Hi Dev, would you consider to have rank rewards?

It seems uncommon in most of the available games with ranking system BUT without rewards. Would you mind to consider to having one? It would justify the monthly reset of the rank. Thanks.
I don't want to seem mean at all, but this has been requested since 2016. They've stated many times they'd look into it, and that's all I've seen stated.
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Is it that hard to implement a rank reward system which needs to take 3 years for a study???
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I have suggested a simple reward system as an incentive to rank up in Feedback/Suggestions.
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I would hazard a guess that it's not that it's difficult, it's that it's not a high priority.
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My guess is they simply decided they don't want to give rewards. Giving away Shards means less people paying for content, and giving out BP ruins muh bloodpoint economy. I mean it's been 3 years. It's never happening. :(
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Rank rewards is on the roadmap isn’t it?
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I checked and you're right. Rank "Initiatives" are scheduled for release with Chapter 15.
So maybe there is hope after all! :)
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There are other options for rank rewards, especially now that charms have been introduced. I wouldn't lose hope just yet. There are heaps of things that were requested for years before they finally got implemented. Rank rewards just aren't as important as bug fixes and things that they've actually promised to deliver.
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It can be just some free gifts like items to induce/please players
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Like everything else in the game lol?