My killer tier list

GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110
edited November 2019 in General Discussions

I’ve thought that spirit and hag were on nurse level before so now I’m placing nurse slightly under.

I’ve been playing a lot of huntress recently and I’m starting to see her potential, once you learn her hatchet hitbox you can do some nice shots. I was honestly tempted to put her above hag.

Freddy is better at slowing the game down than billy and has slightly better chase potential imo.

Billy has nice map pressure and once mastered he has good chase potential but he is easier to counter than those above him.

Plague can keep people ‘exposed, or gain corrupt purge, if people don’t cleanse then stealth play is extremely difficult but she is gonna struggle if multiple survivors cleanse and then go immersed once she gains corrupt.

Myers some decent stealth ability in tier 1 and depending on your build, tier 2 as well and in tier 3 he exposes survivors while gaining extra lunge and faster window vaulting. His drawback is the amount of time potentially wasted tiering up.

Ghostface has potential to a nice insta-down while having the ability to crouch and choose to surprise attack survivors, he is pretty versatile but his drawback is that he can be broken out of stealth.

Pig I already hear you typing but let me give you my reason. Her crouch is great for mind games and sneaking up on survivors if you learn the heartbeat range. Her traps are decent slowdown with a chance to be lethal. She does have a drawback of being easier to spot than Ghostface though.

Leatherface actually has decent anti-loop and potential to an insta-down, he will struggle at really safe loops though.

perhaps I haven’t met a good demo yet but it just doesn’t seem good to me and I’ve never really gotten the hang of demo.

Wraith is probably the easiest stealth killer to spot but if you know your pathing then you have potential to sneak up on survivors he will struggle on open maps though.

Doc in my experience usually just ends up wasting more time trying to stop peoples loops, you just end up going around it several times but he is good on Hawkins.

I don’t think legion has no power like a lot of people do but he will definitely struggle if survivors choose not to work together.

Clown has potential but camping pallets ruins him.

Trapper is C tier, because his traps to cost him some time with potential payoff.

If you disagree with my tier list or reasoning then feel free to discuss why.



  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,970

    the only killer I play is legion so legion ss tier and everyone else D 🤘😳🔥

  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213

    Is Clown really that bad? I keep seeing him at the bottom of lists.

    ]: I really enjoy using him and feel like I do fine. Sad to see he is considered the weakest while being, possibly, the least popular Killer.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    I personally find him easy to counter, I use to do well with clown as well but when survivors knew what tiles to loop and which ones to camp, I really struggled.

  • Funguu
    Funguu Member Posts: 88

    Where's trapper?

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    I corrected that mistake close to the end of my typing.

  • NoOneEscapesNancy
    NoOneEscapesNancy Member Posts: 204

    I hate to break it to you @GrootDude but demo is top 5🥳😐

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited November 2019

    I really want to love Huntress as she's super fun, strong and has a very high skill ceiling if you get good with her. Problem is that she has so many maps that are just near unplayable against decent survivors that know what they're doing. She's also extremely loopable on a lot of spots which can get infuriating at times. From a survivor perspective she's the easiest killer to loop for days unless they are just extremely good which is very few Huntresses.

    This puts her as a rough one to rank for me. Very high potential that requires a lot to be there.

    I personally think everyone vastly overrates Hag.

    I'd put Demi similar to you as well. I think people give him way too much credit.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    Fair enough, she is really hard to preform well with since certain maps definitely can play against her.

  • ASAPTurtle
    ASAPTurtle Member Posts: 968
    edited November 2019

    GrootDude, I love you till my PS4 heart contents but I generally don't think Billy is not as good as huntress.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    I’ve thought he was overrated for awhile personally, the huntress buff (non-directional lullaby) made her a lot better.

  • Elk
    Elk Member Posts: 2,267
  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110
  • Elk
    Elk Member Posts: 2,267

    Well, i only play Myers and Huntress so they are my top 5. So...Huntress for numba one!

  • Acesthetiic
    Acesthetiic Member Posts: 1,077

    ❤️ Love this tier list.

