The obsession with having things others don't have access to is troubling

I think it is great news previously exclusive cosmetics are now available to everyone. I have been playing this game for over a year. I have some things that are not readily available to others. However, I cannot think of a single reason why I wouldn't want others to have it.
So many people are flipping out that others may have things they have. Their cosmetics are not being taken away, nothing is being lost, other than the feeling of superiority for having "exclusive" cosmetics. How selfish are those who feel this way?
It's because they feel cheated since they had to earn their cosmetics, while everyone else is getting them for free. I understand where they're coming from but the fact that so many people are being so vocal about this is sad. They are digital costumes for video game Barbie dolls. Get over it.
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Honestly this argument is stupid. There a reason why people who get into Harvard don't go to community college. There's a reason people spend thousands on sports cars when they can take a bus. Theres a reason why people wait in line to get in a club. Exclusivity is valued by humans, like it or not. And unless you are a complete socialist, I'm sure there are some exclusive things in your life that you don't share with others.
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They're just skins. It isn't a college education, it isn't a car. A skin won't affect your day-to-day life
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Exclusivity is valued by humans because of scarcity. There are only so many spots at Harvard or the club. More cannot be made without significant resources. That does not mean we should promote the completely artificial scarcity that comes with digital items. Your comparison with socialism is absurd.
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It's just how humans are, I mean just look at the rift pass. I'll bet a ton of people bought it not because they like the cosmetics but because this may be the only time they can get them which makes them feel special ect.
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Maybe the worst aspects of humans should not be encouraged.
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I agree, I was speculating on why people are outraged the way they are about this.
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That wasn't the point. He's asking why people value having things others don't and I was saying it's a fact of life.
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But those aren't the same as in-game cosmstics
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Honestly, I would be pretty upset if I paid 800$ for the golden feng outfit. It's their fault for paying that much but still.
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It's pretty obvious as stated in the thread. Much like the 1% in America, a lot of people don't want people they feel beneath them to have access or benefits they have. They'll get over it.
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im glad all of these will be available to console
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The amount of people outraging because others get some skins for free (and they'll probably also get some skins they didn't own already) is sad imo.
A few days ago people were crying for free skins because the halloween update was delayed. Now they get free skins and everybody is freaking out, just because there is something they already own and they don't want to see others have it.
I get the point why people might not feel that good about it, but these reactions are just exaggerated.
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this has to be the most idiotic response imaginable.
most of what you listed is what comes from living a very privileged life and only highlights what's wrong with that sort of thinking. "I got what I have through money and good luck, but ######### you, you don't deserve to get it, even if it has absolutely no affect on what I already have."
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Ton of people ? I must disagree. I immediately bought the pass for the cosmetics and because i wanted to fully get the experience and rewards for putting many hours in this game. I love cosmetics because they look nice, and because i like to have my " in game avatar ".
Not all of us who spend their money in this game to feel special, but because we love it.