Let's Make One Thing Clear...



  • TeambossFloze
    TeambossFloze Member Posts: 1,260

    I like to run self care, because if we all run medkits the killers will lobby dodge, in fact I don't ever take anything into match due to the hyper sensitivity of lobby dodgers.

    @Snow_Lep you are clearly overperforming xD

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    It takes an extra 16 seconds to fully self-care.

    someone else healing you takes 16 seconds, self-care takes 32.

  • TeambossFloze
    TeambossFloze Member Posts: 1,260

    Based on the fact you either find a survivor that is willing to heal you or

    b) ######### claudette who just sold you out 2 minutes ago wants to heal you nd you don't want them too.

  • TeambossFloze
    TeambossFloze Member Posts: 1,260

    Happens so many times, someone selling you out or someone unhooking you at quite possibly the worst time ever - then they have the cheek to want some heal points xD

  • TeambossFloze
    TeambossFloze Member Posts: 1,260

    I know, dirty savages the lot of them

    Also I will struggle til the very end ! I want my BPS !

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110
  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    If only Botany effected all healing speed. Not just Self Care. Wait....

  • TeambossFloze
    TeambossFloze Member Posts: 1,260

    Dude, this is not the place for talking sense ! Pls

  • CantDrownIfASiren
    CantDrownIfASiren Member Posts: 46

    Hated SC before the nerfs. I have been enjoying Nancy's inner strength a lot. Game is all about time management and self care almost always results in bad time management. Sometimes it's good to heal eachother. Sometimes it's better to risk prioritizing the gens. Again, all about time management.

  • TeambossFloze
    TeambossFloze Member Posts: 1,260

    Aye it does all come down to priority - and I think this is the difference sometimes between a good survivor and a Great Survivor

  • CantDrownIfASiren
    CantDrownIfASiren Member Posts: 46

    That and those willing to be a team player. Rarely find team players in solo anymore. Really sad tbh.

  • TeambossFloze
    TeambossFloze Member Posts: 1,260

    very true, then "some" solo players complain that SWF have all the perks but choose to play like they are the kingpin of the game and ignore everyone else. Most players I play with are quite selfish and sometimes just damn ...stupid..i mean the amount of times im on a hook thinking...wth are they doing..

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    You argued using Self Care and Botany for healing was a waste of perk slots. I'm arguing the combo makes Self Care heals manageable as well as healing your team faster.

  • CantDrownIfASiren
    CantDrownIfASiren Member Posts: 46

    Survivors are in a desperate need for an adequate ranking system that rewards good, team players. And then a matchmaking system that matches them together correctly. We all know ranking currently only really means the player plays a lot and doesnt dc. I really wish survivors would complain about this more so the devs would actually do something about it.

  • SilentSpectre
    SilentSpectre Member Posts: 830
    edited November 2019

    No, I didn't Mr.Liar ? Re-read my post and stop putting words in my mouth ?

  • Azgard12
    Azgard12 Member Posts: 335

    What about when you're playing solo? I often have a hard time getting heals without a medkit.

  • Snow_Lep
    Snow_Lep Member Posts: 305

    Well this blew up into something didn't it. 😕

  • SilentSpectre
    SilentSpectre Member Posts: 830
    edited November 2019
  • ChilledOcean
    ChilledOcean Member Posts: 31

    Arden is still a good perk. If you're being chased or slugged that could get you out of the game. I used to run iron will but I gave it up for borrowed because of all the proxy camping people do and if I'm found I know how to run the killer so I don't play immersed anymore but I still love my adren. The only counter is I guess noed and the plague if you're broken but you still get the speed boost.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    Hey I could still argue about the Iron Will Adrenaline combo. Lol.

  • I_Be_Pro_Fun
    I_Be_Pro_Fun Member Posts: 73

    I do just have to say, your defense is inner strength is eight seconds. Which, comparitively, is faster than the 24 seconds of Self care. Quick question though...

    How long does a totem take?

    Cause I'm fairly certain that the totem + the 8 seconds (not including the fact that you have to find a locker).

    Not to mention, it has a limited number of uses. You can use inner strength a maximum of 5 times a match! Thats if your teammates dont cleanse any totems as well, so you can heal 5 times, compared to Self Care's unlimited number of uses. And a med kit has it's own drawbacks. Its bright (bad for hiding), it has a limited number of uses (generally 1-3, maybe 4 with good add ons). But it is completely countered by Franklin's demise (which any smart killer would run).

