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There is no Diversity in DBD now, here's how we fix it



  • vossler25
    vossler25 Member Posts: 416

    I know you said this isn't a spirit post but I don't get how people can't counter spirit, she is super easy to, I get you said about teams but I mean literally, loops are even easier, just not in the normal way, and listen carefully, you'll hear her moving away in phase, vault to the other side slowly and bang you just wasted her time, up to her if she wants to try again or just destroy the pallet or try the same but come back, if that is used, listen to if she is and you'll just be there unmoved, and waste more time, when she breaks the pallet, run away, if she isn't moving anymore, stop running and walk backwards, and watch where you were running from, as soon as she reappears, run, other than those minor changes to your movement, the rest is just the same as any other killer, all you need to do is hope she doesn't use blood tracking add ons, then you have to make sure you never get hit and we are humans, it happens, that's when her ability is unbeatable, that's the only OP thing on her

  • Jb94
    Jb94 Member Posts: 209

    I experience more diversity in opponent playing survivor than killer.

    Yesterday I saw 2 ghost faces (who is incredibly popular atm) a spirit, a wraith, 2 trappers and a freddy. They were varying levels of skill and played the game in markedly different ways (the spirit was the only one camping which seems... Redundant to say least).

    On the killer side I saw the same survivor build with a different character skin in every game: dead hard, decisive strike, borrowed time and adrenaline. I also got to run in circles a whole bunch when I tried playing wraith for fun. I suppose a couple of heroic souls tried to spice up gameplay by DCing after being downed for the first time, but otherwise I have to say all the survivors I come across play in the exact same way.

    I'm truly baffled by the complaints regarding how boring it can be to play survivor against the same stuff all the time when killers get even less variation from game to game.

  • Jimsalabim
    Jimsalabim Member Posts: 641

    you're so funny.


    >>his isn't a Spirit post, if it was the title would be "Why Spirit is killing the diversity" or something like that. Thank you!<<



    then you proceed to talk a whole paragraph about spirit. 😂😂

  • ZeroDivide
    ZeroDivide Member Posts: 40

    Lets talk about why rank 1 killer diversity sucks.

    Killers with instant downs preform poorly in the emblem system.

    Killers that have long chases preform poorly in the emblem system.

    Who is left? Spirit, nurse, freddy, legion. One of these requires a lot of time practicing blinks. And one of these was a garbage killer and unfun to play even before his mending, pallet vaulting and runspeed was nerfed.

    And thats why you see a lot of rank 1 Spirit and Freddy players.

    They aren't that much better than other killers. They just aren't garbage, and the emblem system doesnt punish them unfairly.

  • TheObamacare
    TheObamacare Member Posts: 29

    This actually made me think of a recent video I looked at: https://youtu.be/mXezFRaSvvE I absolutely think this guy has great ideas its a shame he does not have more followers. He basically changes one thing about all the killers.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    If they buffed the lower tiers than we wouldn't need such viability... since a lot more Killers will be more viable.

    Not every Red Rank match is a SWFs or coordinated team... it doesn't help that most Killers main Spirit... which already has little counter-play.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    I don't know about aura reading, that sounds absurd...

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    She can effectively ignore almost every loop as well as apply massive map pressure and has great mobility on any map as well...

    To say she isn't strong is looking at it the wrong way, she is strong... to casual and decent players... If you know how to face her and do it quite often than you'll probably have less of a hard time. If the Spirit is a pro than you'll probably meet the same fate.

    It all depends on skill to determine how a chase will go, if the spirit is decent it'll be more bearable. If it's a pro Spirit with little to no room for error than you'll get destroyed.

    You could just say "git gud" but than that wouldn't address the other issues she poses. The constant DCing from teammates, the hard reading and no downsides to her power, the ability to track you through collision and breathing, etc... While yes this stuff is getting nerfed, you can see why it SHOULD be nerfed in the first place.

    Anyways, this isn't a Spirit post so who cares about her, that wasn't the main point about the post anyways.

  • Shraar
    Shraar Member Posts: 219

    ikr you have a good point, crouching and pointing isnt offensive tbh, like as toxic as this community is supposed to be ive never teabagged and ive only had a teabagger like twice, it's actually not that bad, but when i watch truetalent he gets so pissed, maybe its a red ranks thing come to think of it thnaks for making me tink

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    If you play against spirit 3 times in a row... than the game will get dull fast. As the Killer, it's your job to give the Survivors the challenge they're looking for.

