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Why I think the free exclusives is the worst decision, ever.



  • Member Posts: 236

    Its 4 cosmetics for playing the game at a certain time. Tryhards are the ones crying because other people are getting skins that they have and now they don't feel special. It's pathetic really

  • Member Posts: 1,002

    But the older players have had exclusive cosmetics for so long now. It’s also not fair that console players were being punished for not playing the game on Steam. The creators clearly want to create a community with this game. But that wasn’t happening. It was segregated between PC and console players. Now everybody is equal. This is a good thing moving forward. Change isn’t always easy. But sometimes is necessary. I think this is one of those instances.

  • Member Posts: 650


    I learned long ago that 'exclusive' means absolutely nothing and it's very rare for anything to actually remain an exclusive.

  • Member Posts: 1,899

    I think part reason was also because of people recently (and in the past) losing some of these exclusive cosmetics (some that are not unlocked by code like the hound mask for Huntress and untamed donkey jacket for David).

    I don't know how or which of these cosmetics could be lost somehow as I've never owned any other except Kate's songbird shirt and pro-pain Billy hammer.

    I do understand the sentimental value of these items for some but it is also very depressing for some to know that they'll never unlock these comsetics, ever (until now ofc).

    There is still Legacy which will not come back that old school players can use.

  • Member Posts: 124

    One thing I will say again is I feel that my exclusives have become worthless, while BHVR contains to make exclusives like the Fog Whisperers charm, and there are handful of other exclusives and legacy's that are left. If they truly made it a clean slate and gave everyone everything, I would not be upset. I'm upset that earning a hound huntress means nothing but a Diatech Nea that most people bought for $50 is more exclusive.

  • Member Posts: 128

    Did you not see the Survey up there, asking about crossplay? In a crossplay world, old event items are Locked Exclusives based on what’s you play game on.

  • Member Posts: 478

    This makes me sad, I worked hard for those cosmetics, I could've just waited I guess. I mean why play any event for exclusive cosmetics if you're just going to get them for free later.

  • Member Posts: 3,275

    To the OP: They can't take away whatever sentimental value you have for this stuff. There are lots of things I used to own and decided to get rid of, but I still remember and attach memories to them. The memory is not the object.

    Also, these are fake items in a video game. They don't matter. You don't even own them, you have agreed to a license so that you may use them, along with every other thing in this game.

  • I think it's a great idea, and thank you BHVR for doing the right thing.

  • Member Posts: 3,786

    Onto the main exclusives, exclusives are more than just cosmetics for many people. They hold sentimental value, and a reminder of the old days when the community was much smaller and DBD felt like more of an indie game.

    How other people being able to enjoy them changes this? They're not removing the cosmetics or your memories.

  • Member Posts: 38

    Well, I'd be lying if I said it wouldn't annoy the hell out of me if I joined a lobby and saw 3 rank 20s wearing golden feng etc, I think that's part of the issue.

  • Member Posts: 3,275

    Please see the second part of my reply for the solution.

  • Member Posts: 4,388

    Where was all the outrage last year when they announced Hallowed Blight and Howling Grounds event cosmetics could be purchased? Only a few of us objected to that last year.

    How no one could see something like this coming is obtuse.

    I'm more disappointed that "events" won't be anything special moving forward to break up the monotony but it is whatever. I can move on and play something else if it bothers me that much.

  • Member Posts: 536

    Was just as outraged then padre. That that has become the new norm is upsetting, but them taking away the exclusiveness retoroactively is pretty weak sauce

    But you're right we've known that this was coming. If they don't have a way to monetize it they don't want any part of it.

  • Member Posts: 2,213

    I dislike entitled people so much.

    Why is this upsetting? You've had the cosmetics for a while what is so bad about other players, who have no way of accessing it, getting it now?

    Oh. Wait. Is that why? Because you can't show off and exclude people?

  • Member Posts: 651

    For once they aren't trying to monetize things, they are giving them away for free.

  • Member Posts: 3,275

    I promise I am not trying to make a personal attack here, but that sounds like you went to a lot of effort for a cosmetic item in a video game, which is ultimately just a mesh that some art guy whipped up in an afternoon. Your perspective here -- which some other irate people obviously share -- is "I worked for this and now I have this!"

