Giving away exclusives is very insulting to people who worked, payed, and traveled for them.

It's literally in the name. "EXCLUSIVE". If them devs want to fix the code black market, simple. Make an announcement that all codes are now deactivated. But giving away exclusives that people earned by supporting the devs and the game especially when it was even less polished is insulting. Some of these event cosmetics were a nightmare to earn. At the very least, the devs should create inventory items for the original exclusives and event cosmetics, like with streamer cosmetics, so people that earned them have some sense of accomplishment. But if they're going to give away all exclusives, why is Bloodletting still exclusive? Why is legacy still exclusive? If you're arguing that you promised legacy would remain exclusive, you made the same promise about event cosmetics.

Also what does this imply for the future? Is there any point in the rift if in two years all the charms I earned are available to all? I question if the devs are just doing this so people don't spend money on Dweard and instead pour their money into auric cells and exclusive charms. The sad thing is most new players won't care or will be happy, but long time supporters are going to be disappointed.
