly said it in a very friendly manner
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It is quite rare to escape and depip. If this is happening quite often to you, you are doing something wrong during your games. This happened two times recently, one time because the person I unhooked decided to bodyblock the Killer for another downed person so that I got an unsafe Hook Rescue (even with BT). But this is not solely the problem of the unsafe Hook Rescue, if I would have done more Unhooks or better Chases, I would have at least blackpipped.
The only reason where I would say that a Blackpip is needed would be an AFK-Killer, not everyone wants to run in front of the Killer for a few minutes to get the Chase Points, and if it is a Wraith, good luck with getting your Emblems. Or, like just happened today, a Basement Bubba who guarded his Chest. Not my fault that nobody was dumb enough to go into the Basement, so I got no Evader at all, bronze Benevolence, so I depipped.
So an AFK-Killer should be the only exception where an Escape should give the Blackpip.
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Only happened to me once. I think its quite rare.
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I don't even need a pip but if I escape I at least want a safety.
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I had the same thing happen, my team was bad, DCs, suicide and I escaped by Hatch, game was over in 2 minutes, De-Pip. I did 1 Gen and I don't remember getting chased, I didn't have time to do anything else other than watch my team kill themselves and then escape.
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I get 18k BP , escaped and depipped yet get 9k bp, die, and gain a pip. #########
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dbd possibly has the worst ranking system in the history of online video games
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If you escape you should at least safety pip
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Usually the people who leave and let the rest die don't deserve a pip
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To what someone said about 2 kills securing a safety pip as killer... You obviously haven't 4k'd within 1:30 of the match beginning ever. You will depip for ending a game that fast with a 4k.
As for the overall, just go into the basement stairs to get basement points if you feel you are short. Or just stand in terror radius
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Let me outline the match for those who think I did nothing.
I got 3 gens done, 1 by myself and 2 co-op.
I unhooked 3 people, and healed 2 of them
the killer didn't want to chase me after the unhook, which was unfortunate for the unhooked person. 3 out of 4 of us escaped at the end.
I did actually pallet stun the killer but again, they didn't want me for some reason
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"you being toxic" it's like the welcome to the dbd community
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This is probably not correct. We would need to see the Emblems, but with what you described you should have gotten an Iridescent in Benevolence (if all Unhooks were safe), at least Silver in Lightbringer and Gold in Unbroken. Those are 9 Points, which should be enough for the Blackpip, regardless of what happened in the Chaser-Emblem.
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What were your emblem scores? It'd be easier to tell why you depipped if we had the information. The most we can do is theorize. I'm honestly fine with how it is rn. I'd rather it be more on the harder side to pip than easier for survivors. Additionally, it feels hard to lose a pip (unless you get tunneled and can't loop the killer for long). Makes me feel as though there may have been an accidental farm or something else.
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The current rating system cannot precisely measure everyone's contribution to the team and that's all. Hiding or playing immerse isn't being coward you know. Sometimes one get really good at sneaking around the killer distracting them, which wastes the killer's time and buying gen time for teammates.
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You probably did not perform safe hook rescues, meaning that you unhooked someone but they got injured again within 30 seconds of unhooking which actually counts massively against you. Just healing teammates won't give you much altruism points, and doing a solo gen is honestly not that many points as well. If you did the other two generators co-op from start to finish that is a massive amount of points but by the sounds of it you probably just came in towards the end of it.
Overall in a game to pip you want to get chased by the killer and escape, you want to safely unhook a player then heal them if you can, and work on a couple of generators.
I always hate it when a survivor comes to unhook me then ditches me as the killer comes right back. At that point you are just farming your teammates. If you are unhooking like that at least take a hit for them or lead the killer away.
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How are you distracting the killer by hiding? You might think that you are being helpful, but I'll tell you that 99% of P3 immersed Claudettes in red rank are literally just hiding in lockers either waiting for you to finish everything or hatch escape.
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If the killer sees scratchmarks and arent in a chase they probably will go there to investigate and if you hide abd arent caught that time the killer went out of the way is wasted since they didnt find anyone
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Hiding means searching means wasted time means gens get done means doors get open means escape.
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The idea is that if you only escape, and do nothing else, you get a penalty. We do not wish to encourage in any way Survivors who only wait for the gate to open, letting their teammates do all the work.
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That is never the smartest way. The smartest way is to do gens. Hiding all game directly conflicts with the survivor's ONLY objective.
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By all means keep making your survivor games 3v1 and then wonder why you don't pip.
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You completely ignored what I said and I never talked about being unable to pip.
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You act like hiding is never the best course of action, which is obviously wrong. Every action needs to be chosen according to the situation. Take that into consideration, and your escape rate will go up, I promise you. ?
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Maybe if the killer is AFK ?
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I can do gens without getting caught. I’ve done this to all sorts of killers at red ranks. I don’t accomplish this in every match but it is possible.
