Which Of These Killers Would You Like A Power Rework For First

Blue_Diamond Member Posts: 122

Some of these killers have not aged well with newer killers outclassing them. Which would you like looked at?

Which Of These Killers Would You Like A Power Rework For First 59 votes

Clown: Intoxication is not good for any long term slowing progress
PuggyMohawkArk_the_BonsaiBigyo369Gamer00Spartagone45JawsIsTheNextKillerDelsKibaraDreskiKillermainBTWm8doitagain_musstang62DrVeloxcityTunnelVisionandyollollollSebaOutbreakNoOneEscapesNancy 16 votes
Pig: Her traps got gutted by EGC
MercuryDaddyTrappersGirlStormhaven13Sole_SurvivorpeacedeathBlue_Diamond8obot1cRageDude515pichumudkipNyaren_Chan[Deleted User] 11 votes
Plague: Adrenaline/Genrush strategy
BossAllhel1 2 votes
Doctor: Not that good in a chase
WeederickPandomDaGreenBoltKarl_ChildersNullSp3coTechnic[Deleted User]ZackAndCodyDoctorShockBoiDarootLeafstormgaydavidkingmrmeowskeeenLucama 13 votes
Other: Why?
Hail_to_the_KingWhite_OwlMister_xDTapeKnotRieJacoby2041TheLegendDyl4n1TheRockstarKnightNuclearBurritoEJmurdermainBoosted_Dwight[Deleted User]RicardiBacardiLentoroAhoyWolfpalletsryummyGreentheNinja 17 votes


  • DrVeloxcity
    DrVeloxcity Member Posts: 301
    Clown: Intoxication is not good for any long term slowing progress

    I like Amanda's power. I feel she needs buffs, but not a complete power rework.

  • TheLegendDyl4n1
    TheLegendDyl4n1 Member Posts: 1,493
    Other: Why?

    Sprirt because thier is no counter play, every other killer has some sort of counter play, you cant outplay a sprirt because you never know when she is actually vaulting a window or going threw it, or when she is sitting at a pallet or phasing towards you, or even if she is actually phasing toward you or not when your in her terror radius. she could even wait 10 seconds to see what your going to do, then phase to you if your walking away, thats what good spirits do.

  • NoOneEscapesNancy
    NoOneEscapesNancy Member Posts: 204
    Clown: Intoxication is not good for any long term slowing progress

    I just want clown to be good so I can buy him

  • EJmurdermain
    EJmurdermain Member Posts: 109
    Other: Why?

    Leatherface sometimes seems like a joke in comparison to Billy if you notice his, chainsaw goes further, he runs faster and his hammer is longer also. Maybe make him able to lock onto targets for the chainsaw attack

  • pichumudkip
    pichumudkip Member Posts: 155
    Pig: Her traps got gutted by EGC

    Pig got slaughtered because of EGC and I hate it. Like I'm a survivor main but my Piggy needs to get a huge buff because she best killer (not really but this game just made me fall in love with Pig for literally no reason at all)

  • TheRockstarKnight
    TheRockstarKnight Member Posts: 2,171
    Other: Why?


    Legion needs a major overhaul. Either their power should stay nearly useless and be just for fun or they should get a new power.

    Being able to ignore pallets, vaults, and stealth is impossible to balance.

    Either the power has too few limitations and the Killer can just destroy Survivors whenever, or it has too many and the power is useless.

    But more critically, New Legion isn't fun to play as or face.

    Their power is so limited in scope and what you can do with it, that you feel like an M1 Killer even if you M2 everyone. There's nothing special about playing Legion besides getting a lot of points.

    For Survivors they're either just holding M1 or looping an M1 Killer. Outside of trying to 360 their Frenzy hit, Legion chases have no excitement or interesting back and forth between the Survivor and the Killer. They're just an M1 Killer.

    Even Bubba, Pig, and Wraith can use their powers to make chases more interesting. Legion just M1s. They need looked at.

    TL;DR - Legion. Legion's power isn't fun for either role. They either need a total power rework or they need to be more meme-y so they're fun to play as and verse.

  • TapeKnot
    TapeKnot Member Posts: 248
    Other: Why?

    Legion is, in my opinion, the worst killer in the game. They really need a rework if they are to be half-way decent in higher ranks.

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246

    Honestly they all need a rework.

  • gaydavidking
    gaydavidking Member Posts: 158
    Doctor: Not that good in a chase

    Doctor and then Pig, since doctor can be really annoying to lower ranks and he's less viable at higher ranks. Pig probably doesn't need a rework, just some buffs to make her traps more viable since she's basically an m1 killer in the egc.

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786
    edited November 2019
    Other: Why?