    But it isn't yours, and you don't actually own any of it. Behaviour didn't ask you to put a ton of effort toward getting those cosmetics, and they had no control over your decision for how you spent your human hours. They were just making cool convention exclusives, at a time when that seemed like the thing to do. Now they look back on it, and their hindsight says that was not a great thing, and they're amending it in a way that is a) equitable to everyone, and b) protects people from scams involving their game. This perspective makes a lot of sense.

    Also, this doesn't impact your ability to play and enjoy the game. It is just a cosmetic item. This is one of those attachments that I let go of a long time ago, and I promise you that it feels a lot better when you're confident that you don't have to sweat over that stuff. It doesn't make you any less of a fan, and it shouldn't make you enjoy the game any less. You don't have to own all the stuff to be a "real" fan or whatever, and if that's your mindset, I promise you that you'll feel better if you stop telling yourself that (incidentally, I think that this goes for all collector mentality across all fandoms, but we're talking about DBD here).

  • Member Posts: 13,616

    I don't know if you read this yet, but...

    Why unlock the event cosmetics? 

    Unfortunately the way these event cosmetics were stored made it possible for certain players to lose them at random. They would need to be returned manually, but doing so ran the risk of causing further loss of progress.

  • Member Posts: 536

    Only because they are moving away from earned event cosmetics to make the battlepass more integral. This is a symptom of greed, not charity.

    I don't buy any of this black market bs for an instant.

  • Member Posts: 1,962
  • Member Posts: 1,962

    You should start advocating for Legacy for all then.

  • Member Posts: 38

    I think there wasn't much outrage because they weren't from codes, but I definitely didn't like it. It just wasn't as bad of a decision as this.

  • Member Posts: 38

    define free, considering a lot of people spent over $100 on exclusives.

  • Member Posts: 536

    Are console players getting the death garden exclusives?

    Or is this no more exclusives stuff just more talk?

  • Member Posts: 38

    b+ hallowed blight lmao you clearly don't understand anything about what exclusives actually represent.

  • Member Posts: 38

    They won't unless DG comes to console, but DG isn't doing so great atm so that's unlikely.

    They also have their own dev exclusive cosmetic and exclusive charms for fog whisperers and etc.

  • Member Posts: 1,962

    They're still separate exclusive skins that aren't available to everyone.

  • Member Posts: 46

    I agree with you, but dev care less about old dbd gamers is a fact. they should make nea-community, bloodletting, legacy, twitch, kingking, pandatv, switch exclusive for all too.

    I played this game Since 2016 beta, but I never felt this stupid and sad that I'm just played by the dev. Exclusive equals to free for all, event equals to no need to try.

    thank you for this heartful post, jesus(I mean Jeff hahaha)

  • Member Posts: 236

    Exclusive means nothing it just gives people some sort of pride that they have some orange goo on their default clothes.

  • Member Posts: 236

    I know and that's the only reason people like them.

  • Member Posts: 300

    i don't support exclusivity in games to be honest. cosmetic exclusives just feed into players elitist behavior. Just let cosmetics be cosmetics. Earn them by playing, buy them, or play an event for them. If they are event cosmetics, then only have them available during those events.. The only reason to have cosmetics is to just change your look up to something you like, it shouldn't be to have the 1+ on someone and show off that you have something other people don't.

  • Member Posts: 500

    I honestly wouldn’t have complained if the cosmetics were added to the Free Tier of the Rift. I agree some of the cosmetics should symbolize some sort of skill or time is behind the player using them. It’d be hard to watch a baby Dweard get bodied by The Legion.

  • Member Posts: 142

    S E L F I S H

    whats that spell?


  • Member Posts: 142

    I’m so sorry for saying that I meant it as a joke-

  • Member Posts: 65

    cause those where apart of an arrangement with twitch and such so they said they aren’t able to give them out

  • Member Posts: 1,861

    BHVR should not have made “all” exclusive cosmetics free for everyone until they actually meant ALL cosmetics. This is just excluding people when their whole point was to not exclude people.

    This action has only aggravated the veteran community and others, while further dividing people, regardless of them being right or wrong.

  • Member Posts: 670

    Still not seeing why people are selfish. Let others enjoy skins

  • Member Posts: 300

    Worst ever? Oh my... That's....that.... that is not just sad, that is painful as all hell to read.

    Making exclusive cosmetics free to everyone is NOT that bad compared to so many other things. I expect to see people crying over a Spirit nerf, but no, going down the threads on this forum, this is what I see. This. of ALL other things. This...

