The No-Mither Debate

No-Mither is like if a Billy or Leather-face Runs Speed-limiter, or like when a Wraith runs the add-on that makes it to where he has his terror radius when visible, all of these add-ons give extra BP with a disadvantage, but i argue the fact that while No-Mither gives a advantage of always being able to pick your self up, no blood pools left behind, and minus 50% sounds at all times, the disadvantage outweighs them all. if a killer see's you have No-Mither they will not slug you, so their goes the first advantage, and i could argue that the 50% less sounds is also gone because the whole point of it is for being on the ground. if a killer has a good headset they will hear the 50% sounds you do make, and the disadvantage is always being injured, the no blood pools left behind is a requirement to even make this disadvantage to be handled, so i argue that if you run No-Mither you should get 100% bonus BP in all categories, because while some killer add-ons only give some Bonus BP in one category you still have your weapon to hit people with, but running No-Mither makes it to where you are one-hit down.
Altogether my thesis is: Running No-Mither is way harder dealing with then any killer Add-ons that give a disadvantage, and therefore should reward 100% bonus BP in all categories.
The No-Mither Debate 43 votes
It Should Give 100% Bonus BP in all Categories. (comment why you think or if you agree with my Statement)
Because bp
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It Should Give 100% Bonus BP in One Category. (Comment which one you think and why)
Boldness, because people who run No Mither are likely to be targeted by the killer should they cross paths.
It still is a perk that will hurt you more than it will help, so some bonus BP should help, but just on one category, otherwise if it was BP on all categories, I can imagine lots of people running No Mither just to get those points and potentially screwing up their team with easy downs.
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It Should Give 100% Bonus BP in all Categories. (comment why you think or if you agree with my Statement)
i could accept boldness getting 100% bonus BP After-Game, not for the category preferably, and i would like them to change the add-ons to the same so its bonus aftergame, as long as its not survival im good lol.
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It Should Give 100% Bonus BP in all Categories. (comment why you think or if you agree with my Statement)
I think bps in all categories is fine. More bps the better. Extra bps in Boldness and Survival can be good too. If there had to be only one category then maybe 100% in no grunts and breathing.
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It Should Give 100% Bonus BP in all Categories. (comment why you think or if you agree with my Statement)
I'd prefer an actual use instead of just a BP bonus but that would still be better than what it is now. Just saying "it's hard mode" is not really a good reason for a perk to be total garbage
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It Should Give 100% Bonus BP in One Category. (Comment which one you think and why)
I think it should honestly be buffed. I think the survivor using should start the trial at full health, after being hit then you cannot be healed up. The broken status effect is only applied after you successfully unbreakable off the ground.
Survival category seems the most logical
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It Should Give 100% Bonus BP in One Category. (Comment which one you think and why)
To be fair, both sides have 1 perk for “+100% to all”. However, giving bps to Boldness makes sense. You have to be bold to even want this perk!
Maybe Survival as runner-up, but you’re not very likely to get the 8,000 base points to make the bonus worth it.
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It Should Give 100% Bonus BP in all Categories. (comment why you think or if you agree with my Statement)
because its a bad perk
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It Should Give 100% Bonus BP in One Category. (Comment which one you think and why)
double BPs would be a little much, considering we also already have a double BP survivor perk.
also, double BP could potentially backfire, as now everyone would run the perk, therefore making x2 BPs, but no one escapes anymore.
i think x2 BP for Survival would be fair, as it would give you a bonus, but doesnt attract everyone to the perk to get more BPs, but actually only the ones who think they can get out and do well.
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It Should stay as is. (comment why you think)
I like challenge Perks and don't find it necessary to apply a reward to them.
But no answer on the poll really fits my opinion: Everyone likes Bloodpoints, so if they decide to put some on the Perk, great!
I just don't see a need.
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It Should Give 100% Bonus BP in all Categories. (comment why you think or if you agree with my Statement)
There should be a reward for you playing on "hard mode".
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I think the perk should just be reworked to actually be useful. It's a meme at it current point of time. There isn't a perk worse than it. It doesn't need BP. It just needs a useful application. I don't think the killer should be able to see the broken affect.
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I think there should be an "other" category. I think survivors should gain a 25% stackable bonus to all bloodpoint gains up to a maximum of 100% for completing a generator or fully healing an ally. If you want to go the BP route anyways. WGLF is useless, might as well put a useful condition on a perk that's already hard to play with.
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It Should Give 100% Bonus BP in all Categories. (comment why you think or if you agree with my Statement)
It should give 100% BP earnings in all categories. This is the same kind of BP boost as Prove Thyself or Distressing, NOT a post-game multiplier like WGLF or BBQ. You merely earn BP at a faster rate, you can't earn more than the limit in any specific category.
Also remove the injured music. Do these two things and I would be happy with NM.
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It Should Give 100% Bonus BP in all Categories. (comment why you think or if you agree with my Statement)
Any reason for Survivors to gain more BP I will support.
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It Should Give 100% Bonus BP in One Category. (Comment which one you think and why)
I'd say either Survival or Boldness for BP. The bonus of getting yourself up whenever is nice, BUT of you see it as killer, you may as well just not leave them.
