Dead Hard still needs fixing

Dead hard needs a major fix, there have been times where i will dead hard, it will say Exhausted: Dead Hard but i get smacked while dashing WHY OH WHY ISNT IT FIXED
same here
its really anoying but im pretty sure it must be something about the dedicated servers thats causing the trouble
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dead hard to actually Dodge a hit is completely useless and broken but for extending loops and going to windows and pallets hell yeah
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I'm actually about to stop using dead hard because it is actually starting to annoy me so badly. Peanits said that they are looking into it though so hopefully it will be fixed soon.
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hope the devs find a fix soon
before the dedicated servers sometimes i would press E to dead hard and becouse of the latency it would not activate before i was hit but it wouldnt give me exaustion either
now maybe its the samething but the server "remembered" i pressed E and maybe is giving me the exaustion
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also another evidence to that its that this only seem to ocour when i press E right before being hit
the error never happen if i use with a goo window of time
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I can send you a ton of screens/videos, sometimes i get exhausted effect only, sometimes it shows up Dead Hard, and idk, sometimes it works
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please note im on ps4 so DServers don't exist and the Dead Hard button is "X"
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Im on Pc, and there are DServers, but happend without, and now with too, so, no change.
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Its the same whether its on dedicated or P2P. The killer hits you before you get a chance to react. On P2P you could adjust your timing based on the killers ping. On dedicated you don't know what the killers ping is so you have to make a prediction if they will swing or not.