About my Ghostface is over performing post.

Some of you took a post that was clearly a joke, too seriously. I even wrote that Ghostface is overrated, clear as day. The only problem with his currant kit is his inconsistent detection.
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No what?
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Well due to how ######### maps are, you need luck on your side to get a map that allows you to pull stalks while being stealthy. (*cough* blood lodge *cough*)
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Not to mention spine chill now makes his stealth useless.
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I don't see why survivors would run a perk thats only useful against one killer when people play more than one killer though.
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I'd like to see all these people who are apparently whining about Ghostface. There isn't a single thread on the front page that's unironically complaining about him.
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Spine chill useful against every killer. Just because it doesn't give you temporary god mode, doesn't mean the perk sucks.
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But there are far better perks you could use in the slot so why would you take it?
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How is spine chill useful against only one killer? Did you ever use something else besides bt,ds, adre, and bl/dh/sb? This perk literally tells you whether spirit is phasing or not, tells you when the killer is coming to you etc... but yeah works only against one killer. *FACEPALM*
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You can just look around to see the killer coming to you? and I don't know what half those perks are in shorthand so yeah I probably do use perks other than those.
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Yes every is in the open with 360° free view for 50m at least. Sorry about the perks but to me it seems many people have no clue how useful some perks are. You will not see spirit+beads coming etc..
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Again, why would you use a perk for just one or two killers when you could have anything else in that perk slot.
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If you rely only on your eyes to see the Killer coming, you're generally not going to do well. There's a reason the Terror Radius exists.
Spine Chill lets you know if the Killer is coming towards you, or if they're just walking past you. It lets you know if any of the stealth killers are coming towards you. It's easily a top-tier perk for anyone who doesn't want to get caught off-guard.
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Obviously you wouldn't just ignore the terror radius lmao but the terror radius just makes spine chill useless and if you don't go against a stealth killer you could have had a much more useful perk against them so taking spine chill is basically hoping you get 3 (4 if you include scratched mirror myers) killers out of all the killers in the game.
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Spine chill is very useful against every killer. As for the abbreviations:
bt= borrowed time
ds= decisive strike
adre= adrenaline
bl/dh/sb( he forgot lithe and head on) exhaustion perks.- balanced landing, dead hard, sprint burst
back to spine chill, it’s one of the stronger information perks in the game. You can’t always look around and see the killer, but spine chill will always tell you when the killer is looking at YOU.
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I can now confirm I only use decisive and that is to stop tunneling.
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The problem with the Terror Radius is that even if you're not worried about a stealth killer, it will give you a lot of false positives. Just because you can hear the Terror Radius doesn't mean the Killer is going to find you.
There are many, many occasions where I've heard the Terror Radius, but Spine Chill didn't light up, so I knew the Killer hadn't seen me and I didn't need to start running. It's allowed me to spend a lot more time working on gens, healing, or unhooking, when I would have otherwise risked being seen if I was just relying on the Terror Radius.
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Just to clarify, you use ds and no exhaustion perk? That means your only escape assistance is the killer not playing around ds and you being able to see them. That sounds dangerous my dude.
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Not really because you wouldn't know the exact position of the killer. Even if you did, ghost face would most likely already 99% you due to his speed on stalking suriviors quickly and it taking the same number of time almost to him fully stalking you.
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You are getting confused with iron will
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Spine chill is good, I’d swap it in over adrenaline.
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is not dangerous because I just loop well?
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Or you can just use your brain to figure out if the killer is coming to you or not so you can work on gens or stuff. Using spine chill for info is the equivalent of using technician because you suck at skill checks.
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I never use adrenaline because my team can never do gens properly every game for some reason, i'd take any perk over adrenaline.
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Well, I'm sorry, but I'm not Nostradamus. I don't automatically know whether the Killer is going to find me or not when the only information I have to work with is the Terror Radius. I'm not going to get into a chase if I don't have to.
But honestly, if you're going to start insulting people's skill just because they're using a top-tier perk that you dislike for no apparent reason, then we're done here.
Have fun in the Fog.
