
Ok so lately I have been noticing a ton a disconnecting from players of the community, especially survivors up against a Spirit. But it's been happening to often. Whenever I play my main killer, Freddy (I have over 500 hrs on him from pre and post rework since release), I tend to get a disconnection all bc of an out play or just getting downed. I've been playing more Spirit recently as well (50+ hrs at most) and it seems to be an issue with her as well. I understand that there are discussions of a Spirit nerf, but is it because of disconnects or because of actual community complaints? I strictly believe the only reasons why survivors tend to dc is because they want something nerfed, thats how it was with Nurse, who was my main along side Freddy before her nerf. But if the equivalent of disconnects are also happening with Ghostface, doesnt that mean people who dc should start getting banned for a time? Because thats not how players should get what they want. I haven't seen any killers dc about Prove Thyself because of how insane the gen rush meta can be (example: No Mither Build), and I haven't seen any plans to nerf any of that. If or when Spirit gets nerfed that should be the main focus of the devs; generator speeds, and a second objective. Change the core of the game and make it fun for both sides. And I understand that's hard with a game with split sides and each game like this has a majority which is Survivor. But I think that maybe if the game changes as whole then this will be better for the whole comminity and the health of the game, especially the disconnecting aspect of it.


  • arslaN
    arslaN Member Posts: 1,936

    I don't remember people dcing against nurse that much unless they were using omegablink or additional blinks.

    Survivors dc for 2 reasons:

    1- they are super salty

    2- they don't enjoy going against something and they dc

    The second reason is why a lot of people dc against spirit. Majority of people dislike going against her. That's not to say dcing is a good thing but it's why people do it.

  • HVMBL3
    HVMBL3 Member Posts: 18

    And I agree very much with you on that one. But if anything I tend to have fun playing survivor bc I am a balalnced player and I enjoy both sides

  • HVMBL3
    HVMBL3 Member Posts: 18

    Ah yes, the way of dbd life. If you're not disconnecting you need to go play Roblox

  • ausanimal
    ausanimal Member Posts: 542
    edited November 2019

    The question the OP is asking and i have a feeling it has something to do with it is if all the dc are forcing the devs to nerf killers, if it's the case what if all killers started to dc when they went up against a swf group or a perk we didn't like going up against would the devs do the same and adjust the perk or how swf work?

  • arslaN
    arslaN Member Posts: 1,936

    I think they would. If lot's of people dc against something there is probably something wrong with it in the first place.

  • Lagoni
    Lagoni Member Posts: 180

    So what you are saying is, there's one reason.

    DC'ing ruins the fun of 4 other people, just because that one person is a salty kid who "takes the ball, and goes home"

  • douggie123
    douggie123 Member Posts: 1,316

    It's not just those two. I was playing clown the other day and I floored someone as they body blocked one of the other survivors whilst injured and they dced and his mate took to climbing through a window and teabagging so i climbed through and hit him and he dced as well

  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768

    Not enjoying going against something 100% of the time is still no reason to dc. Every dc should be heavily punished.

  • ausanimal
    ausanimal Member Posts: 542

    That there is the problem it's not if its a killer, perk or addon it's that people are dc to get a nerf which might not be needed in the first place, just because they want the game to be more easy for them and able to do what they like. As much as survivors complain about killers the first rule off this game is there would be no game if people don't play killer, the way it is going people are going to stop playing killer because every killer is going to get nerfed.

  • arslaN
    arslaN Member Posts: 1,936

    There will be no game if people don't play survivor as well.

    Why are you guys assuming that every killer will be nerfed in the first place? People don't really have much problems with other killers. Nurse was more powerful than spirit but people still complained about spirit a lot more because people hate going against her. Nobody wants killers to be trash.

  • ausanimal
    ausanimal Member Posts: 542

    more survivors dc then killers do i have seen survivors dc because they got hit first.

