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What’s Your guy’s favorite dbd Youtuber/Streamer and a reason why?
For Example, My favorite is monto since he’s pretty funny and has some smart plays.
Monto,Tru3, and SpaceCoconut
Monto creates some imaginative builds and he's funny
Tru3 helps me learn a lot when it comes to analytics
Space is a cool dude and creates some good discussions, he also gets really ######### evil sometimes which is always a treat 😁
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Probably Marth.
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Overall favourite: Otz - because he's a very analytical player with good plays and very creative builds. Also he seems to have a very empathic personality which is incredibly rare. As a result watching his streams is a very fun and chill experience.
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Umbra, kittychipz, Zubat, Scorpionz and some more but these are the ones i watch the most.
kittychipz because she's a great survivor and very funny. Whenever something hilarious happens in the match and she starts laughing, i laugh even more LOL. I can imagine that killer mains don't really like her though because she makes it look like she bullies them in game.
Well about Umbra, i don't really enjoy watching Killer streams but Umbra is an exception. I never get bored of watching her play Huntress. She is also very friendly/chill.
Scorpionz, same as above but with Piggy.
Zubat is a great player on both sides. Always fun to watch.
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NoOb3 because his voice makes my heart melt
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Ahh yes noob3 has a beautiful voice (no homo)
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Ochido and N00b3 because I like fleshlights, ctrl spam and ebony mories.
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TricksterShadow, Otz, Marth, Tru, Umbra
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Puppers because he is a really good survivor and a super positive/fun person. He's probably the only one I watch for the commentary.
I watch almost all the others but mostly for game play.
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No0b3- I just enjoy his personality honestly, he is comforting to listen to. I rewatch all his videos when I can’t sleep.
Otzdarva- I have learned so much from him, he has a great attitude and is incredibly informative while he plays. I also have a soft spot since I’ve been watching him since he was playing dark souls.
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Noob3 all the way. I stumbled upon his videos when I was watching a DbD Video of another YT'er, and instantly loved him. He's hilarious to watch, and has taught me a few tricks for Survivors too
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I liked him and gravitated toward him because he has a particular set of videos that are both entertaining and informative. And he doesn't do clickbaity bullcrap.
I used to watch Ardetha, as his clickbaity stuff was pretty minimal, but recently he's been doing videos that just haven't been appealing to me.
I hate a lot of DbD videos because most of it boils down to, "SECRET OP BUILD!?!?" or "X IS SO BROKEN!" or worse yet, "WATCH THIS KILLER/SURVIVOR RAGE OVER INFINATE LOOP/CHEESE BUILD!"
Watching people get upset doesn't give me any pleasure, and it genuinely upsets me because it really shows how low the value of entertainment is in this game, where we have to ruin other people's experiences with the game for the sake of entertainment.
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I used to watch tydetyme a lot. I don't know if I have a favorite currently. I do find farmer john entertaining. I also like when puppers/monto/satellizer play together.
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For real, after watching monto is the one that got me into understanding how to loop
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Puppers. He's usually pretty chill and fun. I like Hybrid Panda alot as well because he's pretty funny.
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Tokki , she has a really awesome personality. She’s fun to watch. She’s positive.
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Otz- Known him since my Dank souls days, was a treat watching him
sufferhave an incredibly good time doing the no hit run challenge specifically on Dank souls 2. So when I found out he started doing DBD content was quite enjoyable. Specially since he doesn't just play the meta.0 -
Monto especially when I was new he's the reason I know what the ######### perks and add ons do
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Otz , Monto , Tru3 and Zubat
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Otzdarva. He is probably the only DBD Content Creator I watch ^^
His videos are informative and entertaining.
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No0b3, I just love his videos and the way he edit them. Also his voice is calming and he makes me laugh a lot.
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Monto because he comes up with all sorts of fun and interesting builds for both sides. He's really funny.
Zubat because he's an amazing killer and very chilled.
Otz and Tru3 as are both great for learning all kinds of things about the game. They are analysts of Dbd and both really nice guys.
