Free event cosmetics!?

Honestly what the hell!? The hound mask for huntress, the pro-pain hammer for hillbilly. Oh yeah who gives a damn if we worked for it. GIVE IT AWAY TO EVERYONE!
The cosmetics that required codes, understandable. You want to stop scammers. But why the hell are you giving away the cosmetics people ACTUALLY worked for?
The hound mask and pro-pain hammer are unique, I use them to show “Hey, I participated in this event, I EARNED IT” but now it’s like “GET IT FOR FREE, EVERYONE CAN HAVE THIS ONCE UNIQUE ITEM! Screw the people who ACTUALLY WORKED to earn it.”
Whats next on the “Give away” list? Legacy? Probably not, people worked for legacy.
it's fair to the switch version obviously they never had the chance of getting these
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Console players never had the chance of getting legacy. Your point is not valid.
edit: Not valid enough
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@ocafghanistan Is it fair that console wasn’t able to get Legacy? Because based on your logic, if it never had the chance to earn something, it should get it for free. So console should get legacy right?
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actually yes. We're you playing the game before the bloodweb changes way way back? without bloody party streamers and wglf/bbq&c? The grind for leveling was atrocious. The people who dedicated time to this game in its early stages and played it deserve their legacy.
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Well based on what @ocafghanistan said. Switch never had the chance to play these, or earn these, so now they can have them. Console never got to play when the bloodwebs were terrible, so shouldn’t they get those too?
My point still stands. Exclusives should stay, well... EXCLUSIVE.
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These are just skins. I bet there are some skins that you don't own and also will get for free. Why can't people just be happy if they get something for free? It is just a skin. It is nothing of any big value. I get why you're not enthusiastic about this, but that reaction is just exaggerated imo.
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Dude if you worked for something and got something unique from it, only for months later to have that same thing handed out on a platter, you’d be pissed too. Time and effort wasted when you could have just waited.
Exclusives need to stay exclusive.
The ones that required codes is understandable because people were getting scammed with those, can’t scam when everyone has it, but event stuff needs to STAY as event stuff.
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the only reason you would have a problem with them not being exclusive is if you paid money for one of the cosmetics. Legacy is a different story as the devs have stated they won't bring it back and i feel that people who supported this game on release deserve their special cosmetic for countless hours spent prestiging early on. No consoles don't and neither does switch. It's kind of like a dedicated founders thing and should stay that way.
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Soooo we didn’t deserve to help support the game in its early stages without having to spend hundreds of dollars for a pc. Good to know.
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Exactly. No ones opinion in this matters
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Yeah unlike you I actually want to have a discussion about why or why not giving these cosmetics away is stupid. So if you wouldn’t mind, move along to another post that you might actually be able to contribute to.
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No, I am not pissed. I also have the Lunar cosmetics for Feng and David. Not everyone feels the same about some cosmetics.
But I'm pissed if I have that one guy in the lobby, who rather shows off all his exclusive cosmetics than clicking on ready and wasting everybody's time while bragging and thinking anybody cares. I'm actually glad this will stop in future. I want to play the game and not watch some fashion show.
Post edited by AngryFluffy on0 -
Why does any of this matter? Literally no one cares ingame about what you look like.
Why care if anyone else has these cosmetics?
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They teach us a lesson, joke on us spent time to play events. Stupid us.
They are friends with the new players, not old timers.
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It’s not that I care what I look like, I care that something I worked for is now a god damn hand out.
Imagine there is only 50 (let’s say trophies) and you could earn one during an event. You participate and get the trophy. Then a few months later, “Oop, guess we have a lot more, here take one.” Could have just waited.
It’s kinda insulting when something you work for becomes a hand out.
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They even wrote why they are doing it with Event Cosmetics in the Developer Update. Read it. It is an understandable reason.
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Get tough skin bud
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Uh, you didn't exactly work hard. You either went to a convention and got a neat bonus or you did special gens/hooks :/