The Nerf Culture

As the title says, I'm worried that the devs don't understand how to balance a game like this. They listen to us, which I'm infinitely grateful for, but I'm worried that instead of rebalancing, they just nerf whatever the community says to be nerfed, instead of thinking over good ways to rebalance it. MoM was broken, being able to take a free hit to basically nothing in return, and when outcry reigned out, they just, changed the proc condition to a mechanic that doesn't work properly. DS was a insane way for the survivor to have a sort of invinciblity, and they made it proc on unhook, but that only turned it into a invinciblity that comes out when the killer has the most pressure. The survivors said to nerf nurse, because she was "too good" and they listened, gimping her power and making her reliant on add-ons like Doctor. The Nurse wasn't too good, it's just she required skill, game and map knowledge to make her work, she was how a killer should be, and since all the other killers don't work as well (Doctor, Myers, Gordan, Plague, Legion) the killers that can actually apply pressure, have good downing capability and finesse, (Spirit, Old Nurse, Freddy, Hillbilly, Hag) are seen as OP, and they have to be nerfed to bring them in line with other killers. The legacy killers need a rework, except for maybe hillbilly. The way this game has evolved, they need to be brought to the future, so to speak. I'm afraid as the spirit gets reworked, and the nurse just did, soon the community will turn to the other killers, like "Nerf Hag she's too good because her traps are hard to see and she can be anywhere" or "Nerf Freddy he's unloopable if he has you in dream state". The devs need to learn that nerfing something outright isn't always the correct option, there has to be ways to brainstorm different ways the perks or abilities to work, and the underperforming killers have to be brought up, not the good ones brought down. I love this game with all my heart but I feel it's falling into bad habits. Killers need ruin because gens go too fast, survivors need BT and DS because of camping killers, and they should fill that niche, instead of DS giving a blanket invinciblity after a unhook. The devs seem to be fine with this as it is though. Please post your thoughts, you guys can call me stupid or wrong, but I feel like this should be talked about.