    Is Inner Care better for it's faster heal time, and the fact you can prep it? Yes.

    Is it viable with the fact totems take longer than self care does generally, and the fact it has a maximum of 5 uses? Not as much as you write.

    If I have to go for an unhook or a body block, I would rather have the 24 seconds flat whenever I get injured, than all the time and specific scenarios where Inner Strength is Viable. (Also, side note, Self care is good for waking up and I can use self care mid chase. And I dont proc Iron Maiden).

    Thank you for coming to my TED talk

  • AbsolutelyAmel
    AbsolutelyAmel Member Posts: 146

    "Boosted" is a term a DBD Youtuber uses for people that try hard (i guess?)- He also uses it wrong since being boosted is not necessarily a bad thing, so whatever

  • toxicmegg
    toxicmegg Member Posts: 662

    i use iron will and do something useful injured until i see a teammate who can heal me. med kits and bond are also better than running self care.

  • toxicmegg
    toxicmegg Member Posts: 662

    yeah, but totems are kinda the second objective.. so breaking them isn't a bad waste of time, unlike selfcaring in a corner is.

  • Snow_Lep
    Snow_Lep Member Posts: 305
    edited November 2019

    I've always heard and known boosted as follows; Boosted - to be carried or leech off of teammates to get yourself to a higher rank than your actual level of skill.

    I've heard "boosted" pre-DBD and it meant as I said above. Now if the DBD form of boosted has a different meaning, than I apologize for the misuse.

    As for this. My argument with Inner Strength is the fact it is a lot easier than self care as well. You can clean a totem at the beginning of the match, not take a hit until there is 1 gen left, and have yourself a quick and convienient 8 second heal and you have most definitely ran past lockers and know general locations of where to find one by that point. Inner strength doesn't have to be used immediately after taking a hit either. I like to sit on my dead hard for a little before I actually decide to get healed. If I can run the killer, good. If i get caught. I can hop into a locker, get my heal, and since I run DS, if they pull me out before the heal/60 seconds are up. Then tada, more running/looping and i have my dead hard still.

    Plus my time was wrong. Its actually 32 seconds to self care. They nerfed healing.

  • Blackburne
    Blackburne Member Posts: 141
    edited November 2019

    I fail to see how this could be a bad perk for me.

    When I am injured and you are on hook I self care. Means the killer is not where I am and if you are not getting camped he is not where you are either. Best time for heals, plus the heal is faster than your Stage 2 hook.

    If nobody unhooked you by the time I am done and you are still not being camped I know I can go unhook you safely as the killer is probably busy with the other two shitheads.

    Now all I need to do is not heal you and hope the killer oneshots you, as I refuse to run BT.

    You see BT would be counter productive here, as it would only delay you getting rehooked, which costs me my points and makes it more difficult for me to pip. Once I've unhooked you twice I'll do a gen or two, loop the killer until the rest of the gens are done, open the exit gate and get my pip.

    So really, I don't see the problem with Self Care. Should probably consider running it yourself if you find yourself getting hooked that often.

    And no, I will not take a medkit when I can just get a fleshlight.

  • Snow_Lep
    Snow_Lep Member Posts: 305

    Ladies and gentleman... We got him. Right here. This right here. Now thats hot. This right here has proved my point entirely. I'm not camped 99% of the time. Just have teammates who self care over coming for me after I run the killer for 2 or 3 gens.

    This right here. Says EVRRYTHING

    And why when I spectate matches after I die, its obvious how no more gens are being completed

    You sir. Are excellent. You just gave every bit of validity to my claims and proved them in whole. You are an amazing person, good luck in your future games.

  • MathiaStef
    MathiaStef Member Posts: 132

    I say it is decent paired with knowledge and even a brown medkit

  • Atrushan88
    Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,092
    edited November 2019

    If you're self caring more than 2 times in a match something is wrong. Self Care takes 32 seconds, they were wrong about it being 24. Also Inner Strength + a totem would take 20 seconds. Finding the totem might take another 12 seconds, MAYBE, but you usually spawn right next to one, or can find one within the first 3 seconds. Now it's already prepped, you've taken out 1/5 totems for NOED(actually contributing to the match), and if you're unhooked, that person who was gonna heal you can go do gens instead while you get in a locker. When you're self caring, you're doing nothing for your team. You're just giving yourself an extra health state while someone else is being chased and two people potentially are on gens. You running to that corner to self care while the killer was chasing someone else instead of letting the unhooker with We'll Make It heal you just wasted time for absolutely no reason. This is the reason Self Care is bad. It promotes selfish gameplay. Oh and I've never seen someone get spotted because they had a med kit...lol.

