Why you want the spirit to tell you when she using her power ?

If you know when she using her power then you know how to play around it and spirit will never hit you. In other words, she will be 110 % killer and only that.
How is knowing when she's using her power the same thing as knowing where she is?
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I never say you will know where she is but you know when she using her power and if you know that you can move the way you need in order to counter her easier.
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Once again how?
I don't know where she'll be. I'll at least know she's phasing.
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You know she will try to be on your possision so you only need to move a little right or left in oder to avoid her. At the same time if you run from a loop and you see her using her power you can ether walk back at her or try to confus with your scratch marks.
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You may not know what path she will take but you know where she will try to be on you
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You guys do realise she can still hear footsteps, right?
The No-Collision thing might actually buff her since now she can jump in-between you and the pallet.
Plus there's still no counter for a Spirit with Stridor.
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If the survivor is injured and not running iron will/she isn't running Stridor. It kind of doesn't really matter much on the mind game as that trick of walking, or crouching away will most likely just end in you getting downed anyways. Collision being removed might help with this though, she might end up missing her initial swing...if your lucky.
This just lets the survivor have a chance at mind gaming the spirit, or producing some level of counter play instead of just guess right or you lose.
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After this nerf, Prayer Beads (and to a lesser extent, Spirit herself) now gets hard countered by Spine Chill. I'm not entirely sure I'm happy about that, since it's a pretty devastating nerf if one perk can be so powerful against a killer and a certain add-on or build.
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Not rly for what i have see the last patch the sound from footsteps ( survivors) have reduced and it's harder to hear them. Or you can use Urban Evasion a perk that can help you with every killer in the game or Fixated.