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No more exclusives

With BHVR giving away these cosmetics is basicaly giving all the old players a big middle finger.

  1. They never restored lost legacy shirts/pants/heads, because when you mail them all you get is a automatic responds wich is already a disrespect to your older players.
  2. People went to those events, gotten those codes and the devs said they were "exclusive" so more people came to their LIVE events for cosmetics.
  3. Even if you didn't go to the events, you could buy a code from someone who didn't want it. So alot of money gets lost there.
  4. Giving away skins that were in game event exclusives is also giving the people who played for that specific event/time a big middle finger.

Worst of all saying "By giving these cosmetics to everyone, we hope to put an end to shady resellers and scams while also including everyone, regardless of the platform they play on." But not saying what you're actually planning on doing (selling those skins in your own cosmetics shop).

Re-using old skins is a lazy solution for the lack of content this game has. Because with the "New" chapter coming out. What probably be something of a copy of another killer. Since Ghostface is a copy of Myers and the pig combined. Leatherface is a worse version of hillbilly and I'll spare you all the trap killers.

Also it annoys me that you guys are planning on re-selling the skins in the rift pass aswell (for those who missed it at 32:57) Whats the point in buying a rift-pass now?

But the biggest problem is. Why do you guys decide only now that you guys are done with exclusives. If you were planning ending almost all exclusive items from the beginning, you're the biggest scammers of all the "shady resellers".

Also, i'm kinda done with the game now. It's time for an actual change BHVR. No more lousy cosmetic updates. Add something like a new gamemode what has been requested back in beginning of 2017.

Thank you for reading.


  • John_Doe
    John_Doe Member Posts: 236

    I agree with the new game mode part but for the rest... L

  • Crypter
    Crypter Member Posts: 8
    edited November 2019

    I agree, played since beta and cosmetic-wise i have been treated like absoluetely nothing. I lose 7 Legacy Presitge items due to their incompetense to make save-clouds and guess what? Have 'some' Bloodpoints. This happend December 13th 2016. It's close to 3 years ago since i lost my Legacy items, and i still just get swoshed away.

    Also, i have literally all the exclusives one can aquire trough codes (exepct some Artifacts). And i don't care much about this update, really. Nothing we can do, same happend to PUBG. And those who finally cried their way to exclusives, now got them - equipped them - and now they are no longer special - they stop using them - and that's all.

    All i care about is, when they're doing something like this. Why can they not give me my Legacy Prestige Items???

  • ProfoundEnding
    ProfoundEnding Member Posts: 2,334

    People did not travel to the events just for the code, if someone did, that's on them. The devs also never said those cosmetics are exclusive, that's just what everyone assumed.

    Buying the code off someone online is the EXACT reason they're doing this. They do NOT want to support code selling and if someone lost money because of this that is entirely their fault and they frankly deserve it. It's a scummy thing to do and BHVR gained no profit off of it. These are free cosmetics they gave out, they should never have been sold for hundreds of dollars.

    These skins are being given away to everyone for FREE. They're not being sold in the In-Game Store.

    Doing this now was probably a decision they've thought about for a while. Doing something like this is pretty big and they had to think long and hard on it. Just last year they started to stop doing exclusives and they've decided now would be the best time to stop it for good, especially since DBD is becoming more popular and mainstream. I mean Bill and his cosmetics were just added to consoles this year too.

  • prettyf
    prettyf Member Posts: 442
    edited November 2019

    what are you talking about, those skins were exclusive, just people didn't knew temporary

    and if devs said we giving all of these free at 2019 winter most people didn't travel to event locations at firstplace because simply its too far or tired

    or people had to grind with tons of times to earned them

    thats even more than money, if you not consider homeless

    if its provided form of codes, devs could 100% predicted someone will sell on markets too

    and mostly codes on ebey for 2 years as i see the date sometimes even 3years

    if you anything talented and grown you might considered part of these but you looks nothing but innocent kid

  • ProfoundEnding
    ProfoundEnding Member Posts: 2,334

    They were exclusive. They're not anymore. The devs never said they were to remain exclusive so that's on them.

    Their intention was not to have these codes resold. As I mentioned they probably debating giving these out for a while but decided nows the right time.

    As for the rest of your arguments, they make no sense so I'm not gonna comment on them.

  • spiritfury
    spiritfury Member Posts: 6

    Salty much about few pant and shirts ? Lol cant wait to wear mine after update and walk among the chosen ones haha

  • prettyf
    prettyf Member Posts: 442

    idk you smart enough to argue with someone

    i though you just telling nothing but devs opinion in your head without single logics?

    do you even read other people? their subject is not your talking

  • prettyf
    prettyf Member Posts: 442

    don't parrot devs think yourself ok? what we saying is when devs did any grindy events included "free" skins, users never knew this "now its all free for everyone" situation happen

    because that never happend before and devs doesn't care about those pre-owners now, thats the point get it?

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    If you bought the code from someone who wasn't behaviour and that is your own problem.

  • High_IQ_Gamer
    High_IQ_Gamer Member Posts: 1

    Haha see if I spend another cent on this game after this BS

  • Hex_BoopTheSnoot
    Hex_BoopTheSnoot Member Posts: 151

    I agree with the cosmetic bits but the rest just seems nitpicky to me. I'm okay with BHVR killing exclusives, but making them free to everyone is definitely overkill.

  • Avynera
    Avynera Member Posts: 1

    Srsly!? That must be a joke. Yeah, you (devs) thought about players who doesn't have any special skin... but did you thought about those people who were going for comic cons for those or (like me) spend real money to get it!? I've put like 700$ for mine cosmetics cuz they are SPECIAL!

    DEVS, WHAT THE HELL?????????

    Can't you just do the same looking skin but with for example different colour!? That idea is the most sucking idea you could thought of! >:C