Giving away exclusives is very insulting to people who worked, payed, and traveled for them.

It's literally in the name. "EXCLUSIVE". If them devs want to fix the code black market, simple. Make an announcement that all codes are now deactivated. But giving away exclusives that people earned by supporting the devs and the game especially when it was even less polished is insulting. Some of these event cosmetics were a nightmare to earn. At the very least, the devs should create inventory items for the original exclusives and event cosmetics, like with streamer cosmetics, so people that earned them have some sense of accomplishment. But if they're going to give away all exclusives, why is Bloodletting still exclusive? Why is legacy still exclusive? If you're arguing that you promised legacy would remain exclusive, you made the same promise about event cosmetics.
Also what does this imply for the future? Is there any point in the rift if in two years all the charms I earned are available to all? I question if the devs are just doing this so people don't spend money on Dweard and instead pour their money into auric cells and exclusive charms. The sad thing is most new players won't care or will be happy, but long time supporters are going to be disappointed.
I have no sympathy for anyone who spent a shitload of money just for a cosmetic code
37 -
I'm happy with this decision.
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I couldn't earn the Huntress Wolf Mask because my game would constantly crash any time I played killer during the event. You're gonna tell me I don't deserve it though? When I literally could not even play as killer to earn the event item? Okay.
Not to mention, unlike other event items, there is 0 way to earn these items now. At least the Hallowed/Withered Blight items can be bought at any time. But screw anyone that bought the game in 2019!
It's really not that big of a deal.
7 -
I agree with this post 100% i hope the devs rethink this... Just deactivate all codes... and make a post about that, tehre u go. problem fixed
6 -
Honestly, this is the best thing the devs have ever done.
I'm laughing so hard at those morons that paid hundreds of dollars for these xD
Bragging rights revoked.
16 -
It's not fair. And now I'm also worried about the Rift Pass.
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Deactivating all codes means deactivating the ones that were already used (so people who did already use them would lose them). That's out of the question.
I do understand your point, but it was also unfair for a console player to go to a convention and leave empty handed because the codes only worked on Steam. If you had those codes before, you got exclusive items to wear for a few years before anyone else.
For the Bloodletting shirt, it's not being included. That was given out through a promotion with the merch store and required you to purchase something. Since you had to buy something to get it, it wouldn't be right to give it out for free. Showing up at a booth and spending money for it are two different things.
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Showing up in brazil to get the claudette one is also a different thing, but thats included... same with the Gold feng one. So that point is now invalid?
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Can you make a statement as to whether charms earned in the rift will remain exclusive?
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I think some of you don't really get why those items are now given away: to contrast the black market - that can even lead to exploitation.
Charms are earned through playing, not from codes, there won't be a market for that.
This being said, Devs already answered that they still haven't decided what will happen to charms, but (and this is my opinion now) they will probably be available to buy - but even if that happens it will be a long time after they are available through the Rift.
In other words, just enjoy your time exclusive cosmetics - when they will be available for anyone you'll be able to earn new ones :)
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Also the logic with event cosmetics is extremely inconsistent. So earning legacy guarantees it will remain exclusive, but earning rewards from Howling Grounds and Summer BBQ means nothing? It's not like these cosmetics have a code associated with them. There's no way to sell them. If you are truly concerned about the black market, there are still people selling Diatech Nea for $2000, Ohmwrecker Wraith and Bloodletting for $500+. So maybe give everyone those as well.
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I don't know why everyone thinks I'm talking about buying a code. I actually traveled to get a Science Fair Claudette, and I earned the event exclusives through gameplay. Arguable the events are more gameplay based than charms, as you can just pay $70 and earn everything.
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It's just... cosmetics. I mean, it supposed to be that serious? You sound a little overreacting about something virtual
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I'm not saying that you are talking about buying codes. I'm just stating the facts: devs want to fight the black market of those codes. That's not up to debate, it's exactly what they wrote in their dev update :).
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While I do feel bad for those who legitimately travelled/obtained these codes, I don't feel bad at all for code resellers or their buyers.
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Deactivate them? Why?
It says they don't want people to pay hundreds of dollars for them, but it also says they want to do exclusives as little as possible.
If there's a change happening to exclusives, of course one change is that they'll be made not-exclusive.