    Who runs Iron Maiden besides Huntress? And 10 seconds isn't a problem, you're usually too far from the killer for Iron Maiden to actually come into effect outside of just showing the killer where you were 10 seconds ago. If I run Inner Strength, I'm also running Head On, and I always run DS, so that's 3 perks great for locker plays already. If the killer spots me, I have Inner Strength activated, and I'm far enough away but in an unsafe area, I can run into a locker, they can sit there waiting to bait me into a Head On, and if that 8 seconds pops, I'm fully healed and if I manage the Head On, I've just created a fresh new full health chase vs the killer. If I don't get the Head On, I lasted longer than I would have if I didn't have Inner Strength.

  • Jackal
    Jackal Member Posts: 2

    You seem like a delight.

  • I_Be_Pro_Fun
    I_Be_Pro_Fun Member Posts: 73

    @Atrushan88 @Snow_Lep

    So, its a little obvious to mw that you two don't play Altruisticly in the sense of going for hooksaves and protecting teammates.

    "If you get hit more than two times a match, you are doing something wrong." Was truly the dead give away. If my teammates get hooked, I am generally the one to save them (Usually run borrowed time, self care, Babysitter, and an interchangeable perk which is usually more gen oriented or Dead hard.

    Say my teammate goes down, and gets hooked. I go in for the save, and get hit. I loop the killer, and occasionally heal a little, until either he goes after someone else, I am fully healed, or he gets me.

    Now lets say, he goes after someone else instead of finishing the loop with me, and I fully heal. Sure, it does take longer, but now, I am ready to go. Say, six seconds before I finish healing, he snags someone off gen, and hooks them. I now heal up to fully, and can go save them.

    If I had been running Inner strength, I would have had to go and find another totem before I could heal up again, meaning that getting hit while going for a save.

    And yes, I know, if the killer is within distance to hit me when I go for the unhook, its unsafe, and could be considered farming. But there are lots of times killers camp (everyone knows that). There are killers who watch from afar. There are just the killers who are patrolling in the area. Sometimes I body block, or take a distraction event.

    The reason you guys don't see it as viable, is because it's a waste of time and cannot be prepped like other perks (like inned strength).

    But if you are playing altruisticly, or as a distraction to the killer (like me), self care is higher ranking due to the fact that it can be applied over time, can be applied mid chase, doesn't require me to do totems, and has no minimum number of uses.

    While generally, Inner strength is more time viable than self care, the fact it has a limited number of uses, as well as has to be prepped reduces it's viability for more altruistic players.

    So just don't completely disqualify self care's uses, please.

    (Also, didn't they nerf DS? I thought you had to be hooked, and then you had 60 seconds where if you get grabbed it can be activated. Or does that not affect locker grabs?)

  • I_Be_Pro_Fun
    I_Be_Pro_Fun Member Posts: 73


    Oop, missed acknowledging a few things mentioned.

    Yeah, we'll make it is quicker. But odds are, if I'm unhooking someone, nobody else will be able to use their will make it on me.

    And I will admit, I play killer more than Survivor. I have spotted people because of their bright red lunchbox before, as unbelievable as it sounds.

    I get what you guys are saying, using it selfishly is bad. Its a waste of time, and inner strength is better. The people who get unhooked, run, and self care are nothing but a detriment to the team. But if you don't use it selfishly, I.E. when playing for unhooks and distractions, it generally outranks Inner Strength because of it not needing a prep. That, and if I am hurt when someone goes down, I can also be relatively close (not messing with bones on the other end of the map)

  • ChilledOcean
    ChilledOcean Member Posts: 31

    Really? Because it seems to me you're comparing SC and IW to a medkit but please correct me if I'm wrong.

  • Spirit_Hag
    Spirit_Hag Member Posts: 168

    No thanks, i like to play stealth and walking around grunting and one shot down is not my idea of a good strategy. Ill keep my self care :D

  • 8obot1c
    8obot1c Member Posts: 1,129

    It is

  • Angelicus23
    Angelicus23 Member Posts: 2,547

    your opinion, don't state it as fact

  • PigNRun
    PigNRun Member Posts: 2,428

    You dont even know how Mangled effect works. It doesnt reduce charges on an item, or its consumption. It just takes longer to fully heal.

