Connect the exklusiv Skins with Devotion Level?

Hello Devs,
hello Guys,
theyre currently 13 exklusiv Skins you guys want to give everyone for free because you want to ruin the black market for exklusiv skins, which in my opinion is a great idea. But how about connecting the unlock for the exklusiv skins with the devotion level? so after reaching level 1 devotion you would get like the dweard .. all the way up for level 13 for golden feng. So the skins would still have more .. lets say value to show pepole who put a lot of time in the game? Also you´ll get a reward for devotion level and ppl will look forward to reach level XY for skin XY.
Different from the Event Skins (also Legacy in the same boat) like Hound, Donkey Jacket which i think shouldnt be release again. People put time to play the event in the past. doesnt matter if it was like 20 hours or 100 hours but i would like to see some exklusives in the game. also with the battle pass, i hope the charms will stay exklusiv so you can have the feeling "oh look, this player played in the season X".
I would only give ppl their event skins / legacy back if they really lost it. Why not proofing over steam achievments when you lost your legacy? Same with the event skins, a friend of mine got her kate bbq summer event top back after opening a support ticket. Ppl who lost their event skins should in my opinion just creating a support ticket.
Would love to hear your opinions
First, I like the idea of getting something through the Devotion system (that's actually useless). But still, takes a lot of time to get one Devotion, and there would be no reward for players who that already have these skins. So, at least for skins that already exist, it's a bad idea.
Second, the "exklusiv" content from the Rift will be exclusive for at least 6 months after the Rift closes.
Third, there's way too many people losing their cosmetics for the devs to keep track of. So it's easier for them to just give them away for free (as it was intended), also eliminating the scam market of most skins.
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Currently there isnt a reward for anyone for reaching devotion level XY. And i doubt many people will have all exklusiv skins. So for 9.999 of 10.000 people there would be still a reward.
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Either way, it would be more time and effort put to get multiple devotions just to get that one skin. And it still doesn't solve the disappearing skins for players who already had them (feels unfair to make them play the game and put A LOT of effort for something the already had and lost to a bug).
Better for them just to give these skins for free and make new ones for the devotion system, since with your logic the devotion system gets useless again after Devotion 13.
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You cant lose exklusiv Skins activated via Steam Code.
Better to have a reward until devotion 13 than not having any rewards and devs can still add other/new skins in the future for devotion.
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On the topic of event exclusive skins (switch between German/English):
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That would be very annoying for people who want the exclusive for a specific character.
For example why do I have to get all the way to 13 to get golden Feng
I don't really play any other survivors the other cosmetics are absolutely useless to me.
So you make Claudette cosmetics the level 13 reward if someone only plays Claudette they're going to be very irritated that they have to get to level 13 to get their cosmetic.
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well .. thats the idea that you actually have to do something to earn your cosmetic even if its mean to get all the way 13 to your favorite skin.
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Alright let's run through this first the Skins were never earnable besides the event based skins. code skins were always given away for free at least on behaviours part I don't count outside sources
Secondly there's not a problem with earning it the problem is what dictates what skin should be on what level.
If you actually read what I said instead of just automatically assuming it was complaining about earning you would know but I was talking about why should someone just who plays Claudette have to go above and beyond to get the skin voice level 13 when she could possibly get it at devotion level 6.
If you suggested something like the devotion levels give you token to purchase the skins then I'd be down for it but if you lock them to a specific devotion level why are you forcing some people to go above and beyond and others to get an easier task.
Especially for skins in the first place that one never earned. They were giving away from free on behaviours part and if you got it from an outside source you paid for it. Unless you are one of the few who won it from a tournament or a competition you didn't earn it.
Do you want something easier that you could read why should a Claudette main have to do more work than someone who mains Meg for cosmetics that whenever about earning in the first place.
If you want to specifically link a cosmetic to the devotion level make new ones don't tag these ones on to it
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"If you suggested something like the devotion levels give you token to purchase the skins then I'd be down for it"
sure lets do this
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Oh god... Listening to this guy? really?
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why not?
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While I'm all for Devotion rewards, I feel like having locked cosmetics can still result in the current problem which are cosmetics going missing in players inventory. The way they're doing it is just making it by default in everyone's inventory to get rid of that problem which I can understand.