

Do you Sacrifice Your Game for Other People

Member Posts: 90

Someone is on the hook, the Doors are open, but you're on your last hook, killer is camping and there is no way your gonna save them without going down. Do you Save them?

Note: This question applies to a lot of situations, and not just this one.

Do you Sacrifice Your Game for Other People 78 votes

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  • Member Posts: 6,807

    I optimize for winning. If saving others means I die then I simply won't do it.

  • Member Posts: 830
    edited November 2019

    I completely agree. Unless the save can get me 5000+ BP, there's no point.

  • Member Posts: 6,807

    Even if it can still no. I'm getting out alive even if it kills everyone else.

    Usually it doesn't of course since more people alive = better escape odds in most cases (I even run a medic build) but when push comes to shove I'm saving myself

  • Member Posts: 1,493
    edited November 2019

    i will sacrifice my self unless... 1) i have an Event Item, Flashlights of any kind, any rare or higher item, or a commodious toolbox. 2) its an event like the Lunar one where you had to escape with a vessel (that being i haven't already completed the event). 3) that said survivor was rude to me by leading the killer to me when i was on a gen, body-blocked me on purpose, or any other way i can think of but cant remember to wright down. 4) that survivor has a event item that i want because i dont have an event item (in that game/on me) yet. 5) the killer is a leather-face/has exposed on us and i dont have borrowed time (id be killing us both, not sacrificing myself). 6) if its a blendette (i have flashbacks when i see them so i try to stay away.

    all rules are thrown aside if its a baby Dwight, you bet your [Bad Word] im saving him no matter the cost.

  • Member Posts: 90
    edited November 2019

    I typically play more for others than myself, and it can be seen in a lot team based games. I'll typically go the support route most of the time.

    Although I won't do this if a survivor hasn't done anything useful all game.

  • Member Posts: 14,110

    Not usually anyway

  • Member Posts: 987

    Used to, until I’ve come to except they won’t do the same.

  • Member Posts: 1,201

    Yes especially if I've made like all the hook saves. In the end bp is the real goal.

  • Member Posts: 4,125

    Depends, I only sacrifice myself for a random person if he did really good chases and did not waste pallets or unhooked badly just to farm. And is funny with teabagging or other funny actions.

  • Member Posts: 121
    edited November 2019

    Given I play for points on a regular basis, unless the unhook will be easy to make and I can guarantee that I can make it back to the door / hatch, I’m not likely to risk 5000 or 7000 BP for the chance of getting an extra 1500. I have actually been told off by others for doing this, but it’s not my fault they got caught.

  • Member Posts: 90

    Unless you pull a jerk and bodyblock. One Dude legit wouldn't jump over pallet and I was wedged in between killer and him, so once he finally jumped over, I tried but I got hit, dude left me for dead, didn't even look back, It kind of hurt on the inside.

  • Member Posts: 547

    If I can escape with three people hooked during the endgame, of course I'll escape.

  • Member Posts: 121

    I have had similar things happen to me in the past, worst one in particular the window in Suffocation Pit’s main building window where the chest usually is. A Claudette (of course it was) blocked the window until the hillbilly sawed me to the ground... and put me in the basement. She even teabagged at the window, I don’t know what her problem was, but I still got out thankfully since the billy wasn’t camping. I have died in other cases but some of them are accidental, e.g. trying to take a hit for an injured teammate but timing it wrong to the point where you block them instead of the killer... *definitely not guilty of that...*

  • Member Posts: 2,238

    There have been way too many times where I was just short of pipping up because I went back to save someone instead of escaping.

  • Member Posts: 3,145

    No. I'm not endangering myself for you.

  • Member Posts: 155

    A habit of mine I desperately need to break is feeling guilty if someone is hooked and the doors are open. 9/10 I always end up dying because I feel guilty for letting someone die so I save them but get down in the process.

  • Member Posts: 45

    I don’t have a set of rules or anything. If I can die to let at least one teammate survive, I will.