Hybridpanda for his great humor, news updates, shrine watches, and all around fun factor of watching him.
Streamdad who is the definition of a gentleman. One of the nicest, friendliest non toxic streamers I've ever seen.
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Ohm for casual, monto for builds, hybridpanda for shrinewatch and vs. Series.
My favorite right now is probably cowsIAM. He seems to be the one that most genuinely still enjoys this game after all the time put into it.
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Many of the streamers tend to be douches in one way or another, but there are a few who genuinely impress me.
- Tru3ta1ent
- Marth (back when he still streamed dbd)
- Fungoose
- CrunchyEggRollz
- Brother Cope
- Jordirex (best huntress streamer)
- ZubatLEL
- Otz
- Stream Dad
- TheEntityLeftHand
There are probably a few I'm forgetting, but these guys are usually good streamers.
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Tru3 he is the only one who understands the game's poor balance and calls it out, then provides solutions. Also he is entertaining and has a great accent <3
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Noob3 is my most favorite you tuber, his voice is really nice to listen and he is really funny. His videos are really cool and fun to watch, I love his humor. His editing is not too annoying like from ochido. He is the best survivor ive seen and I learned much things from him.
Second best choice would be puppers, he is really funny aswell and a good survivor, he is like noob3 just older and bald :D. They both are a good team and nice persons. Puppers has a nice humor aswell, just missing some editing in his videos thats why I dont watch him that much compared to noob3.
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Otz and panda. Its just fun to watch, they are not toxic and you can learn a lot from them.
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Monto is a good one. So is @SpaceCoconut and Otz.
Monto because his demeanor just makes me laugh. That and seeing him react to Rank 1 potatoes is hilarious. XD
Otz because I used to watch him in his Dark Souls days, and seeing him come to DBD was awesome. He also has some good builds that I like to use as well... He's just fun. Although his lack of Legion vids disappoints me, he has helped me become a better Trapper.
@SpaceCoconut because he's a swell guy who helps with Hag tips (which don't seem to help much, but I'm bad as Hag. Maybe that's because she's difficult on console, idk. Using her traps for mindgames seems to work better for me, and I was taught that trick by him (whether he knows or not. And he makes a lot of good points about the state of the game on top of it. He seems like a more relatable Truetalent, and one I can listen to without wanting to leave his vids.
I have nothing against Truetalent, I just think the builds he comes up with, while useful, aren't very fun. He's very analytical, and that's not why I play the game.
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Yeah, his DBD vids are both entertaining and informative. I also liked him when he was a Dark Souls streamer too. He's been a good guy.
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Does marth still play? I haven't heard about him in a while
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I used to watch Monto for his builds, but eventually, I got bored, his builds started to be kinda repetitive to me. I also loved Ardetha, he always made me laugh, but I didn't watch him for a while too.
Now I watch Space Coconut, Smashen Tru3 and sometimes Scott Jund.
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He's not streaming anymore sadly. He was my favourite, now i'm mostly looking Tru3, Otzdarva and Monto.
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Used to watch Ardetha and Ussylis, then they started making childish noises that kinda bothered me. I tried watching aaron, but after I told him to stop writing OP!! everywhere since it was clearly a clickbait to gather casual audience, and he didn’t maintain the promise, I stopped watching him.
As now, I watch only Zubat and Scott.
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tru3talent for me is nr1 the guy has played the game since it came out and giving us tips how to survive/be a killer.
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I really really miss hybrid panda!!! I know he's got personal things going on but damn I miss you my man best wishes to you so much love respect to you 💖🐷
I really love Otz currently am totally loving him he's very polite and kind and full of tips things I didn't even know learning alot.
Ohmywrecker is a dude love him so nice to watch someone just play rather than talk about the meta etc he has fun in an non toxic way its beautiful.
BTW Otz for fog whisperer!!! Please he will be a good one 🐖💕
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Tru3talent for builds
Noob3 for enjoyment, i love the little voice overs he adds "I'm fast as fk boiii"
Also funny when monto and noob3 team up!