  • justarandy
    justarandy Member Posts: 1,711

    I don't Agree

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    well with hag her power can make any loop unsafe and if her trap is placed correctly you will the hit when its activated. she also does not have to rely on maps and flashlights really only make getting people off the hook safer. Even against swf groups who just try to destroy all your traps you only need to do hit and runs until they kill themselves by constantly activating your traps, getting hit, than downed later.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    A good team will pop her traps when she is unable to react making her waste lots of time reseting her traps over and over.

  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213

    So she has counterplay.

    Other than when you are hooking someone when can she not react to her traps? You should drop chases to teleport basically every time they go off.

  • CrowFoxy
    CrowFoxy Member Posts: 1,310
    edited November 2019

    Lmao Billy not too 5...

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    Outside of range and during pick up/carry.

    I'm not simply saying she has counter play. I'm saying her counter play is much easier to abuse with a good group of survivors.

  • KillermainBTWm8
    KillermainBTWm8 Member Posts: 4,212

    Hmm... the only ones I disagree with are Demo and Ghostface. I just found after playing a ton of myers compared to Ghostface this may be my personal opinion but not only is GF funner to play I also seem to have a higher kill rate with him than myers due to not having to tier up as GF ect. Demo I'll let @TheHoodiedOne explain :P

  • TheGhostFaceMain
    TheGhostFaceMain Member Posts: 58

    @GrootDude I think that Ghostface would be a lot higher if his cool down was 15 to 20 seconds instead of 30 and his reveal and leaning mechanic was more consistent. I believe that Ghostface would be better in a chase with Night Shroud more available. But I mostly agree with everything else if they have their best build and add ons outside of the order of S tier seeing how Huntress and Hag can be very map dependent. Although with New Nurse v Spirit depends on how well you play with Nurse and how good the survivors are when you play Spirit along with their perks. But that can also go with Nurse as well to an extent.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    That team wastes their own time running over the map to set those traps off and they show their location. a good hag wont go out of her way to set traps at areas far from her path when shes chasing and patrolling when survivors do this. when you down and go to hook someone they will run off the gens and get at most 4 traps so in the 4 to 10 seconds you go to hook someone they waste time the same amount of time while telling you where to go next. I will say that i first had trouble against these teams but once i stopped going out of my way to set traps and focused on getting them injured and downing them afterwards while they constantly went after my lazily placed traps their play style works them.

    In case your wondering i use pgtw, stbfl, nurses, and M&A which works well when playing her against teams like this and when playing her normally.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    I've only played against Demo like 3 times. I wouldn't even be able to place him.

    I feel like people are over estimating Hag. She's good but she's limited to teleporting when survivors trigger a trap and has to focus on zoning/area control over actual map pressure. She can generate pressure in the areas she controls very well, but run to a trap dead zone and she becomes low tier instantly. I'd place her after Freddy at best.

    Ghostface should be higher on the list, probably where billy is now. In fact I would move Billy up a tier, and put Hag then GF in his place. GF is the best stealth killer in the game. Myers can be strong, but the fact he is weak in ew1 hurts him a lot, and then he loses all stealth when he gains ew3 one shots. GF can do both stealth and one shots at the same time, even though using stalk is generally not the optimal strat. It's more the threat he can do it that is important.

    And I would put Myers above Plague. Plague is only strong with the right build. At base she lacks map pressure and good survivors will just not cleanse against her, which is sort of good because they are always one shot but then more sort of bad because they never waste time healing and it doesn't slow them down on gens at all. If you are a good looper you can waste enough time even injured for it to seriously hurt her.

    And as much as you love LF sorry but he should be at the bottom. Clown is weak, Legion is weak, but they have more chase potential/map pressure respectively to put them above Bubba. Bubba really doesn't have anything. No map pressure and very little chase potential. I know you will say "use these add-ons" but that would just prove my point. He needs add-ons just to be mediocre in a chase. By contrast, a good Clown will dominate every chase without add-ons. And even bad Legions can generate map pressure if they are constantly putting survivors into Deep Wounds.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,228

    That's about all you can do. The issue can be having enough time to set up the teleport path before they undo the base while 2 others hammer gens. I can usually squeeze out a 2k if I can't snowball them. Gets harder on huge maps like Coldwind or Red Forest with fewer choke points. I run Agitation so I have basement as an option more often.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    Thats why you protect 3-5 gens and trap the area around them. you will often get a down and they destroy the traps placed nearby and after you hook the survivor you go back to retrap the gen with 3-4 traps at vaults pallets ect. Its the main reason i run pgtw on her actually because a team will often keep going back to a specific gen and you just keep hitting it with pgtw. Also like i said against these teams dont go out of your way to place traps if it means going off your patrol path.

