Best Ghostface build ?

I tried the TrU3Ta1ent build (thana,sloppy , ruin and nurses ) but isn’t my thing cuz I still suck with it lol . Any real good build for him if you NOT wanting to stalk ?
I was coming in here to recommend that same build. I personally find it really powerful. Ghostface is a beast if you don't try to stalk and just use his stealth abilities for surprise attacks.
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I'm using Nurses, Surge, BBQ and Ruin, sometimes I switch Surge for Enduring.
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Another build I love on my Ghostface is Ruin, Pop Goes the Weasel, Nurses Calling & BBQ. This build allows you to slow down gens and also track down survivors easier. Paired with his stealth ability, it's a really strong build to use. Give it a try. :)
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I guess I just suck then because I keep going up against good survivors that rush gens even with ruin and know how to loop
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Thank you ! I’ll try this one . I was currently using thana , dying light , nurses and ruin
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Information perks to find people quckly, Discordance, BBQ, Whispers, Thrilling Tremors.
Something to slow down the game most likely, Ruin & Pop are always good. Maybe even Corrupt, haven't tried it on GF.
I guess MYC and Haunted Ground can help you get quick downs if you manage to sneak up on people. Devour Hope for powerplays and because you can defnd it a little bit easier while stealthed given a not so large map.
Or you know try the regular M1 Combo of Spirit Fury + Enduring if you feel like you need some Mord aid in chases. Bamboozle if you don't want to deal with Windows.
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Another good tactic is to try and push survivors into working on certain gens. Because when they get stuck with 1 gen left to do and they're all close by. This is when their gen rushing comes back to bite them in the ass. I've gotten so many 4K matches by letting people gen rush me on gens I wanted them to work on. Makes it a lot easier to patrol the last remaining ones when they're close together. And having Pop Goes the Weasel really comes into play then.
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That's the build I use too, highly recommended
Sometimes I switch BBQ with Discordance to find people quickly at the beginning of the trial, works like 4 times out of 5.
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I just suck at beginning trying to find people and when I do a gen is almost done even with ruin . Any suggestions how to play him ? Should I crouch in beginning ?
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If you don't want to stalk and struggle with Ghostface, maybe Wraith would be a better option for you. Tru3 is doing so well with him because he is a good killer overall.
On the other hand if you want to stick with Ghostface you should invest time in learning how to stalk with him, because that's his true (over)power. But this takes practice.
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His stalk really isn't good. It is situational at best and because Spine Chill is so good right now, it is doubtful you will ever get that insta-down.
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I like to use PGTW instead of ruin, BBQ, I'm all ears for chases and Surveillance. 1 slowing, 2 tracking and 1 info.
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For survivors that loop I go with Spirit Fury, Enduring, Ruin, BBQC. Usually the combination of enduring and spirit fury ends the chases faster. Do you turn your power "on" while in a chase? Especially if you can LOS them. That way you can mess them up during their looping.
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Just have a look at Otzdarva's playstyle. You can for example 99 someone, ignore him and surprise him later to easily down him. It's really powerful. I struggled to stalk to at first but as I said it just needs practice and you can get to beast level :)
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I enter stealth as soon as the match starts and also crouch. And then I just sneak around the gens looking for people. Also if people look at you and reveal you they give their location away. So it’s pretty easy finding people as him. You just need to know the best ways to play him. He’s became my favourite killer in the game. He’s honestly a beast. Just don’t bother trying to actually stalk people. It’s a waste of time and a mistake far too many people make. His stealth and ability to crouch are what make him so scary to go against. Especially when you have BBQ and Nurses.