You'll have less survival time overall due to it, so Survival is a good idea to me. Boldness is also pretty good considering the solid brass you'd have there for using the perk.
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It Should Give 100% Bonus BP in all Categories. (comment why you think or if you agree with my Statement)
yeah but right now you only get survival points from, healing yourself, unhooking yourself, and escaping so you dont get that much thats why i say prob boldness, and i agree with the buffs but i honestly would just like the bp
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It Should Give 100% Bonus BP in all Categories. (comment why you think or if you agree with my Statement)
yeah but right now you only get survival points from, healing yourself, unhooking yourself, and escaping so you dont get that much thats why i say prob boldnes
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It Should Give 100% Bonus BP in One Category. (Comment which one you think and why)
that would be too easy though.
what we need imo is more blood score events for the Survival cathegory instead.
currently we have:
- healing yourself with selfcare
- mending yourself
- cleansing yourself
- escaping a Reversed Beartrap
- escaping the killers grasp
- wiggeling on the killers shouder
- struggeling on the hook
- escaping the hook
- entering Endgame Collapse
- surviving
- surviving as the obsession
- dying as the obsession
sadly, majority of these are eigther incredibly hard to pull of or depend on vertain perks / killers being used.
the ones that are always available for every survivor are:
- escaping the killers grasp
- wiggeling on the killers shoulder
- struggeling on the hook
- surviving
- escaping the hook
- entering Endgame Collapse
thos done give too many points though or are very hard to achieve, which is why that is the BP category you are almost guaranteed to make the least BP in.
i think however we can change this by adding some more possible score events. especially when thinking of No Mither, one in particular comes to mind:
- standing back up from the ground
besides that, i also have a few ideas to what else we could add:
- staying within a close are to the killer without being spotted (stealth buff)
- escaping the Endgame Collapse (more points the closer it is to death)
please note that this is not supposed to give you a lot of survival points on top now, you should still work for this category and you should not be able to gain many BP in it with dying.
the idea is to encourage good players to give the perk a shot for bonus points, however having bad team mates equipt the perk because of some 2x BP mechanic would hurt the survivors a lot more than it would help, so the bonus points need to be hard to earn.
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It Should Give 100% Bonus BP in One Category. (Comment which one you think and why)
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It Should Give 100% Bonus BP in all Categories. (comment why you think or if you agree with my Statement)
Give extra BP in everything because you're likely to be focused for using No Mither anyways.
I don't agree with No Mither being hard mode either because most people who run No Mither run other perks with it. Hard mode would be running no perks at all or just running No Mither which no one does. They only run No Mither to combo with the gen rush build.
Also my other opinion is No Mither is only the way it is so survivors can use Dead Hard immediately. Unless the devs clarify this is the only way I can interpret why this perk was designed the way it is. Never looked at it as a challenge mode perk just a bad one.
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It Should Give 100% Bonus BP in all Categories. (comment why you think or if you agree with my Statement)
My vote is not biased in any possible way I deserve the BP :>.
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It Should stay as is. (comment why you think)
No mither was not designed to be a perk everyone should use. It's meant to be a hard challenge perk for those who think they have the skill to use it for an extra layer of difficulty.
What you don't want is player using it without being able to play well simply for the extra bloodpoints as it puts all the others in the match at a disadvantage.
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It Should Give 100% Bonus BP in One Category. (Comment which one you think and why)
For double bloodpoints there's already WGLF, no need to overlap two perks from the same character.
What I'd like added to No Mither, instead of a static X% bonus, would be to have survival points constantly generated during the match, so you would be rewarded for being able to stay alive for long.
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It Should Give 100% Bonus BP in all Categories. (comment why you think or if you agree with my Statement)
The extra bloodpoints would help make this perk a little bit better, but really it just needs a rework.
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Im not voting for anything bc i actually use no mither. At red ranks im often more or less injured the whole game so i started using ironwill on almost every build. But what gets me caught is the trail of blood im leaving. Also it sucks to get slugged with only 2 ppl alive.
The reason im not using this perk more often is that theres always this icon that shows the killer im using it. I'd rather have the exposed status effect shown to me and being a one hit down without the killer knowing. Let him have another icon thats indicating that one of the survivors has no mither but let him guess which one.
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It Should stay as is. (comment why you think)
I thought this was going to be a debate on how to pronounce mither.
It's an English word on an English character. So it isn't pronounced "myther". It rhymes with hither.
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It Should Give 100% Bonus BP in all Categories. (comment why you think or if you agree with my Statement)
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It Should Give 100% Bonus BP in One Category. (Comment which one you think and why)
Survival category, 100% bonus bloodpoints.
Also. No grunting or moaning. And turn the ruddy loud injured music off.
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It Should Give 100% Bonus BP in all Categories. (comment why you think or if you agree with my Statement)
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It Should Give 100% Bonus BP in One Category. (Comment which one you think and why)
Survival category... because you ain't getting much points in this category
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It Should Give 100% Bonus BP in all Categories. (comment why you think or if you agree with my Statement)