    Buff one off the other killers that people don't have a problem with and see how long that last before survivors start to dc and want a nerf, lets say hag up her range bit time so she can teleport a lot further then she can now with out any add ons and her mark is a lot hard to spot and you have to remove it not just crouch past it, how long before survivors will want that nerfed because it is a challenge to face her. That's why they don't complain about them because they are weak and easy to go against and not a challenge.

  • arslaN
    arslaN Member Posts: 1,936

    Freddy went from being one of the weakest killers to one of the top killers. I don't see many people complaining or dcing against him.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,362

    One thing I started doing for the luls is typing in (insert killer name here) is OP in a good search. You can find complaints about EVERY killer, and reading ppl complaining about Bubba being too OP is funny.

  • ausanimal
    ausanimal Member Posts: 542

    would you put him on the same level as nurse pre nerf nurse or spirit, he is better but still not a major challenge.

  • arslaN
    arslaN Member Posts: 1,936

    I think you can find those posts about pretty much everything. I've seen people saying great skill checks are op, unbreakable is op, camaraderie is op, fixated is op, old freddy was op etc.

  • ASAPTurtle
    ASAPTurtle Member Posts: 968

    Roblox DBD is better than the Real DBD. Change my mind.

  • arslaN
    arslaN Member Posts: 1,936

    I'd say a really good freddy can be a major challenge. Also, like I said, most people only complained about nurse's addons but BHVR decided to nerf the basekit as well.

  • MysticAdvisor
    MysticAdvisor Member Posts: 453

    If someone dc’s check real quick...

    Did you bring a mori?

    Are you an optimal spirit/ killer?

    Did their team have aids?

    Did you down them when they were being toxic?

    Were they unfairly downed? ( hit them 4 seconds after they vaulted the window you hit them through).

    If so then you must be dealing with survivors that are salty about something your running.

    If you brought a mori and they disconnect I don’t blame them.

  • shalo
    shalo Member Posts: 1,523

    When you have players with names like <killer> = I WILL DC and they DC when that killer shows up, BHVR has lost control of DCs.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291
    edited November 2019

    People dc versus all killers.

    Just recently I've had them happen when playing Trapper, Hag, Huntress and Doc.

    Some who loses a chase too quickly dc, some who hear a specific killer dc, some dc when it's a map they dislike. Some dc when they are being slugged, if the killer wants to farm or certain perks/add-ons being used.

    The set pattern for most dc's I've seen when people are losing chases too quickly no matter the killer. There are those of course who just dc versus certain add-on's and killers which could still be true for my first point but also what they find boring to verse.

    I don't understand anyone playing a game where they can't accept it for what it is.

    DAMNFASTDEAD Member Posts: 251

    DC'ing ruins the fun of 4 other people

    In my experience, this in particular only happens when the remaining four players do not adapt to the changed situation.

    Taking a more relaxed view can still grant an interesting and thrilling match for both sides.

  • Haku
    Haku Member Posts: 614

    Well that is quite .... incomplete

    Survivors dc because:

    1/ They get downed first and rage quit in anger

    2/ They get camped over and over again

    3/ They see mori in the starting screen and they get camped again for the easy kill

    4/ They get insta hatchet/ Spirit-ualized

  • arslaN
    arslaN Member Posts: 1,936

    The first two is pretty much being salty in general.

    The last two is basically not enjoying going against something.

  • Lagoni
    Lagoni Member Posts: 180

    Well. Then the 4 remaining players needs to form some sort of telepathic bond, because og this?

    I play both sides, but as killer, as soon as I start giving any sort of leeway in my play style, I start loosing, because a survivor just has to hold m1 to win at that point. So why should the killer throw the game, just because someone else dc'ed

    It's obviously not the remaining survivors fault either, but hey. When the kids don't know how to play, the only real fix, is to have real consequences.

    Hopefully those consequences will arrive soon... TM

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    All true.

    I also don't understand why BHVR is so scared to implement any of the DC punishment ideas that currently exist in nearly every other online game (all tried and tested to work at varying degrees) in place of their current "threshold" system. The fact that DCs remain as rampant as they do today (they have had 3 years) shows that their current system simply doesn't work and the fact it still remains boggles my mind.