    Oh, boohoo, your exclusive cosmetics are no longer kept to a handful of the player base. Who cares? To call it the worst decision is honestly heartbreaking. The fact that this, over SO MANY OTHER THINGS, is the ONE THING you think is the WORST DECISION EVER? Oof.

  • Member Posts: 1,454

    I personally don’t care about cosmetics =p give me something that effects gameplay and then I’ll care.

  • Member Posts: 2,334

    The only cosmetics that aren't returning are either ones that they confirmed are exclusive (Legacy) or are within a contract with a developer/streamer (Diatech, Twitch, ect).

  • Member Posts: 1,861

    That’s EXACTLY my point. Further adding to the function of the “exclusive” argument.

    It has made exclusives even more rare now and valued at much higher than they’ve ever been, emotionally and/or monetary-wise.

  • Member Posts: 2,334

    But at least the remaining ones aren't available for purchase via code.

  • Member Posts: 3,893

    If you're so insecure that the fact that some other people can enjoy some cosmetics that they previously didn't have access to due to console restrictions or area restrictions I literally don't know what to say to you.

    I'm one of the people who had no problem with event based exclusives as long as it wasn't attached to one platform or area but considering there stopping the whole exclusive policy I think it's completely fair.

    Ya still have things like Legacy if you're desperate to cling to an exclusive

  • Member Posts: 241

    Tfw you think because you played before other people that your $25 is aged and worth more

    Or, even worse, that your old cosmetic nobody uses because it's not half as good as the new, incredible things they're cranking out, is only valuable because few others have it. Heaven forbid they delete all the memories and fun you had associated with that item by giving it to others, right?

    It's such a shame people can't enjoy things if others also own them, why would God do this?

  • Member Posts: 21

    I agree it's a little stupid but it helps out console players who couldn't get them using codes anyway, plus it helps to get people to stop paying like $800 for cosmetics then being scammed, and I noticed bhrv is really focussing on the new players which isn't a bad thing but, you still got players from the old days, I think putting them in the shop for a shard or two would be better but, free is free

  • Member Posts: 4,125

    Some ppl lost for no reason due to a bug some of those exclusives, me included, I lost my huntress hound mask from one day to another in an instant. And the support told me there is no way to bring that back. I read alot of forum posts where many ppl lost there exclusives and havnt got them back since that.

  • Member Posts: 7

    To start, the four event cosmetics are most likely being given to everyone as there was some sort of bug on console, and maybe PC, I'm not sure, that caused players to lose these cosmetics completely, myself being one of them. I had to submit a ticket explaining what happened, and a few weeks later, I got them back (it would've been sooner, but the person I was talking to on their end explained that there was another issue that caused them not to be able to give these cosmetics back). Now, however, submitting a ticket if you lost them is redundant, because you're getting them back. I did earn them myself, so if I had lost them forever, I would've been a little upset. Also, I know there are people who never had the cosmetics in the first place and lied about losing them so that they could have them. Which, the general idea is wrong, of course, and they risked being caught and possibly banned (I don't know how hard they would swing the hammer when it comes to something like that), but in the end is not completely okay. I'm actually glad they're giving everyone these cosmetics, though. It shuts down behavior like lying from happening, as well as allows players who weren't playing the game at the time of original release to experience the cosmetics themselves. Obviously there are mixed reactions about this, but I think that, in the end, it'll create a happier community by allowing every player to use and enjoy them, and not keeping them under lock and key for a select few, and making players feel BHVR is favoring one platform so much. Same with the PC-exclusive cosmetics. Yeah, you received the code and got the cosmetics and all that. That's great. You don't feel that people who didn't get them legitimately is fair. Which is okay. Being upset about it? Also okay. But BHVR is obviously trying to allow the full playerbase to feel equal, as well as trying their best to put an end to people selling the codes online for ridiculous prices, and the direction they're going about this I feel is the correct one. No need to be selfish and feel the need to keep the enjoyment to yourselves, you don't lose the memories or sentimental value. You're just sharing it with others. Besides, PC still has legacy cosmetics, as well as a small handful of exclusives (I believe) such as Diatech's Nea Hype shirt, for example, that PC players can enjoy.

  • Member Posts: 146

    Wow some people here feel like they're special little snowflakes just because they played the game longer? You must really have your ego hurt by strangers recieving free electronic pixel costumes on an online game

    Tf. Seriously.

    I'd understand if DBD was a big massive thing with tons of intricate lore and special features that people would be upset that others get something they worked hard for but this? Come on.

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