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I'm pretty pissed about event earned cosmetics. That hound mask event was a broken mess but i dealt with the ######### to earn that.
Thanks bhvr.
7 -
too bad only 3 killer cosmetics are given... not that I complain though
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Uhhh... you know that Rift items will become available to everyone for purchase in a year right? Devs said this (it was originally going to be 6 months but they instead decided on a year). Whether that's for Auric Cells or Iri Shards is anyone's guess, probably both depending on the item. But the Rift Pass items were never going to be 100% exclusive forever.
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If people went to Brazil for pixels and to not actually enjoy Brazil. That's a whole different discussion
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Literally the entire game is virtual. That's a terrible argument. So if you lost all your progress, would you be okay with that? What if you worked really hard to P3 a character, and behavior just tells everyone now every character is P3. Would you be happy with the time you spent grinding blood webs?
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I agree 1000%. You don't just travel somewhere like that for a video game cosmetic and not to experience the place you visited. I've gone to conventions before and got free stuff, but I didn't go for the free stuff I went because I wanted to see the convention (or the place where it was held).
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For real? I really don't care. You should do the same. It's not healthy when you think that you are special just because you have something that not everyone else has. The worst part is that we're talking about video games.
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Also just FYI to anyone saying "just deactivate the codes"... even if they did that people would get scammed because not everyone knows the codes are deactivated. It'd actually just make the problem worse.
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Im not a coder or annything like that but cant you just deactivate the codes that have not been activated yet or something i dunno
The people who played this game for a long time old school players got those thingys cause they completed events and got codes that are exclusive now its basicly worthless for a players who has played for years
big L for the loyal players i feel like
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They can't do that to begin with because everyone who used the codes would lose their cosmetics.
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Alright good for you but some of us value the time we invest in something
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Right but even if they COULD it wouldn't solve the problem of the black market. There will be people who did not get the memo things were deactivated and then get ripped off still.
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You're sounding like someone who just cannot respond with a valid argument.
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Not that it matters, but if someone knows the game well enough to know the black market dealers, they probably read the dev updates lol.
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but that's just it, their braggin rights shouldn't be revoked. The whole point of exclusives were to enjoy their exclusivity, this is a huge kick to the face for anyone who grinded for event exclusives, paid to travel to events or paid for exclusives.
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WhAT dO yOu MEaN??? ItS jUsT PiXEls 4head??? Also heres 20 posts on how the spirit nerf ruined my life.
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A lot of games turns out to be only timed exclusives, why some babies are complaing about virtual outfits? Jesus
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I have exclusives and I am not insulted by this.
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As somebody who had to start all over again and lose my “limited” cosmetics. I am happy especially the gold Feng gear.
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wow, you really dragged me ??
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I got the Hound mask and Billy hammer last year but I don't care that they're being given to everyone. Its just a cosmetic, it's not like it's an exclusive character or perk
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What about people who had to grind events filled with bugs and glitches like the Howling Ground? Is it fair to give away what they earned?
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Again... a very useful reply
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I suppose people value items differently, I'm glad that you can get past this which such ease.
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The devs are making these skins available for everyone in order to be fair. Why is that a bad thing?
Console players were never able to get some of these skins despite going to the events.
Me personally? I can't wait to get my hands on Meg's twitch pants. I've always loved that cosmetic 😁
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Me neither cuz they have some serious consuming problems or simply are so rich that it doesn't matter anyway.
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What I supposed to say?
It's sad to grown people up crying over cosmetics and thinking that Behavior care about their feelings. Not to metion how stupid is someone who thinks that is special because it is wearing an ugly Huntress mask because in his narcissist head, no one can use it! You work ward for that! Feels like I'm in the Fortnite community. And well, If you think that's not valid then I could care less. That's your opinion and I'm not saying that people need to agree with me.
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When did I EVER say that I didn't want other people having the items? I'd love more people to own the items.. IF THEY EARN IT. Stop twisted my words to fit your own and learn to develop a considerable argument rather than insulting anyone who defies your own idealised opinion. Grow up and allow me to have my own.
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I don't know how many times I need to say it, my issue here is that my hard earned time and effort is being thrown away by the developers decision. That is what I am saying, quit your whining you prepubescent fanny.
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And once more.. a very.. very.. useful reply <3
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- You must be the useful person in this world
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More than you my friend
0 -
Boomer spotted?