    I know they mentioned they are planning changes for the dedicated servers but will this just be another "too little too late" situation? BHVR doesn't have the best track record for releasing things that work as intended during launch (or in the near future).

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    Either they DC and don't get counted (supposedly) or they give up and pad the numbers.

    Survivors are voting on which killer is unfun and in need of slight tweaking.

  • Haku
    Haku Member Posts: 614

    You have some really bad understanding of what salt is. Basically your post is more of a salt saying that because everyone knows how frustrating being camped is unless you are one of them the campers who are mostly salty / currently over nurse nerfs/

  • Blackburne
    Blackburne Member Posts: 141

    The amount of killers I went against who dc'd because Ruin was destroyed, could not catch someone in a loop or got an inconvenient DS is off the hook.

    Yea it's nowhere near survivor disconnects, but still happens.

    It's a casual game afterall and if you're feeling competetive about it while failing to play amongst people who do so too, then that's your own fault really. I can understand some disconnects.

    When you absolutely know that the game is going nowhere, you will depip no matter what and get next to no BPs you might aswell save yourself the time and head on to the next game.

    You cannot ban this because nothing is at stake. If you were to start dishing out bans for Disconnecting I can see people leaving, thinning out the community even further.

    IF there was a competetive mode, yes ofcourse, stackable bans for consecutive DCs like in CSGO for example. But in the current state of the game (which will probably not change for a long ass time, if ever) there is really no way you can enforce bans without people dropping the game.

    Survivors love to think that they have to survive and escape every single time.

    That's not even how I play the game. When I get a pip despite the fact that I died I still win.

    Lorewise the survivor is endlessly trapped in this domain. "Death is not an escape".

    Neither is escaping. This has not at all been made clear by the game or the developer and so you will find many newish players who, by misunderstanding this become frustrated and choose to save themselves some time to play another round.

    Many interesting changes can be made to this game. I have some ideas, many many people brought forth great ideas. BHVR is too busy juggling the implementation of more cosmetics and trying to learn how to code in the first place without creating a proverbial Hydra of Bugs.

  • JP_Cloud
    JP_Cloud Member Posts: 173

    I really wouldn’t care if they DC if the devs gave us that ‘husk left behind’ option they mentioned a few months ago, that you can hook for the points you’d get for three hooks 🤷🏻‍♂️ - but they’d prefar to do nothing about it.

  • ausanimal
    ausanimal Member Posts: 542

    You missed what i was getting at if survivors say ruin is OP and want it nerfed so they start to dc whenever they get in a match with a killer running it, if the devs see a lot of dc when ruin is used will that be a major fact in there choice to nerf the perk.

    Fixing the problem off people dc and causing killers and survivors to lose points etc is another thing

  • Blackburne
    Blackburne Member Posts: 141

    Would just go to show that bhvr has not ######### clue what they are doing or should be doing with their game.

    If you have to nerf ruin for example because people disconnect you're just bending over for problems that are clearly on the survivor players who can't work around it. The option to do so is clearly given. I play both Survivor and Killer, and I run ruin often because I feel the games are too short. If the survivors are good they'll just hit the Hex Skillcheck and ruin is useless even before it is destroyed.

    Ruin is not at fault that Ruin is being used, the general gamedesign is.

    If they nerf ruin, for example, again, they just show that they are clueless.

    So what is the debate? You're playing a casual game made by clueless people for clueless people. The rest that can work it out doesn't seem to have all that much of a problem with things.

    The developer is clearly lacking a clear vision of their own product, and by bending over like this time and time again ofcourse the game will be ruined.

    "Too many cooks spoil the broth" as they say.

    Either you learn to deal with things or you get out.

    If the things that you have to deal with are even possible to do in the first place.

    In the case of ruin, again just for example, it is very clear what it is, does and how it can be countered. There is no argument. In my eyes Ruin is way too weak.