  • Marcus
    Marcus Member Posts: 2,047

    Huntress is very overrated, give her any map that is not Blood Lodge or Wreckers Yard and good survivors will make her life a hell. Even very good Huntress mains like Scott and Umbra DC from her worst maps and if you have the urge to DC with your main killer on multiple maps, then that killer is not top tier period.

    And btw, Demo is better than Huntress in every single way.

    Every killer is kinda weak without the right build against good survivors, so I don't get your point.

  • KillermainBTWm8
    KillermainBTWm8 Member Posts: 4,212

    Hags can shut down a certain area of gens. As well as using Corrupt Intervention and other perks to further make it easier to create a web of traps before the survivors get enough gens done.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Strong builds are less necessary for the top killers (GF and up). On Plague it's a necessity.

  • Marcus
    Marcus Member Posts: 2,047

    That is not true. Against good survivors, good builds are a necessity for every killer.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    But against lesser survivors, top killers don't need a good build. Lower tier killers do.

  • Marcus
    Marcus Member Posts: 2,047

    Disagree, I saw people winning with no perks no add-ons Clown at red ranks. But against good survivors, you need a decent build on everyone.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    I’m usually at red ranks, don’t assume things that you have no knowledge of.

  • Lucama
    Lucama Member Posts: 461
    edited November 2019

    Aight, I kinda disagree so here's my tier list.

    S Tier - Ol' reliables:

    Spirit - Undisputed best chase killer, and chase is currently the meta. If devs ever make survivor stealth actually viable then she'll drop.

    Freddy - Inherent slowdown, gen teleport, useful in-chase powers, he has about everything that would make a killer good. He doesn't even struggle too badly in chases, though fake pallets are too easy to tell to be viable against good survivors. Poster boy for PGTW value.

    Hag - Traps are good and the removal condition is niche enough to not be a huge downside, has some really good addon combos, works amazingly with perks like MYC. Is addon dependent though.

    A Tier - Good enough:

    Billy - Often hailed the king of balance, wrongly so. His mobility across map is amazing, but aside from that and lucky one shots he doesn't really do anything spectacular. And you'll never set up your own one-shots, it'll always be reliant on survs making bad plays. At least he can break all the pallets he'll be eating a little faster.

    Ghostface - AKA better Wraith. Having Wraith's kit without the need to announce that you're about to hit someone? Amazing. His stalk into oneshot combo is bait and shouldn't really be used unless you're out to mess with people.

    B Tier - Good enough, but on condition:

    Demo - Shred is great, hitboxes on it are a bit wonky on both sides and sometimes hits random terrain that isn't there, but otherwise a great ability. Portals are solid, good for tracking, but suffers from trapper syndrome of taking too much to set up, at least survs have to work harder to remove it.

    Nurse - People seemingly don't realise nurse is now barely faster than a 115% when moving around the map. Can move through objects, doesn't care about loops, but can be run around the map by competent survivors, and all her map pressure evaporates if it's a larger map. Addon reliant, pay the 9K BP tax to have a slightly worse old baseline nurse.

    Myers - Can get a few jumpscares in T1, T2 is just a regular killer with less TR, T3 is spooky scary Myers time, but still loopable to hell and back. He's good, can get some nasty surprise hits, but overall takes far too long to charge up, especially if you're going for perma T3 or instakill T3. Scratched mirror builds are, of course, always fun on indoor maps.

    Plague - Conditionally, a better Huntress, if the survivors have played less than two games against her and go to cleanse. As a survivor you're better off just not cleansing and taking on the 1 hit 115% loopable killer. With no real impetus to cleanse, her power is underwhelming, denies any kind of stealth build, but doesn't do anything to make her stand out. If the survivors cleanse though, she's a death machine.

    Huntress - Good power, but her lack of mobility makes her food on bigger maps. Hitboxes are too wonky to be reliable, but can sometimes cheat a hit for you so it really evens out.

