Rin's dad = I'll be mad



  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    I just wish they'd add killers from OTHER nationality's folklore, rather than ride the weebtrain to cashtown.

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    I'm pretty sure the devs have stated in streams that she was never able to kill her father.

    Basically the Entity baited and manipulated her with the promise of the power to take revenge, and has been stringing her along with it to keep her as a killer.

  • Shraar
    Shraar Member Posts: 219

    They don't understand what "revenge" means, but nevermind that i guess smh lol

  • Blackburne
    Blackburne Member Posts: 141

    Yea just add more killers. That will definitely improve the game in the first place.

    Sure can't wait for all those cosmetics that I can pay upwards to 50 bucks for just to get teabagged on.

  • Shraar
    Shraar Member Posts: 219
    edited November 2019

    If that's true, that's hilariously bad writing. i'm willing to throw everything i know away if the devs are that stupid.

    "Hey, we have a character fueled by hatred and vengeance... btw, she never gets her revenge"

    makes almost as much sense as a killer fueled by his hatred for killing (wraith) so what am i saying

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    Wraith in my eyes basically snapped when he found out he had been killing people and was broken enough to be weak to the Entity's will.

    Spirit is different because she never did anything wrong, she's doesn't hate herself, the only motivation she has is hatred of her father. If she were allowed to kill her father what point would there be to go on?

    I think you assume that the deal was concrete like "I give you power, you kill your father OOPS that made you a killer in my realm for eternity." I see it more as "Kill for me and I will give you the power to kill your father eventually, but she basically gets stuck as a killer forever, still fuelled by that hatred.

    Look at the alchemist's lore, he stops being rational, he's willing to kill for what drives him, the Entity keeps twisting his mind. There's no hint of an escape for someone who has already been damaged enough to become a killer.

  • Mikeadatrix
    Mikeadatrix Member Posts: 890

    I'm stupefied that you actually think an Entity that abducts people, tortures them into being slaves, and throws them away like dirty tissues when they're used up would keep its word. It was an empty promise to make Rin kill for it for an eternity. If the Entity has at least two brain cells in whatever body it inhabits, it sure as hell won't let Rin find out that her father is also a killer. Call it, conflict of interests. The Entity wins and Rin will keep killing so she can eventually get the revenge. It's like putting a carrot in front of a horse you're riding. The horse wants the carrot but you want it to go forward, so you tempt it to chase it. THAT is what the Entity is doing. How straight forward do I have to put it?

  • Shraar
    Shraar Member Posts: 219

    Yeah for sure, that's a fantastic example, the way you mentioned the alchemist. Nevermind that even in those few lore entries they contradict themselves at least twice, but you are correct that he will do whatever for serum... he needs it. that's his drive.

    But he actually gets more of that serum, we see it happen. Rin is fueled by vengeance and doesn't get it... so she isn't being "strung along", she's just not thinking at all, almost like she isn't a character? Vengeance must be coming, otherwise she has no purpose, and it's bad writing.

  • Shraar
    Shraar Member Posts: 219
    edited November 2019

    Really? You're like "we can't possibly understand the entity" and then you immediately follow it up by characterizing its behaviors and applying inductive logic that it is likely to repeat similar behaviour, and also concluding that it is evil by our standards, and that by extension it must also be a liar because lying is evil. Very "bold of you" to make so many assumptions on an inscrutable mystery box (a mystery box is a cheap trick writers use, where they keep something mysterious enough to justify anything coming out of it: the entity is everything, or nothing, in other words, it sucks and isn't compelling)

    also, the carrot analogy is broken: The point of that analogy is you can see the carrot on the stick right in front of you. How on earth can you use that analogy and then also say " it sure as hell won't let Rin find out that her father is also a killer" so she can't see him? You don't make sense, and that analogy blew up instantly.

  • SaintDenisSlasher
    SaintDenisSlasher Member Posts: 227

    So im reading from this your main objection is that he's a "murdering pos" and you reject him on moral grounds because he's such a terrible person.....which honestly sounds like a really good pitch for why he should be killer lol

  • Shraar
    Shraar Member Posts: 219

    i honestly really like your theory. we don't know if the entity "lied", especially since it has no reason not to keep its oath by letting Rin murder her dad over and over again, but i absolutely think you have a fantastic idea; if the alchemist was a former survivor, it would make sense that he would go back and pick up the katana. or, any hatchet in a locker. or some of the sharp rubble. or anything.hmmm tbh i don't want to think about it that hard.

  • Shraar
    Shraar Member Posts: 219

    nah, that's not it at all. i'm more oppposed to him because i think it would ruin spirit's lore, dbd's burgeoning lore, while also making her redundant from a design and thematic pov for the sake of something thats old news.

    He shouldn't be a killer (We have spirit, we don't need another) He'd make a great survivor. We have so many survivors that are decent people, it'd be interesting to play someone who arguably belongs in the trials to be chased over and over again.

