A Love Letter to the Hag

Zoso Member Posts: 13

I've started playing DBD fairly recent. For the few months I've played I've been hooked xD. I've played survivor and killer and I'm averaging high green to low purple ranks. Been getting close to red recently. Both killer and survivor. But the one thing that stands out to me is the feeling that the Hag instills when I play as her, but especially when I play against her. Overwhelmed.

IDK the mind set of the devs when they create a killer. IDK what they are trying to express artistically but for me the Hag instills an extreme sense of being overwhelmed. Running through an area and having multiple traps popping and the sounds and raspy screams instills the "oh, #########" feeling every time. Of all the killers that I've played (still haven't played them all) the Hag, for me, has the most defined experience.

I've had a similar experience with the Doctor that was running a skill check build but that is another topic.


  • FancyMrB
    FancyMrB Member Posts: 1,250

    Hag is Queen! Playing as or surviving against ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡

  • StarMoral
    StarMoral Member Posts: 938

    Dbd: "Omg nerf this please, it's so boring." "Can we get a freaking buff?" "The devs dont even care about us!"

    Hag fans:

  • I believe the hag needs a serious buff. I feel, playing as her, getting bullied by survivors all the time! I think she has more potential with her traps. I feel she should have a combination of the spirit's power and the demogorgon. Set down a trap, go and stand on the trap, then being able to burrow through the ground like a mole granting her an additional speed bonus. Of course, the traps still go off, but there should be an add-on like that. I mean she is of mud so why couldn't she? Does anyone agree she needs a buff?

  • Acesthetiic
    Acesthetiic Member Posts: 1,077

    No, Hag is very strong and one of the best killers in the game. She’s an Area Of Control killer or AOC. She excels at pressure in general, anti loop and late game. If you’re straying away from a certain area that you’ve put traps in, (which should be in an area where you’re protecting generators -NOT RIGHT BY THEM-, typically between 3-5, chaining loops and routes, etc.) you will lose if they’re competent survivors. She has a lot of very good perk combinations, and isn’t very add on dependent. I can go into more depth if you like. Or, you can check out one of my older posts about her.

  • Wahara
    Wahara Member Posts: 237
    edited November 2019

    The only kind of buff that would be sort of understandable for Hag would be the ability to cancel or continue your forward momentum upon teleport, so as to get more consistent hits. It *is* kind of annoying to mash the teleport button, but your slow 110% moving ass still has to pick up steam again to catch up. I only say that because that would feel more like a fix than a buff.

    But otherwise, no. She's very strong in her current state and has the best snow ball in the game. If you're getting bullied, that's most likely because your camping gens with your traps. A lot of people fall into the trap that hag is "a defensive killer" and don't go chase outside of their control areas, which basically means you've resigned yourself to having your back against the wall from the start.

    I find the most luck trapping pathways and common routes I know survivors take to get to point A to point B opposed to simply trapping loops.

    Place 4 or 5 traps, then start looking for people. You can lay the rest as you swat/shoo people off gens. If you have a full web down, play really aggressively, herd/corral people into your traps don't just wait until they come. Don't retreat to an easily defendable cluster until late game, because unless you have one or more people dead or on death hook by then they can easily break through.

    If you're going up against a true bully SWF team that knows aggression is the optimal way to counter hag, then there isn't much you can do except camp the ######### out of them, but those teams are rare. Most people think urban immersion is how you counter hag lmao

  • Bloodwidow
    Bloodwidow Member Posts: 190
    edited November 2019

    Finished a generator, don't saw the trap next to me. Whaaa! 😝 *heartattack*