  • Snow_Lep
    Snow_Lep Member Posts: 305
    edited November 2019

    I feel like there are a few things missing

    I do save people and I definitely save them before they get in the second state or die off of whatever state they're on. Another thing is that I will heal people and I don't max out my altruism but I get it 75% nearly every game I play. I take hits after unhooking people because I feel more confident about running the killer most of the time especially if I ran them before in the match. But where I draw the line is when there is one generator left, I'm working on it, and you run up expecting a heal over doing it, and then proceeded to self care right beside me.

    With the unhooks I have been screwed over more times than I can count because of my teammates proceeding to self care while sitting in the corner of the map away from me with the killers heartbeat nowhere near me. That is what the issue with the perk is, yes it does take longer than 32 seconds for someone to get into second state but the majority of people I've seen running the park immediately get off of generators, move the other Direction and hide whenever the terror radius is near. I am aware not everybody is that way but in 99% of games I play with anywhere from rank one to rank 12 players this is the pattern I've noticed.

    The perk is nine times out of 10 ran by players who are unconfident in their abilities and get all of their boldness points from the two second Chase before they're downed. That is why i use the term boosted for describing them. You have to know how to run and loop to be a viable red/purple rank survivor

  • Atrushan88
    Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,092
    edited November 2019

    I do go for hook saves, when my teammates allow it, but I don't when they're over there directly by the hook waiting to farm them, which happens quite often. I never said "If you get hit more than 2 times a game, you're doing it wrong". I said if you're SELF CARING more than 2 times a game, you're doing it wrong. There should be no reason you should self care all game, other teammates exist, it's faster. Self Care is a time waste, meaning you should not be doing it that often. You can heal with more things than self care. Med kits, allies, etc. Self Care, if used, should only be used in situations where none of those are available to you, and that should not happen 5 times in a match.

    If you're saving someone from a hook, then wait until the killer leaves. If the killer does not leave, you're putting your team in more danger by trying to unhook in front of the camper, because then they'll down you, and then down the other person, now they get 2 hooks, and can still camp one, likely the one they hooked the first time to ensure they die quicker.

    Yes, you have to be hooked first for DS, but a totem takes 12 seconds, and then a locker takes 8. That's 20 out of 60 seconds. You can also have inner strength already prepped by the time you got unhooked, saving the person's time who unhooked you and protecting yourself in the locker in the event the killer comes after you with 3 different perks. If the killer grabs you out of the locker before Inner Strength deactivates, you have DS, if Inner Strength deactivates, you have Head On.

    If you're trying to be a distraction, you generally won't have time to self care in front of a killer's face, not a good one anyways. You waste the killer's time as much as possible, then you're hooked. Self Caring in a chase gets you hit sooner more often than not.

    A survivor has 60 seconds of hook time before they go into stage 2, and if you're injured, you shouldn't go for the save, someone healthy should. Everyone should be working on gens for as long as possible before unhooking that person. Self Care shouldn't be needed to go for an unhook, UNLESS you're going for an end game play, everyone leaves and it's just you.

  • I_Be_Pro_Fun
    I_Be_Pro_Fun Member Posts: 73

    @Atrushan88 @Snow_Lep

    Hmm, ok. I getcha both, and I see where you are coming from.

    The way you phrased it made it sound like self care and anyone who runs it is bad though, I was hust trying to say there are scenarios and people who use it responsably and effectively.

    Like when you said gens, and people self caring right infront of you or whatnot, I know lots who do that to be fair. But generally, if you don't get off gen after a few seconds, I'll go to working on the generator as well.

    I understand Inner Strength is a quicker replacement to Self Care, but not everyone who runs self care is a Bad player, and not in every scenario is it a bad choice. I will admit, I usually run self care and medkit, because they kind of stack (and if my medkit runs out, I can always heal up regularly).

    All I was saying is, there is a scenario where every perk in the game, no matter how bad you think it is, is useful. Except MoM, but that's just because Distraction hit scoring events are bugged, and MoM doesn't register them. (I honestly think it should register Distraction, and Protection)

    Anyways, thank you both for having an honest, actually well thought out discussion with me. That honestly doesn't happen often, here or on other forums.