    Playing Spirit every game while these Survivors have seen 10 of them in one day... can old real fast. The only reason Killers get more diversity in terms of what Survivors they face... is due to their skill sets and skill in-general.

    If you face say... 5 teams of potatoes in a row than things will get dull and you'll be bored. I can't say I haven't been bored by this as well... but when you get that SWF or coordinated team, than things get REALLY good.

    Of course people like the opposite, but that's why everyone is different. It honestly boils down to you as a person and what you enjoy as the Killer or Survivor.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    If I didn't mention Spirit than someone else would chime in about it.

    I wanted to get everything out of the way before getting to the main point of the post. So yes, this isn't a Spirit post... if it was than i'd be talking about why Spirit is unfun and why her mechanics are considered to be dreadful to face.

    But this isn't a spirit post like I said so... I put it as an example but I'm not making the entire post about Spirit. If we didn't mention spirit in this post than the post would be missing a big chunk of what it's getting at.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    I don't think that's the whole reason, people like to hide behind the facade of "She's the only viable Killer in Red Ranks so I HAVE to play her." but I think it's honestly because she's just the top Killer that has little to no downside... kind of like another Killer that was nerfed... hmmm.

    It's the same with Freddy, their powers offer little to no downside in most chases and allow them to be versatile around the entire field of the map. A pretty well rounded power that doesn't really offer that many downsides in the base-kit... with add-ons it's even stronger and debatable stronger than Spirit.

    But, that's why they should buff the low tier Killers... than what you said could have a solution to it...

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
    edited November 2019

    Idk, I play at Red Rank Killer and Survivor and It happens to me sometimes as Killer, and I also see it as a Survivor as well.

    I guess people know that it's supposed to be insulting, which is why people get angry about it. But if you peel back the reality of what's happening... all they're doing is pointing and crouching rapidly, it's not like they're actively insulting you through a mic because there is NO MIC.

    It only angers us because of the "reputation" behind it... otherwise nobody would care. That's kind of why I don't care when it happens, cause why should I?

  • OmegaXII
    OmegaXII Member Posts: 2,190

    Wait a minute.. his snares are worthless if you are not in dream..

    So i guess not falling asleep is a counterplay

  • vossler25
    vossler25 Member Posts: 416

    She can effectively ignore the normal loops, but she has a different kind of loop that literally involves vaulting and no walking or running or crouching just vaulting....pallets, anything else won't work, for new players, any killer is the worst thing ever "plz nrf" whereas people who played longer can bully pretty much any killer if done right, spirit best chance is to destroy pallets or increase passive phase and trick people, that's about it, but with a bit of time with that, even that won't help, killers are quick to learn, what do they do, do it, survivors take a bit more, what does the killer do, who is the killer, how do we abuse the killer ability, how do I gen rush into a 4 minute game? Once you learn that, several times with each killer, then it doesn't matter the killer, GG 2 EZ

  • SafetyOff
    SafetyOff Member Posts: 68

    Okay. You already stated that some of these killers are foundationally weak. As in their abilities just are not great. So buffing does not work, that is like polishing a turd.

    They should probably focus on giving each killers unique identities, and kits, which would require reworks. And balancing them on a case by case scenarios. No matter what you do theres always gonna be top tier "picks" don't matter which game. The point is to give people the opportunity to play other heroes past that and to make them feel competitive. Tryhards are always gonna play what's most broken this patch and gets easiest wins. The problem might not be as much as Killers tiers, but the huge difference between premades, and none-premades and the DbD devs having no control over it. Which makes Spirit competitive vs premades, but stumpy vs non, hence the nerfs.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    Kinda hard when if he hits you you'll be put into it automatically...

    And there is a default timer to put you in it regardless...

  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652

    Lol their initial idea was to make kindred base kit..

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    Easier said than done, every match is unpredictable.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
    edited November 2019

    That isn't really too OP... I thought it was gonna be something like see the Killers aura or something.

    Base-kit Kindred isn't really that game breaking. But i'm sure they'll either not do that, do it, or think of something else.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
    edited November 2019

    Buffing, reworking, depends on the Killers power honestly.