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Its only top tier if you're bad imo :/
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Spine chill when you are a looping god is useless. For all the others who have not attained deity status though knowing if a killer is looking at you is such a useful piece of information. Especially for solo players who don't have the outside comms perk equipped.
Is adrenaline the better perk? Only if you make it to the end game. And only if you are injured. Spine chill is active all game. Nothing a killer does besides moonwalking everywhere (and if a killer can succeed while never looking where hes going then he deserves to win) can negate it.
Sometimes you run into the killer while trying to hide but most of the time it's a life saver. Better than iron will against spirit I think
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"look around" doesnt work when you have walls, lol. You dont have to be at an indoor map to be in a location where spinechill is helpful. Being inside the temple of purgation for example, spinechill will let you know when a stealth killer is coming your way, it'll let you know when a Nurse is about to Blink ontop of you as opposed to just Blinking around the temple, ect.
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Again, or you could just use your noggin and use the perk slot for something else?
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How does "use your noggin" let me know if the nurse 20 meters away is charging that blink to come to me or charging that blink to go somewhere else when im in one of the multitude of spots where visibility is hindered? All I have to go by is the sound of the TR and the sound that she activated her power at that point. If I know shes charging her power and LOOKING at me... thats big information.
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Nah, don't talk like Spne Chll is that great, unless you use Premonition with it. I only use it for the small speed boost, I turn my camera so, if I am facing ghostface there will be likely one moment when I hear the revealing sound and I can move. If it's Myers then I will see him due that he is a tall killer. If it's the Wraith I will see his foggy shape.
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And if theres a wall? Tall killer or not, a brick wall is gonna make you not see a thing.
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Why would you use Premonition over Spine Chill? It's a worse Spine Chill with a cooldown. All it does is light up every 30 seconds. It doesn't tell you if the Killer is actually moving towards you or if they're just walking past you, it gives you a huge number of false positives, it only gives you a vague sense of where the Killer actually is, it doesn't help you more than once every 30 seconds, and it doesn't activate during chases.
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Something tells me that you’re in the same class of people that thinks whispers is a bad perk... I’m not trying to be insulting but I would peg you at around rank 8-10 based on a few of your comments and opinions. Your strategies might work for you at your rank, but there’s is a significant skillgap between green and red.
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Ya I just learned the power of blood lodge while on my 4th game of playing him.
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No perk is better than spine chill and I’m not a bad survivor.
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This is just an incorrect statement.
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Spine chill is useful against every killer, Myers and Ghostface especially.
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Its a waste of a perk slot, just use your eyes and ears you were born with them for a reason.
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You can’t play without your eyes and ears, I have to use them.
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Spine Chill is good against every Killer tho
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That's my problem with him too. Balance wise I think he's fine. But the detection mechanic doesn't work half the time and then other times it will even reveal him when he's completely behind objects.
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I don't think you actually don't understand why people like the perk. I think you're just arguing to argue.
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I wrote "with it", both of them make a great combo, one tells you that a killer is watching to where you are and premonition tells you from where the killer is. But as I said, I don't use quite often.
@LordGlint if there is a wall means Myers can't stalk me so no problem... lol
@Blackowt_9120 wish I was, I suppose there are better teammates. My brother keeps DC'ing and he share his account with me so... no, I can reach 13 rank as low before my brother comes and I start from 18 again. Trying to fullfil the tomes gets really hard with 17 rank teammates and I like the lore so I try to fullfil it.
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It's not JUST a perk for Myers though. Like I had said before, thisll let you know if a nurse is blinking to your location or just blinking around your general area. You have enough information to know when your good to crank out gens vs when you ACTUALLY have the killers attention.
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You're clearly not very experienced with this game. There are lots of opportunities for Ghostface or Myers, especially Ghostface, to stalk you from very low visibility. Holes in walls, elevated positions, etc...
It's also the only way to get a warning that they're coming ahead of time in many situations.
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The most important element of this game is information. Spine Chill gives you additional information on the killer, valuable information at that. When you can't visually see the killer it especially tells you their intent. Are they just patrolling the area or did they spot you? It tells you if you need to relocate or if you are able to stay in the area and continue doing whatever you were doing