    C Tier - Less than good enough:

    Pig - Traps are too conditional, survivors knowing where jigsaw boxes are from the start kills any threat, the activation condition is way too weak. Crouch is fine, but she doesn't need to be slowed down in it, especially given that her charge is usually worse than just a regular hit.

    Wraith - The stealth killer that everyone can see and announces his presence before being allowed to hit you. Has okay map pressure with his movement speed and can sometimes catch survivors unawares, but it mostly pallet fodder.

    Trapper - Ironically named for his lack of ability to trap anyone. Traps are best used to shut down loops. Trapper cannot play tactically, his traps are far too easy to see and far too easy to disarm. Only useable to pressure survivors away from safe loops, and by the time you set it you they'll be at another safe loop.

    D Tier - Can be used, but why:

    Clown - My favourite killer, and the last usable killer on the list. Can shut down loops, but if the survs just camp a pallet then it's pointless. Has no map pressure or anything to supplement his better than average loop game.

    E Tier - Turn back now, oh ye faint of heart:

    Doc - A character that could be great, if not for every part of his kit just not working. He can get people into Madness 1 to see them, once, can literally be countered by survivors clumping and all getting put into Madness 1 at the same time. Madness 2 and 3 don't really give enough benefits for how long it takes to get survs into those states, and most of the addons aren't that great. Treatment slows you down to 110, so should only be used exactly when you want to shock someone. And speaking of shock, 9/10 times it won't work. Whether it'll hit after they vaulted, whether it hits while they're vaulting and doesn't interrupt, or whether it hits before they vault but the game tells you to shove it and lets the survivor do what they want anyway. Way too unreliable, only avoids E tier because of that 1/10 times it actually works as intended.

    F Tier - BHVR forgot them and here they lie:

    Leatherface - A M1 killer with an actively detrimental power, unless survivors make big misplays. At least he can break all the pallets he'll be eating a little faster.

    Legion - A M1 killer with a power that's not really better than just hitting someone with a normal hit, and also gives less points than LF. Unless the survivors are silly enough to clump up, you're really better off not using the power. It's not even faster than walking normally because of the fatigue slowdown.

  • Marcus
    Marcus Member Posts: 2,047

    You don't, but majority of Huntress mains have and will DC on a really bad map. She's mid tier at best, she's not worth to master anymore.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    Huntress is not worse than Myers. The devs have explained her hitboxes before, they’re working as intended. Once you learn them, she is pretty awesome.

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    Now you understand what I mean when i say i have a hard time placing Hag and Huntress.

    I would switch Myers and Pig and then throw Ghostface up a tier after Pig.

    Clown I would say up a tier. His ability definitely is helping him end chases he just gets gen rushed harder then a Plague. He requires more anti gen perks, but at least he dont need chase perks.

    I'm starting to get to the point I like Plague more then Billy.

  • Lucama
    Lucama Member Posts: 461

    I mean, they might we working as intended, but that doesn't mean they're not janky. I've seen hatchets go through survs, had hatchets go through me as a surv, or been clipped on my pinkie. She's mostly below Myers because Myers doesn't suffer as badly as Huntress from big maps. If you get Red Forest or any of the larger maps, it's so painful with the 110% MS.

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    He's anything from it. Clowns a 115 ms killer with a ability to slow and disorient survivors to get a free hit. He was literally the strongest 1v1 killer in the game until Spirit came around.

    His issues are in the fact the best way to deal with clown is gen rush. I dont mean do the objective I mean actually gen rush. So you have to build with anti gen perks and situational awareness perks. If you add chase perks your wasting slots and giving up areas that could be helped with.

    Clown requires some level of understanding of the game because he doesn't need or want the normal meta perks. Also his bottles actually requires some skill as well.

    Btw not a clown main just know one well.

  • Edilibs
    Edilibs Member Posts: 699

    Oh well I main Killer at Rank 1 (always) and i play 10 killers. Out of the Killers "I" play Clown is the weakest. (I dont play Spirit, Nurse, Hillbilly, Huntress, Leatherface, Wraith)

  • OmegaXII
    OmegaXII Member Posts: 2,191

    I thought your tier list is bubba at SSS tier, and everyone else is trash tier :)

  • FearlessHunter
    FearlessHunter Member Posts: 530

    Why is Leatherface not in the over performing tier section? :(