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I got super pumped for DbD in the early days of the game by watching angrypug and admiralbahroo, but then I drifted away.
When I finally picked it up last year (November 2018, I got to play pre-legion and experience all that JOY) I was really into Monto, Puppers, and Noob3, while I'd check out tydetime for info on things.
Now that I have all the dlc, almost every perk unlocked for survivor and like half for killer, and play exclusively solo on either role, I love Otz.
My favs are:
-Otz, because he's a precious soul and mad genius, who feels for the survivors even though they only ever hurt him. Plus, he's a damn good trapper, and I love it.
-Noob3, because he's a sappy ######### who really loves his audience and can't show it without making himself cringe into oblivion. He's just a babe, unable to care without feeling awkward, yet filled with feelings nonetheless.
-Demi, Mr. Hotdog water himself. He's a crazy bastard, but he's never tried to hurt the people he "bullies," he just wants to make us laugh. He also goes way beyond what you'd expect and really tries to help out people having a rough time, the cheeky twat.
-Puppers, because he knows and remembers his audience, and has a REAL community. He worked hard to build his corner of the Internet, and it's a beautiful place.
-Monto, because he knows how to put on a show, and while he might be using his soundboard like, 90% more than required, he just wants to have fun and share that fun with his viewers.
I also like panda, who does a fantastic job on shrinewatch every week, zubat, who's a GOD behind the wheel when it comes to killing people, Paulie, who never stops researching, theorycrafting, and speculating for us, Tofu, for being a lovable goof, ScottJund, for being a crazy cat man and delivering more hatchets than Amazon. I'm probably forgetting people, but I - wait, Rhy is also a darling! Her juke montages, and her videos back when she was a little baby killer getting booli'd by mean old demi, warmed my heart but good. Samination deserves all the respect I could ever muster, because being an animator on YouTube just SUCKS, and yet there he is, killing it like an absolute paragon of hard work and dedication.
You might think I forgot painreliever, as the guy below me has said, but I was just waiting for the key...
... moment to mention how neat his work is. He really hunkers down and covers all the little aspects of his play, mentioning things that a lot of us would take for granted, but that's the stuff that needs mentioning the most, as it would really help out the new players. He's even got a spectacular, maniacal alter ego, Sawdette, and I love every second of it.
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It is painful to me that no one mentioned painreliever. He might not be top notch coming to gameplay, but his voiceover... Ohgm god, it is so soothing
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Otzdarva. Funny guy, good attitude, level headed. Takes things seriously when he needs to but knows how to have fun.
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Otzdarva. Funny guy, good attitude, level headed. Takes things seriously when he needs to but knows how to have fun.
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I like Monto and Samination. Monto is pretty down to earth and humorous. Plus, I mean, he's in the game (lol). Samination makes the Dead by Daylight parody animations.
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Thanks for reminding me about my boy PR, had to edit my comment
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TheEntityLeftHand - praise his streams are different than any other dbd streamer
Marth - he just finished hardcore killer mode. It was awesome. Almost lost the whole thing to a key. (Ps clown is over performing please nerf)
PaulieEsther - love his news videos.
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Ohmwrecker is My favorite.Also he is the one who made me play DBD, After a long time, I got Monto and Noob3 videos In My YT recommendation.From their I started to watch Ohm, Noob3 and Monto's videos.From Paulie's videos I started to notice Hybrid Panda, Now I am also watching his Shrine Watch and Paulie's Entertaining streams too. So these are my Favourite YouTubers.
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I watch Tru3 to learn new tricks and hes genuinely pretty entertaining.
I watch Monto for the meme builds.
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I use to like Tru3 but his streams and videos became repetitive so I kinda stopped. I watch No0b3, Geistra, PainReliever, And sometimes Otzdarva and Fungoose.
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Strange, Im sure he's currently going for a killer hardmode series of streams. Today at 9 am (germany) he was playing live... he's also commentator on tournaments the last few weekends (spaceesports)
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No0b3 is pretty God tier, especially his toxic series.
Monto and Puppers are also 10/10
I don't watch Otz too often but he seems good.