"Spirit Change"

Can we stop talking about spirit getting "nerfed"? or how she doesn't need one , the developers literally have data showing that she is over-performing. Her getting tweaked wont make her unplayable, if anything it will just make her skill ceiling higher.
And another thing, people keep comparing her getting nerfed to Nurses rework. Nurse is perfectly fine now! the only difference is Nurse actually takes skill now! You cant just throw on omega blink addons and clap a 4 man SWF anymore.
IMO just make the "shining" effect from the glasses in her body way way brighter so you can tell when she is phasing and nerf prayer beads or upgrade it to Ultra Rare
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Old Nurse already took skill. Claiming something else is simply not true, otherwise everyone would have just used the good add-ons and 4k'ed all the time. I don't know about you, but I didn't see everybody playing Nurse.
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I agree 100% i never notice the "shining" effect when playing against her, maybe its because i have terrible eyesight.
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But she was getting 4ks almost every other game.
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The spirit part I heavily disagree with, with nurses change to her base kit survivors can run in a straight line and be faster than her, the nurse is heavily punished for mistakes while survivors are not nearly as punished.
Nurse was heavily nerfed, needed or not. Killers are worried because nurses was "slight changes", spirit is said to be made "more fun for both sides" so after nurse shes going to be dead more than likely.
From how you talk and stated this it seems like you dont play killer much, swfs are highly unfair to the killer. With them making information perks null as they can just tell eachother along with being coordinated and ending games in 4-6 minutes. Despite killers "pressuring" them as survivors often say as if its that simple or easy.
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Im actually a rank 4 killer freddy main but okay.
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Have you ever seen Nurses on yellow, green or even purple ranks? And how they ended up with 0ks or 1ks?
How is this possible when old Nurse was super easy and didn't require any skill?
To save time: It's possible because old Nurse DID require skill.
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Have you actually played a game as a survivor against a spirit?
There is only two ways to actually counter her:
- run iron will, however this doesnt always work seeing how a lot of spirits like to run strider
- be "unpredictable", really? so running around like a chicken with its head cut off is what i have to do to counter a killer that i cant see nor hear phasing while im in her terror radius.
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I said "doesn't seem" because from what I read you seem to favor survivor sided changes. And great job addressing any point I made in my argument, totally didn't just say something about the one observation i made.
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here we go again, just because one Killer who got an unnecessary nerf doesnt mean we shouldnt tweak the killers that are actually over performing.
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Idk how many people dont understand this, iron will is not a ######### counter, it will help you conter her. If you try to loop her or run into an open field with it you will go down, you have to make the spirit think your somewhere your not. And yeah play unpredictable, do things you would never expect people to do as killer.
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Actually I have a feeling the next "overperforming" killer will either be Billy or Freddy. If it's billy we'll just put a power bar on him don't worry.
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Thats SWF dont like them having the ability to communicate? lobby dodge. There is nothing the devs can do to change that.
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Okay but literally everybody says to be unpredictable (including Tru3) which means not only do survivors know this but so do the spirit Mains!!
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Who cares about skills
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Looking at nurse huge nerf we will get: Clear indication she is phasing, directional whoosh even in TR and nerf to all of her addons.
Because it is a casual game, we need to have all killed at lower level. If survivors play good killer is SUPPOSED TO LOSE. These pesky killers wanting to have some fun games. What is this?
Mr game director needs to have his fun and he is apparently never leaving low ranks.
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you act like nurse isnt viable in the higher ranks.
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The devs cant do anything? Welp guess you should just dodge killers if you think their spirit because what can the devs do?
They could apply a debuff for playing a swf, or give killers an option not to get matched with them.
Nope nothing the devs could do.
Man everyone says spirit has no counter just like Scottjund, doesn't make sense. And if your playing unpredictable how would a player predict it? Like if you ran into shack then slow vaulted out then fast vaulted back in? Or vise versa, you can do many things to make a spirit think your somewhere else. But you refuse to try to find a counter to her, because you cant loop her, the counter to 90% of the cast, shes overpowered? Do you not see the trend? It's not killers being broken or unbeatable, its the fact that they dont have the same counters as the rest.
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I agree with allowing killers the ability to choose whether they go againsts a SWF or not. maybe make two matchmaking options for killers;
- SWF ; you would get more xp and more BP for going against them
- solos; you would get the normal amount of xp and BP.
Being unpredictable will not always work, sure it will for the first few chases when you actually have pallets but what do you do once all the pallets are gone?
Also Prayer beads get rid of the only information of her phasing that you have, have you ever played against a spirit with prayer beads, devour hope, Thrill of the hunt, ruin and noed??
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They said the same about nurse and look what she become.. a mid tier killer at best. "Perfectly fine" you say.. either you dont play her in red ranks or you are fine with her being gen rushed and only able to hook 3/4 times in a match at best.
This isn't going anywhere good.
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*makes thread to tell people to stop talking about Spirit.
*thread is a discussion about Spirit
Lmao you're literally just bumping spirit threads higher into the forums with this post.
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Is she?
Thanks to the nerf she has no map pressure. She can down people quickly if she catches someone out in the open using first two blinks. If she doesn't survivor gets 4 seconds until she recharges both of her blinks.
Now, she still has all of her weak spots so iron will makes it really hard to do anything and behind a wall survivor can be anywhere.
If you have sprint burst and dodge a hit after blink with it and run in a straight line, she will have to blink 3-4 times before she catches up to you. THAT IS HUGE.
I haven't seen any nurses around after the nerf and after trying her few times it does make her weaker especially when going against survivors that did well against old nurse.
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I bet you are the same person who cries about insta heals aren't you?
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Must be fun to see you play any fighting game.
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what ?
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Lol "over preforming" what a joke that is talk about speaking in technicalities
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From what I understand is. "Let's punish a character because the character is doing too well." oh boiiiii
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it's not about making nurse not viable anymore. The addons were the problem, they nerfed her basekit and made her addon dependant. Why? The CD mexhanic is clunky and unfun, people just think spirit will be made extremely clunky too.
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Since you equal "reading your opponent" to "running around like a headless chicken". I just think you must be hilarious at fighting games where 50/50s happen many many times.
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never did I say reading your opponent is running around like a chicken , I said countering your opponent , dont put words in my mouth chief
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this seems to be their general pattern though. They want all the killers base kit to be weak and instead add on dependent.
Such that, I suppose you choose a main and continuously spend all your points on that killer so you can have the ad-dons you NEED in order to compete with consistency in the red ranks.
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no , I actually wanted instas to be removed in general not just nerfed.
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Her add ons really were the reason why most people were getting 4k to be honest. You can just tell from how people reacted after changing her add ons, even though she functions the exact same way.
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The lighting up of the shards when never a thing though
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Can we stop referencing "over performing" data that the devs themselves have stated has many flaws and should not be used in terms of determining balance.
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I agreed with you up until the nurse part, she definitely took skill before the nerf.
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when have they stated that? if it was true they would not use it
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They posted it on the forums a while back when people were bringing up their statistics they posted to make points.
"if it was true they would not use it"
This is exactly the issue most people were taking with it. They were using the statistics to reference why certain killers needed possible nerfs but when we referenced the data for why other killers based on those statistics needed buffs they discredited the data with what I said above. Obviously this is quite contradictory which is why people had an issue.
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Nurse still has Omega-Blink, it just comes with an increased charge time penalty! ??
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Yes, the real Omega-Blink, but the increased charge time makes it real hard to get far with your second blink because the chain blink window is too small.