    Not every Killers power needs to be reworked to become viable... some of them just need to be buffed.

    Of course there will always be a top-tier pick, if you broaden one's horizon with the lower tiers than we can get somewhere. You also don't need to really buff them to improve the viability... map changes also play a role in how M1 Killers do as well.

    There are so many possibilities to what they can do with this... we'll always have a Killer above the rest, but if the other Killers on the roster are viable than we'll see a lot more diversity in the pool. Peoples main issue seems to be the viability at Red Ranks with most Killers... if they improve upon this than things would get a lot better.

    And yes, people will always play the most broken builds, Killers, characters, etc... That's why you balance that out to make things less dull... kind of like what they're doing with Spirit. The nerfs are reasonable and she's still strong afterwards.

    The Nurse nerf can be debated if it was a hard nerf or not... but it definitely isn't a Killer friendly nerf to Killers that don't know how to use her. Killers with prior experience with Nurse can struggle less with this nerf.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    Buff more Killers. Most aren't able to be played effectively at rank 1.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    If we're talking base-kit, than no. If you add add-ons and perks into the mix and a sprinkle of skill than it depends on the Killer mains that use those Killers to make them viable.

    That doesn't really solve the issue though if most Killers are add-on reliant or perk reliant to be viable... so buffing base-kit would help a lot, and even some map changes could improve things greatly.

  • vossler25
    vossler25 Member Posts: 416

    I find easier done than said, and most matches are predicable, the few that aren't is rare and only require you to only slightly adjust, relax and know where windows and pallets are and assume 3 things may happen, they ignore you, they break pallet/go through window, they go around pallet/window and act accordingly to the killer that's doing it, if they try going around pallet, cool, vault right over, if they break, cool, run, etc

  • Lucama
    Lucama Member Posts: 461

    Honestly, a full map rework is the first thing that needs to happen. Every map needs to be brought in line with Badham. And Haddonfield needs a quick fix ensuring the Strode house can't spawn with two windows, to stop the BL infinite.

  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652

    They decided against it..likely due to the massive upside of seeing the killers aura which is hugely underestimated

  • OmegaXII
    OmegaXII Member Posts: 2,190

    Being forced to run certain perks and add-ons on killer in order to compete on red rank is not fun. Running the exact same build every game is not fun, just like versing 10 spirits in a row.

    So yeah, base-kit buff is needed badly

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    That's... not how the saying goes and logically works.

    Saying something should work like this, this, and this is easier than actually going out and doing it yourself. Like, if you told an artist to paint this amazing portrait with all this detail with no prior experience in how to even paint... than you say it's easy is easier said than actually doing it yourself!

    Like I said, every match is unpredictable and the choices you make can impact the match greatly... If you waste time getting every crate in the match while no generators are being done and 2 people are hooked... than you're risking those 2 players being killed on hook because you were looking for items in boxes, rather than saving them.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    That's a good step in the right direction, when they were talking about map reworks I thought they were referring to ALL maps... instead it was just Pre-School it seems...

    While we do get that map a fair bit now because there are so many of them that were design to aid in this issue... it still doesn't really fix the other maps issue. Like, Iron works still has that broken window loop, Crotus Prenn still has A LOT of safety drops and pallets, Wretched shop still has that huge 2 window loop in the main structure, etc.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    We'll probably see more development on what they'll be doing with this in the future than... maybe around Chapter 14 but not during the chapter itself.

    Or they might scrap the idea, who knows. I can't read minds ha ha!

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    Base-kit and map changes would help with most low tier Killer issues in Red Ranks.

  • Aura_babyy
    Aura_babyy Member Posts: 583

    If you're saying Freddy has problems with looping then you're playing him wrong :)

  • vossler25
    vossler25 Member Posts: 416

    I couldn't think of the saying but you get what I mean lol, and all my games as survivor doesn't end up with hooks and a DC after gen 5 so I probably forgot a game plan for it

  • Lucama
    Lucama Member Posts: 461

    Eh, I mean Kindred is like what, 16m around the hook? It's not huge, and they could even add a little delay so that the killer doesn't get revealed when they're walking away from the hook. It only stops survs unintentionally doubling up on unhooks, and stops camping. The first kinda sucks for killers, since more survs not on gens is good, but it's not a huge loss. The second, you're already punishing yourself by camping hook, I don't mind the game doubling down on trying to teach killers that camping is not efficient.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    No? I don't think that was what my point was insinuating at all...