  • Member Posts: 367

    If I am on the hook and the gates are open and the killer is camping me, I wouldnt expect anyone to save me. Sadly there are some that assume if I am healthy and still running about I will run half way across the map with spine chill lit up like a Christmas tree to save the survivor on the hook. I dont tell anybody how to play their game but they feel the need to tell me how to play mine.

    Having said that if my situation is hopeless I will try to maximise the number that can escape. Like one time I was healing a survivor and the killer appears so I present myself as an easy target and hook while the injured player runs to the gate.

  • Member Posts: 13,036

    I play this game just like how I am in real life, makes me feel more immersed

  • Member Posts: 928

    Yes and the killer has let me go a couple of times when I've failed to save the last person.

  • Member Posts: 634

    It depends on the situation. Do I have BT? I can make it so that both of us may get out. Were they helpful? I'm not saving someone who didn't contribute or sandbagged me. If they did something annoying while I was interacting with them, I'm likely to weight my escape more important than theirs. Whether I will or not is dependent on if I'm okay with swapping with them. It's also dependent on how far along is the timer. If me saving them will just get both of us killed, I'm not going for it.

  • Member Posts: 399

    Unless the hooked survivor was a total jerk to the team, I'll probably go for the save, specially if I have BT, which is basically a guaranteed rescue if played correctly. Winning feels rather bad if you leave behind someone who helped you throughout the game.

    Also, if I was the person on the hook, and the other 3 are coming to get me trying to evade a camping NOED killer, I'll probably just suicide to avoid a total massacre. If one gets saved and one dies because of it, then it's fair; if the whole team goes down because of one save, it's not worth it. It always depends on the situation.

  • Member Posts: 1,238

    I think my "sole survivor" icon says it all haha

  • Member Posts: 3,298

    Even if I dislike that Survivor I will still try my best to save them, someone has to be the hero if everyone else is a piece of #########. Unless I have a Daily or I'm Rancor lol that person can die a thousand times over 🤣

  • Member Posts: 3,059

    It's a Dwight's duty to do so but only when you know the other person can leave safely. :v

  • Member Posts: 843

    Last guy on the hook with 10 seconds left and the killer camping him and I'm downed on the other end of the map, people will still yell at me for not trying to save

  • Member Posts: 2,267

    Always, and i hate it.

  • Member Posts: 330

    It depends on my mood. Sometimes I will and sometimes I won't.

  • Member Posts: 1,080

    Only with borrowed time. Otherwise i play optimised and hookrushing a camping killer is the stupidest thing you can do. Especially with the threat of noed.

  • Member Posts: 1,623

    Generally I do. The only cases I don't do it is when I know the survivor played very poorly so I think it will be more like a waste but generally I do. Sometimes the another survivor has selfcare and borrowed time and we manage to escape.

  • Member Posts: 218

    If that hooked player was helpful in the game, yes. If they hid in a locker most of the time and got found, then definitely no.

  • Member Posts: 56

    I have a group I always play with and even if we have a rando it’s no one left behind

  • Member Posts: 206

    I pretty much always try for the save. Sometimes it doesn’t work out but I genuinely feel like a bad person leaving people behind.

  • Member Posts: 2,171
    edited November 2019

    It's more fun and exciting.

    Unless I'm pursuing a challenge, daily, or etc. that requires me living, I'll die so that another may live.

  • Member Posts: 688

    If there is no way that I will survive, no, unless I'm playing with friends, which might change things a bit. I have seen a lot of games were 1 person would have died and the other 3 would have survived, but they tried to save and the killer got at least 2 kills out of it, if not more.

  • Member Posts: 4,620

    Yeah.....not all the time, but sometimes i do try for others or give my life for theirs! lol Unless it's @GrootDude i will leg it and leave him! lol only jking

  • Member Posts: 1,129

    The only time I would go in is if I have borrowed time, but generally I don’t like to run meta builds. Maybe one meta perk, but that’s it

  • Member Posts: 35

    I’ll usually sacrifice myself for other players, I don’t even know myself why.

    If someone is being facecamped at a hook, I’ll save them and it typically ends in me swapping spots with them and end up being the one facecamped until sacrificed.

    I’m thinking it’s time I play a little more selfishly.

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