Pallet Stun Challenge

My goodness, this is so difficult.
I keep getting Huntress, Leatherface, Trapper, and the most pallet respecting players I've ever seen, where are all the damn Clowns and T3 Endofury Myers?
I can get 1 Pallet stun and by that time I'm already dead.
Any tips? Anyone do this one?
EDIT----I got it, thanks everyone :) I just stood there and thankfully the Doctor got tired of zapping me a million times.
I done it, i stood in a pallet and made the killer hit me through the pallet. Dont move or loop, force him to swing.
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So don't loop, make it obvious you want the stun and try to time it?
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If hes respecting pallets just stand in it, force him to swing them smack him with the pallet. Mine was easy against a Trapper.
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*gets nurse when doing this challenge cries*
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My Trapper just trapped the pallet
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Yeah just stand at the pallet when healthy until they swing. You'll take a hit but you're pretty much guaranteed to get the stun. Doing it a second time is a little trickier because you need to heal so hopefully they're not tunneling/camping. Maybe bring perks or medkits that help make healing faster
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Got it 1st try, with a huntress.
Dodged all her hatchets, so she had to m1 me.
And I literally only used 2 pallets that game...not gonna deny it was lucky.
I even gave up early because it was huntress :p (yey rank reset)
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gets 1 blink nurse :)
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Literally stand in the pallet until they hit you, stun them, then use the septic agent to give yourself endurance and do it again.
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Literally stand still at the pallet, bait the hit, if it's a instadown killer, try a small loop and bait them with M1 hit, most of the time they will hit you (when you're close) instead of instadown if it was a pallet there.
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I got mine first try against a demogorgon. I guess it was easy because i used my DH to get to a pallet as he was going to shred me, and I ran back and threw it down. He hit me through it but that doesn't matter to me.
I got the second one by sandbagging a teammate.. oopsie. they didn't die though.
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It took my a while to get mine. Killers were respecting pallets but then I got a spirit who just ran into them 😂😂
I agree with others said. Stand there which forces them to swing.
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Just stood at pallet and dropped it as soon as he hit. Bonk em while he's wiping his blade.
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Hello c: I hid around the corner of the pallets and threw it down on them. It depends on how lucky you are and sometimes you have to be willing to take a hit to get a pallet stun. I would say you're just unlucky, though, and hopefully your luck will get better!
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Thanks everyone :) I got it! I got a Doctor to eventually just hit me instead of zapping me.
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Nice, I’m happy for you! :)
I definitely agree with the others, it is luck depending on the Killers you get. I got mines my 1st game on Haddonfield (against of all things) your typical Spirit Fury Enduring Hillbilly.