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    I don't really get what you mean, but my point still stands regardless.

    Each game is different, you might get a strong team that can loop a pro Spirit for 5 gens, or you might get a 3 man DC and you get hooked with no mercy...

    It's unknown what will happen in a trial, that's why it's a M Y S T E R Y !

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    Idk, the ramifications of this base-kit change could punish non-campers tbh... despite the 16 meters not being that big.

    16 meters is actually a decent size if you compare it to Myers base-kit Tier ll... it's not huge but it's not that small either... if you're seeing a Killers aura in that 16 meter ring on say... a really small map, than it could really damage the gameplay for them.

    On paper it's a good idea to counter camping, and teach Killers other tactics to use... but that's about it.

  • vossler25
    vossler25 Member Posts: 416

    How can you not get it, you're either good, learning or trash, that's basically it, my games don't end up with anyone hooked, cause we know every killer counter and ready for any type of play, cause we've seen it all now, it's predicable as heck for us, only human error causes us to be hit and that's more range killers, but only the one time that happens

  • Lucama
    Lucama Member Posts: 461

    I can see both sides of the argument certainly, they could make it to be tier 1 Kindred and not tier 3, which would be 8m. I really don't feel it'd be too impactful, at least with how I play the game, but I'm not gonna say it'd be fine to just slap on.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    A seasoned veteran can be bested in some cases.

    To say you're unbeatable (which is what you're basically implying) is pretty wrong to say the least. You may have seen it all and you know all the tricks, but that doesn't mean anything in the actual game.

    I've seen every trick too, but I sometimes get bested as well. It doesn't matter if you know all the tricks you're still prone to being defeated...

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,232

    Of course theres always a best killer.

    But the smaller difference between the best and the worst, the better for the game.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 8,968

    I feel like all I ever face on console is Ghost Face and Myers. Seriously like 2/3 matches is those two, because people love getting cheap instadowns, which Hillbilly is only a half-baked version of. Buff the Doctor or Trapper, because they desperately need it.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    8 meters sounds more reasonable, but i'm sure Survivors could abuse it in some way... idk.

    Tbh, an aura reading base-kit change wouldn't really solve the solo Survivor issue in-general... I think there should be more to it than that.

  • vossler25
    vossler25 Member Posts: 416

    I am saying ever since I've hit rank 2 with my group, we never lost, rank 5 to then we rarely lost, rank 6 - 11 half and half over that we lost many cause we were learning still

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    Basically, if the roster was more even and balanced than the overall health and diversity of each match could be greatly improved.

    Of course we'll always have a top tier Killer though... but having that top-tier Killer being one of maybe 4 viable choices is very different than say... a full roster of decent choices to choose from.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    Console is a lot different because of controllers vs Keyboard and Mouse.

    I feel console has a bit more diversity because of this...

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,428

    I kind of feel like this notion that “No one is playing other killers in red ranks” is simply not true.

    Perhaps it is a region thing, but I keep seeing different killers... and some that aren’t even mid-tier. I’m just not sure that everyone is having the same experience. Yesterday alone I saw 1 spirit, 2 Hillbillies, 2 Clowns, 3 Trappers and a Wraith.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
    edited November 2019

    Again, it's bold to say you can never lose off of knowledge alone.

    Knowledge is good, but that's not really enough if you don't have skill or forward thinking to back it up. I feel in time you'll face a Killer that'll prove my point right, someone who can match your team and get the point across that you're not invincible 100% of the time.

    Nobody is perfect.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    I wouldn't say no one is playing other Killers, it's more so that you just see a lot more Freddys and Spirits at Red Ranks than you see any Pigs, Clowns, Wraiths, etc.

    It also depends on the Killers you face... if it's a Spirit main that only plays Spirit than it's going to be Spirit... if it's a Killer that wants to mix things up each time than it could be a pig, wraith, clown, etc... who knows.

    Maybe it also depends on the time of day tbh.

  • vossler25
    vossler25 Member Posts: 416

    Knowledge is half the battle yes but in a game it's everything