I think it would be cool if it had a secondary affect that has to do with aura reading. Like see where everyone is when someone's hooked. So you would have to use a perk slot for something that would affect only you and you won't be able to see the killer, too, so Kindred would still be good against camping and giving the affect to everyone.
I'm all for this specifically for WGLF, because it'd also mean that the guy incentivized to make sure hook saves go smoothly isn't as likely to accidentally complicate things for everyone by dropping everything and rushing over when someone closer has it already under control.
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I like it!
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the thing is WGLF is a free perk you can get by lvl one characher and BBQ you have to pay for the killer and then start lvl. If you make them equal then you just say fk killer we are better.
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The same guy gives you No Mither, which is... well, No Mither. In a package snapshot I'd reason that two really good perks alongside one actively debilitating one is fair enough compared to Bubba's one must have and two really nice specific-build perks, and balancing for purchased characters to have strictly superior perks compared to free ones would be blatant pay 2 win and raise rather interesting questions regarding the likes of Freddy and Demo.
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And the same guy gives you Dead Hard, while No Mither being level 40 so you can complete ignore it.
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I think this would be a great little perk buff!
I always thought that it was weird that BBQ & Chili was both a strong perk, and a blood point perk, although to be fair, a killer with 3 perks would be a bit crap, whereas survivors are much stronger in general, and a single perk slot isn't a big deal for them, especially when they have 16 as a team.
Still though, it should be at least a somewhat useful perk.
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Again in order to use BBQ you have to buy the dlc but WGLF is free.
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That's a poor reason, they originally did it for balance purposes.
Also, have you ever heard of this lovely thing called 'The Shrine of Secrets'?
Just because the Killer in the DLC is licensed doesn't mean that their perks are. That's why Bill's perks are on PS4, even though Bill himself is not.
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I'd prefer it to have a stackable buff with a more unique effect.
The hook related auras are already covered by other perks and so is ally tracking in general.
So I suggest it be the opposite:
* Survivors within 8 meters per token can see your aura
Put that onto the existing effects.
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Well BBQ have been seen 3 times only so this is out of the qustion.
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Out of the question you say?
Because it only takes 1 time for someone to get the perk without the DLC.
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EDIT: On your point of the whole aura thing, I believe that for it to be useful as a mechanic, rather than just for bloodpoints, maybe making it 10m or 9m per token, as this perk would end out doing little to nothing earlier in the game.
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I'm so done with this forum, it has glitched out and deleted my post twice now..
Thanks for defending my point.
I'd like to say that I think your idea should be 9 or 10 meters instead of 8, maybe even 12, because a team may as well be running Bond for mechanical purposes, rather than this perk, as Bond is a full 36 (or 32) meter radius that you can see others, whereas this would require you to farm tokens to reach that. The reason I'm saying this is because, as BBQ & Chili is, it is it's own perk, not just a weakened version of another perk, so I feel that WGLF should work the same.
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Ok sure but you get the idea right?
You'd run this on a medic build instead of empathy and then the other Survivors can easily find you when they are in trouble.
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What the..?
I just posted a comment & it said something along the lines of:
"Your comment will be posted when it has been approved."
The heck?
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Basically, I said
Yeah, I think that your idea could work really well!
Especially if all 4 survivors ran flashlights & just saving each other over and over."
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Of course, I definitely like the idea, and it could definitely work if you & your teammates run flashlights to save each other, that would work pretty well.
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A good effect i thought that's similar to your idea would just be to make it so your aura is visible to other survivors when you're 8 meters or less from the hook, just so other survivors would know you're going for the save!
Or just make it so that only the hooked survivor can see the killer for 4 seconds. Either works.
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Actually, I have an idea..
What if it worked alike to Solidarity, where unhooking or taking a hit for an injured survivor would heal them by 15/20/25 % or 40/45/50 %, and taking a hit for a survivor in the killers grasp would increase the effect of their wiggling by 5/10/15 %. I was thinking about it straight up taking a whole 3/6/9 % of their wiggle bar, but I realised that this would be rather frustrating for killers going against an SWF running this perk.
EDIT: Sense
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You can get it on the Shrine now, too, and having a personal weaker kindred affect wouldn't be as strong as BBQ is.
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While you're not on the hook? That's just gonna increase people sandbagging you. You already see that occasionally with Jeff's perk and you can see the other person, too, so you would have an easier time avoiding them.
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I'm not sure if that would be too strong or not tbh. I just know that it isn't used very often since even with people saying survivors don't need perks, a lot of times they do for certain builds/play styles and most will think you're farming/playing selfishly if you have WGLF since there's no other practical use.
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I like those ideas, too. You could also see other people's auras when they're closing in on the hook and they can see yours. Kinda like aftercare except with being close to the hook and not healing.
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All of thoes ideas sound good but where is the counterplay because BBQ have at least 5 so what the killer can do to counter each or your ideas ?
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Well, what I suggested wouldn't be related to the killer, but helping survivors communicate better and (maybe) make a perk known for farming be useful in a practical sense, too. We already have Kindred and Bond, I know. I'm not sure how strong it'd be to see everyone (personal) with a perk, but only while someone was hooked. To me, it sounds like it'd be fair since it wouldn't just be throughout the whole match. I think being able to see when people are close to hook and showing when people are close would be cool, too.
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Right now the safer place in the game is the hook and every perk that work with the hook have no counterpaly ( there is nothing that killer can to do to stop them) . Normaly it will be a good trade one hook for a perk that killer can't counter but your idea is "let the other survivors to lose one of three lifes and I will have the the perk work for me" .
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Make WGLF easier to stack and you'll have a decent buff to the perk.
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so like, are you saying this game should be even more Pay2Win than it already is lol? paid perks MUST be stronger than free perks? why is bbq even part of the conversataion lmao this is about Wglf, get out of her ewith the off-topic nonsense
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Who cares? Perks should not be balanced by premium status. I say buff WGLF to be more equal to BBQ.
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Actually, the worst place to be is the hook. Especially if we're talking about solo cue. If you're on the hook, you're likely dead. Kindred doesn't affect you. It's only a benefit to your allies and it only affects the killer if they come back to check on you or are camping. Easy counter: Don't camp/check on the hooked. You won't have your aura shown, then. BT is easy to play around if you just go after the savior. You can smack them for time, but tunneling them off hook risks getting hit by DS. It wouldn't be on MoM's level before they gutted it. Everything has counters and work arounds. Not sure what you mean by your quote. "let the other survivor to lose" doesn't make any sense and "one of three lives" you mean 1 of 2? Their lives would be their time moving around, not on hook. You're dead/immobile on hook. To live is to move.
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Yeah, I'm talking about things to make WGLF feel better and less like a "I'm gonna kill off my team" type of perk, and they're going "But BBQ, though." Whenever I see someone running WGLF and they did any poor save, I assume that's why. And if someone's just immediately taking people off hook, I don't get surprised when they have WGLF. Its only purpose is to farm. We really don't need more Pay2Win aspects.