  • Mikeadatrix
    Mikeadatrix Member Posts: 890

    The Entity can make people see auras, who's to say she can't make people see what they desire most. Alas, there's no point arguing with you. You don't see reason and I can't make the blind see. Just know, when Rin's dad is added, you're gonna be one upset camper reading his lore.

  • Jacoby2041
    Jacoby2041 Member Posts: 843

    Even if it's stupid I'm rolling with it because I want the Alchemist, the cutscene is kinda badass and the power I'd suspect he'd have (inject to go roid rage on survivors) is something I'd like to have. Could main him if he's good enough

  • SaintDenisSlasher
    SaintDenisSlasher Member Posts: 227

    Yeah but calling him a murdering POS kind of gives that impression. It also wouldn't ruin her lore it would add more depth and finally im not a dev but i seriously doubt they would make him a spirit clone. Like why would he be? Spirit is the way she is because after being cut up the entity made her that way

    NNJAXELITE Member Posts: 4

    I don't think it would ruin the spirit's lore to much, I think that they can write him in and still keep the lore intact. All they have to do is say that the Entity possibly forged a memory for Rin when they offered her the deal to get revenge on her father to in turn become a killer in the trials.

  • marvelmovie
    marvelmovie Member Posts: 195

    If you look at Pamela Voorhees she was an innocent woman basically but her assault kind of made her a little crazy and when Jason's stepfather was abusing him that also pushed her over the edge to kill. After Jason's death she continued to murder anyone returning to open Camp Crystal Lake I guess technically she would be considered insane and their is no greater rage than a mother's heart broken by someone she loved, do you see where I'm going with this I'm sure Rin was angry but can you imagine the hate and sorrow her mother felt as her husband desecrated their entire life.

  • marvelmovie
    marvelmovie Member Posts: 195
    edited November 2019
  • Johnble
    Johnble Member Posts: 175

    What if her dad becoming a killer enhances her vengeance?

  • MissMora
    MissMora Member Posts: 28

    THANK YOU! I'm so glad someone understands why she cannot have her revenge. I read this whole thread not knowing why people don't realize this

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    I was trying to say this before I gave up because the discussion was going nowhere. Just wanted to say thank you for laying it all out so sensibly and clearly, and better than I was able to.

  • Skywclu
    Skywclu Member Posts: 43

    I know it's a stupid idea, but it could possibly be the mom?

  • Skywclu
    Skywclu Member Posts: 43

    Like it could be a mother-daughter pair.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342
    edited November 2019

    That's not a stupid idea. We don't know anything really about Rin's mother, so there's a lot more room to work with there. I'm not sure how they would go about making her distinct from the Spirit, though, in the way that killers normally are from one another. Two onryos seems a bit unnecessary.

  • crossboy
    crossboy Member Posts: 55

    Why are you "dreading" something that has barely been hinted at yet? We have absolutely no way of knowing what it is yet. I think you're getting ahead of yourself here, nothing has been confirmed yet

  • kate_best_girl
    kate_best_girl Member Posts: 2,184

    I think it'll be her mom-

  • JoyfulLeader
    JoyfulLeader Member Posts: 571

    I wouldn't be mad if he was a survivor. Wed finally get a survivor I wouldn't feel bad for hooking or mori'ing

  • grayon444
    grayon444 Member Posts: 757

    Entity is an evil force and does not care.She will do everything for food.All killers and survivors are just pawns to her.So it makes sence that she brings him to the her realm since he had gone mad from killing his family.More killers to provide food?Sure.

  • Jason13Voorhees
    Jason13Voorhees Member Posts: 5

    But just because he is a killer doesnt mean she wouldnt be motivated by revenge. Sure the entity "promised" her vengeance but that doesnt mean she will ever get said vengeance as a matter of fact if she did get vengeance she would have no motivation to kill anymore. Just because he becomes empowered doesnt mean she ever finds out he becomes empowered for all she knows she just has to keep going on to doing the entitys bidding until shes done or the entitys done with her it doesnt destroy the lore it just shows that the entity only does what the entity wants to do the existence of rins father as a killer doesnt change anything

  • I_Eat_Worms
    I_Eat_Worms Member Posts: 324

    pretty sure one of the devs even said in a year 3 stream she wouldnt get revenge because thats the whole point of a "vengeful spirit"

  • Shraar
    Shraar Member Posts: 219

    No, I'm not. I'm operating under the assumption that their lore can be believed, otherwise who cares. Also, I don't know how else to say it: Revenge. REVENGE. It's not vague at all. She hates her dad. Honestly, I'm wasting my time with you. I'm not trying to condescend, but I honestly believe I'm being trolled, nobody is that thick...