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I don't need to worry about my rank like this thread is talking about. I can actually play the game and help my teammates out and escape. I don't need to Urban Evade in a corner the entire map wearing nothing but dark clothes.
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It is possible to be helpful and stealthy.
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I agree with you 100%. However this thread was talking about basically doing nothing and escaping should secure a pip.
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In all honesty I would rather have teammates who help with generators, rescue teammates, heal injured, and run the killer rather than urban evading ones who you know won't bother to help once someone is dead.
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I’ve had rounds where the killer chased one guy all round and got looped. All I do is the gens and I’m not found. There is nobody to unhook so no altruism points and the killer has tunnel vision. I de-pip these rounds.
Or either I’m the guy looping the killer so I only get boldness points.
I do agree if you escape you should AT LEAST get a black pip.
These rounds are few and far between though. Most of the time it’s the Claudette that hides all round, lets her teammates die, and gets the hatch. She deserves to de-pip.
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This agree is a pain in the butt. Sometimes you just cannot pip even if you wanted. I'm mostly talking about the survivors who just evade the entire game on purpose, rarely rescue anyone at all, will only touch gens if they know 100% there is no ruin or the killer is across the map. Those survivors don't deserve a pip.
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Nowhere in there did it say he did basicly nothing. He said he got the gens done and healed his teammates. Why does doing work to you consist of SOLELY getting found and chased? If this guy can pop 5 gens solo and get all the heals, wouldnt that mean he did more work than his teammates who only managed to get found and hooked all game, lol? Not saying thats what he DID, Im sure his teammates did gens too but...I think you get my point. He also wasnt asking for a Pip even, just asking to not de-pip.
Due to ######### matchmaking, I had this game recently. The killer didnt get ANYTHING done and all that was left to do was power through the gens and leave. Does that mean I deserve a de-pip for not throwing myself infront of the killer to be chased, or climbing up on a hook and just hooking myself so My teammates can get some altruism points?
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Some toxic people here think safe pip is a reward.
Hiding/play self fish is also a play style. There are many people say Survivor's main goal is ESCAPE. So he ESCAPES, he completes the main Survivor's goal.
Objective: doing gen
Altruism: helping others
Bold: get in chase, de-power Killer
Survival: escape
I dont get how one finish Objective & Survival deserve a de-pip because they're not helping other & get in chase. Its 50% of Survivors' game play. If they dont get in chase, they will not get better at it and eventually die more in higher rank and de-pip anyway. So whats the problem?
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The problem is the killer can purposely not participate in the game and force everyone to depip at red ranks.
I was playing with a friend and we got a game against a Bubba that stood in the basement facing the corner all game. I did 1 full gen before I realized no one had been chased at all. My friend did a gen himself as did the other 2, then the two random survivors rushed the last gen and the gates. Because I couldn't get ANY Benevolence and didn't have time to get any Evader (due to 2 players rushing to escape which I have no control over) I depipped.
This should not happen. I get you don't want to reward people, but if the killer can purposely depip you doing this that IS a problem. The guy just refused to play, so what exactly are we supposed to do? Why do we get punished by this? It's not in my control what the killer decides to do nor is it in my control what other survivors do unless we are in an SWF together (and even then "control" is a loose term).
Just as a killer shouldn't be punished for DC's or survivor purposely dying on hooks, nor should survivors be punished if the killer refuses to play the game normally. I'm not asking for a pip, I'm just asking to not DEPIP.
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I feel like if the devs didnt want you to be sneaky and avoid detection, they wouldnt make perks for it. If I wanna take advantage of Technician's reduced audio on gens to pump out gens while distracting the killer's attention away from me with a well placed pebble throw... That shouldnt get a depip if I actually succeed, lol. If you WANT me to get chased, Pebble should just cause a sound explosion at my feet and distortion should just let the killer see my aura for free X amount of times per trials, lol.
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You literally link this picture every day.
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I mean hiding from the killer and getting gens done isn’t exactly not doing anything. There’s some questionable opinions in this thread.
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I often take pictures of various endgame score cards for various reasons. This particular one is just a good example of broken matchmaking resulting in a stomp, which is relevant to this conversation.
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the first example was how the match in question went for me. except for a couple unhooks/heals and the unhooked got tunneled.
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Yes, there are problems with it as you correctly point out. That's all I can say at the moment.
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Agree. Its like going 4k with killer and depipping cause you didnt damage enough gens
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If you depip in a normal match, maybe you didnt do enough... for me its ok, because this punish those who only want to repair and escape, making the game absolutely boring.
Different issue is AFK killers, this needs a fix.
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You should depip and stay at rank 15. To not confuse people and give anyone false hopes that you can loop while all you will do will be crouching in the grass...
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Agreed. Same for getting all 4 on killer. Had a game where they were just being stupid or failed whatever their plan was and they all got found in about two minutes and died on first book but got a derank because of how fast it ended. I'm like ????? What