    If by rework we mean a total scrap of his power, I'd say Leatherface. He's basically a gutted Hillbilly with the niche addition of multi-hits which outside of camping has no real use. Even his addons are mostly a copy-paste from Billy so there's all the material for a full rework.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669
    Other: Why?


    • works perfectly fine. what we need are some fixes (bottles exploding in hand) and a buff. a rework is unnecessary.


    • not a very strong killer, but in the right hands she can be very scary to face. her game slow down ability should not be underestimated, as she can, for a limited time, literally stop the game from progressing. though, she too needs some buffs to her power. like clown, a rework would be unnecessary here.


    • from what i've heard, she is actually a killer with a rather good kill rate. kinda sucks her power is survivor reliant, however we have the apple add ons. i dont really think she needs to be looked at, rather objective times are the issue that makes her weak.


    • imo a very underrated killer. great tracking, decent hunting, but is very hard to play. i find him rather enjoyable to play tbh. i would not want a rework for him by any means, as i really like his power and how it can change, depending on the add ons you selected. a couple of smaller buffs here and there and he'd be fine imo.

    now the one i think actually needs a rework:


    the Legion needs a complete power overhaul imo. we experienced both, old legion and new legion: the "strong" legion and the "fixed" legion, and both didnt work out.

    the "strong" legion was just the worst to go up against. no counterplay, no escape, long and boring chases. he needed to go.

    however, the "fixed" legion shows how insignificant his power actually is. Deep Wound heavily favours survivors, he has nothing to catch them, he has nothing to track them and, thanks to the overnerfed Deep Wound, his map pressure and game slow ability are basically non existant.

    there need to be significant changes to Deep Wound and he needs something else added to his power.

    imo Deep Wound should always start with a paused timer that stays paused, until the survivors starts an action other than chase actions. this includes: repairing, healing, mending, cleansing, opening the gate, etc. once such an action is started, the timer will begin to tick down until the survivor drops dead. the timer will not stop ticking down anymore. this is to encourage players to go and look for a safe location they can then mend in / to disencourage them from repairing gens while in the killers TR.

    for his additional power, why not allow him to get a stealth mode, similar to pig or ghostface?

    allow him to take off the mask, put away the knife and "cosplay" as a survivor, imitating their movement, having no red stain and no heartbeat. uppon leaving this mode, there will be a short animation playing of him putting on his mask and he will automatically enter feral frenzy.

    this would work together very well combined with the new Deep Wound changes, as now you inflict Deep Wound on them, they go hide and you can roam around the map in a stealth mode, trying to find those who have started their timer to get easy downs. it wwould also allow the trailer to make more sense.

    Feral Frenzy changes i would include:

    hitting a Survivor with FF will put them into the paused Deep Wound mode. hitting a Survivor with a paussed DW bar again will have no effect, but force you out of your power.

    however, hitting a Survivor with an active DW timer with FF will automatically force you out of your power, however allow you to down the survivor.

    just a little QoL, since many wanted the ability to down survivors while in FF anyway and if you have a started DW timer and have been found, there wont be an escape anyway, so i figured that Legion should be able to end the chase quicker in that scenario.

  • Ark_the_Bonsai
    Ark_the_Bonsai Member Posts: 867
    Clown: Intoxication is not good for any long term slowing progress

    Amanda's traps are fine. It's her lunge and crouch that need looking at.

    Doctor's ability isn't amazing in chase but it stops actions which can save a lot more time than barely slowing someone and he also has amazing tracking.

    Plague is interesting because she's brokenly strong in some scenarios and brokenly weak in others. Her power doesn't really need a rework but it definitely needs to be looked at (fountains shouldn't be an instant win button and being sick should be more threatening so people actually feel the need to cleanse)

  • Rie
    Rie Member Posts: 86
    Other: Why?

    Legion 100%, should be prio one to fix tbh, they needed a change sure, but got totally gutted by the devs

  • Hail_to_the_King
    Hail_to_the_King Member Posts: 183
    Other: Why?

    They've mentioned working on Cannibal sense the store came out.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807
    Other: Why?

    Leatherface for sure.

    He's far too similar to Hillbilly but is just worse in almost every situation.

    Even Legion is at least unique in that his power has utility and effects that other Killer powers do not, even if it's still weak and ultimately bland once broken down. Unlike leatherface who's power is just billy's but slower.

  • Karl_Childers
    Karl_Childers Member Posts: 669
    Doctor: Not that good in a chase

    Doctor is just....annoying. I would definitely like Leatherface and Clown buffs and they are my favorite killers, but I don’t necessarily think they need total reworks. It just seems like Doctor has more potential to do something else entirely, I don’t know.

  • Spartagone45
    Spartagone45 Member Posts: 122
    Clown: Intoxication is not good for any long term slowing progress

    Doctor's not good at chase? I beg to differ