  • Shraar
    Shraar Member Posts: 219

    Fibjean I'm sorry if I offended a real person, I'm just short on patience because I really can't believe anyone is thick enough to say '"blood and revenge" is all we know of the oath that was made, and that's incredibly vague." like no, it isn't vague, I gave you the definition of revenge. She wants revenge vs. dad. That's not possible with Killer dad. And if the Entity is just a liar, well, the lore sucks and we shouldn't trust anything we here: lying is bad, mmkay? And it makes for lame stories when anything can be retconned/disregarded. No weight or consequence to the writing, setup for no payoff, it's bad writing. Sorry if you're a real person and not a troll btw, I didn't want to offend.

  • SilentSpectre
    SilentSpectre Member Posts: 830

    I just hope it's a cool killer, strong enough to actually threaten survivors past rank 10.

  • TuckzysGayMeng
    TuckzysGayMeng Member Posts: 72

    I was thinking more of a cosmetic. Sort of like The Leigon. We don’t need a sword wielding Japanese dude who is most likely going to be the exact same. But same killer different outfit and voice. I could probably get behind that.

  • TuckzysGayMeng
    TuckzysGayMeng Member Posts: 72

    Like spirit changes? Like the ones the devs talked about during their live stream?

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    Can't wait to see how many people leave him on the hook to die.

    Honestly that's one of the reasons I don't believe you could have a "bad guy" as a survivor. Also because the Entity feeds on "hope" it wouldn't make sense to have someone like Rin's dad be a survivor.

    I also hope he ISN"T becoming a killer because I feel that would also just seem awkward.

  • Nonfunctional
    Nonfunctional Member Posts: 70

    Dude you need to stop. Your understanding of what motivates people is extremely basic and one dimensional. Your position that she was promised blood and vengeance against her father would rely on him being a survivor so she can actually act against him. He isn't so your entire premise falls apart.

    Secondly the first things we usually do when our loved ones or family do terrible ######### is make excuses for them. She may blame society for making her father snap and therefore the revenge she is seeking is just against people in general.

    I'm not saying you are wrong, but your outlook is similar to a child's as is your tantrum that people on a forum aren't agreeing with you.

  • Shraar
    Shraar Member Posts: 219
    edited November 2019

    Get over yourself armchair psychologist, don't tell me "What we usually do", and go on to talk about "society" and "excuses"... lmao, read her lore again. She hates him. That was pretty clear. I also don't think you know what a tantrum is, I'm using reason I just have little patience for arrogant people like you xD

    Your outlook is similar to literally any other arrogant commenter, so whatever, be wrong, I'm here for discussion, don't tell me to "stop", just go away. please, go away lol.

  • Shraar
    Shraar Member Posts: 219

    Ok so if you're telling me I should lower my standards, umm, no, I'm allowed to criticize bad writing, and if they're investing in lore (tomes) now is the time. don't assert there will "never be narrative payoff" when literally all it would take would be an archives cinematic of her finally being able to attack her dad again and again, everytime she completes the trial. An incentive to keep existing from the Entity: That's narrative payoff, and until they explore more lore we don't know if that's happening yet or not.

    Imo, a lot of you just aren't creative people. you're too busy focusing on "well entity this, we don't know that" but you're not able to think of where things could go and how that would affect other written stories. not a creative person. this is about writing, it's tough to think about.

  • Shraar
    Shraar Member Posts: 219

    If you want to use this entity excuse (The whole point of the entity is to be so vague it can be/do anything, if you're saying "well entity wouldn't like that" that means the Entity is poorly written or you don't understand it) you should consider maybe it feeds off every emotion: fear, hope, anger, sadness, etc...

  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293

    So why would it let Rin kill her father?

    The Entity is being fueled from her RAGE.

  • Shraar
    Shraar Member Posts: 219
    edited November 2019

    You had no arguments, so, ofc. Just because I disagree with your point doesn't mean i dont see reason, maybe your arguments just aren't convincing? hmm? if rins dad is added, i'll laugh and think "wow, they have no respect for their own stories, they could add anything why would they go out of their way to ruin their story so far, seems like a bad idea", not sure if you can feed off that wannabe entity lmao

  • Shraar
    Shraar Member Posts: 219

    same reason it lets her kill any other survivor? except from a lore perspective she'll enjoy killing him more, so if the ant feeds off powerful emotion it would make sense. as a killer with no interaction, you lose that.

  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293
    edited November 2019

    Why would she kill other survivors if her dad is already dead then?

    She already got her vengeance. There would be literally no reason for her to continue killing.

  • Shraar
    Shraar Member Posts: 219

    Cool bold letters dude how do you do that?

    Cause "death is not an escape", she can do it over and over again. She'd definitely participate in trials and kill anyone she came across without a spare though if her reward was getting 20 mins alone with dad everytime she got a 4k. she has eternal undying hatred for her dad, that's literally her whole shtick, so I don't think she'd ever get tired of it.

    the entity feeds off emotion+

    rin has a lot of negative feelings towards her dad+

    being able to satisfy her need for vengeance (over and over and over) would be extremely cathartic=

    entity+rin win over and over and over because they both get what they want.

  • dinocat2
    dinocat2 Member Posts: 23

    I doubt the entity would ever tell the spirit it actually has her dad as a killer