    Everytime I play survivor and I see ruin I laugh, because the killer essentially wasted a perk, and as a killer I run it in the hopes of finding noob enough players to trick into actually wasting time finding the damn thing.

  • HVMBL3
    HVMBL3 Member Posts: 18

    And I agree, a competitive mode in DBD is a big thing that I think needs to be implemented into the game.

    It would not only make a safer environment for casual survivor players, but also create an environment for the competitive player to do just that; compete.

    I see you're point about behavior not doing much and how to run their game and as I said I agree a lot, but you gotta think after mid-chapter patch they only have a month and a half, not even, to come up with balance changes, quality of life changes, and putting the finishing touches on the newest killer about to release on the PTB.

  • Blackburne
    Blackburne Member Posts: 141

    I would have no problem with them holding off on releasing anything before the current situation isn't solved properly. Which will not happen as, as I've said, bhvr has no clear vision of how their game is even supposed to be.

  • thenegativone
    thenegativone Member Posts: 254

    No its not just certain killers...people are dcing left and right because they are sore losers... Even on the first down they're already gone

  • thenegativone
    thenegativone Member Posts: 254

    Mori=dc? Ok then next time i see a flashlight im out

  • ausanimal
    ausanimal Member Posts: 542

    You left out a key to if anyone brings in a flashlight, toolbox, med kit and key just start to dc on them and just say it's not fun and they need to be nerfed it works for survivors.

  • Blackburne
    Blackburne Member Posts: 141
    edited November 2019

    Many people have many opinions on how the game ought to be. There are many concepts out there that aren't that bad.

    Many things can be changed but it is ultimately BHVR that has to come up with the endproduct.

    What I would change if I were BHVR is stop bending to the whim of the players. This does not mean they should not take advice, but they should come up with a solid plan to fix the game. And at this point it would probably require a near complete rework, taking the data collected from the current situation in order to improve on it.

    Many things have been brought up, from bugs and errors, balance issues, map design, progression system, endgame, ect.

    To me the game as is feels more like an idea instead of an actually refined product.

    It's a very nice idea, and I really really like it but it is in no doubt quite rough around the edges.

    I would not propose any particular change but instead take a deeper look at all the components of the game together with the collected data, which bhvr no doubt has and which I would dearly like to see if possible, and work out a product that is consistent in its presentation.

    Open up for more possibilities on how a trial can go, what kind of builds are viable.

    The game meta is somewhat of an issue.

    Only certain perks are really mathematically reasonable.

    I say mathematically reasonable because you will inevitably have players who like to min-max and compete on the highest possible level. I am not saying take this away, but broaden the possibilities. Otherwise the experience will grow rather stale quickly.

    When every killer feels he has to run Hex: Ruin then something is not quite right.

    Many perks would be ok, maybe on paper, in theory but practically no. They become nieche perks rarely used because the games somehow always pan out in the same way with very minor differences between one trial and the next one.

    Maybe think about a class system where one survivor can do things better than others, similar to Friday13th game.

    Like I've said, there is alot that can be done and I'm not really a fan of focusing on one particular issue here rather than taking the whole experience into account.

  • Melvyzz
    Melvyzz Member Posts: 6

    Mate, it's happening, idk how about on pc or xbox but on ps4 if killers totems got cleansed before he finds someone it's dc. If more thank 2 people in lobby with flashlight it's dc. If I drop a pallet on him and blind him it's dc. Don't say it's just survivors who dc. It's killers equally doing same. Then on top of that I have to deal with amazing killer connectiin that lags every time he makes a hit, and hitboxes, well we all know that. And survivor perks have been nerfed too. Now why should I as a survivor go against a killer who can hit me thru a solid wall because he's playing on poor connection? I don't mind being hit by a smart killer who have good connection good moves and he can beat me easely cus he's good. But when I have killer who gets in red rank only because his lags, common mate, it's not a fair game. No one wants to play game where he knows no matter what he do or how good he is, he always gonna loose. So here is why I dc.