Devs need to do something about the hatch closing

When the hatch gets closed for the last survivor and the doors are close to each other, the survivor legit has no chance of escaping without a key. They need to let the survivor actually have a chance of escaping instead of giving the killer a free kill every hatch closing because the doors spawned right next to each other.
My question is: what do YOU want them to do?
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I mean, EGC is clearly killer-sided. And most likely it will lead to a free Kill, this is correct. But other than a minimum (and maximum, sometimes the Exit Gates are so far away from each other that only a few Killers would actually manage to patrol them) Distance, nothing I would change.
Maybe also that the Hatch cannot spawn too close to an Exit Gate (something what I have noticed recently), but nothing more.
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I think EGC should be killer sided.
Your team is dead and you're the last alive. The game SHOULD be hard for you. It's the ultimate challenge.
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Here's the thing;
You failed once by not getting all generators with your team.
You failed twice by not getting the Hatch before the Killer closed it.
Not opening the gates is the third and final failure you'll experience in a match as a Survivor.
RNG sucks but if you've failed twice already, the third attempt at survival shouldn't be easier than the first two.
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Why it's a punishment for failure. The team which includes you has failed to do the gens. You personally failed at getting the hatch. Your last lifeline the exit gates are now available.
Each failure is a harder task to complete for escape. Sometimes the doors are super easy to open because of distance and planning. Sometimes the gates are on the same wall and your screwed so go get some BP by doing totems and chest.
EGC was designed to prevent game hostage situations which include being a immersive person until the Killer or Survivor DC. Also includes Hatch Standoffs. It's a killer sided scenario based on the fact the killer did well and the survivors have clearly failed.
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So your first goal was to get the 5 gens done between the four of you. You failed.
Then there is this hatch that gives another chance to escape by finding it first. You failed.
Then there are these key items you can find or bring into the match. You failed.
Then there is a two minute timer where you have two different doors to try to get out. You failed.
Sorry but after all that your chances are up. It’s time to die.
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Theres multiple factors that play into that, for example if all 3 people dc. Hatch spawns in front of the killer, and you shouldn't have to rely on keys to escape and the doors spawned next to each other
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Ok but it shouldn't be downright impossible to escape once it's activated. That's not good design, I play both killer and survivor and I find it very unfair on both roles.
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If the killer feels merciful he will let you farm or escape. Your not entitled to a free win because you outlasted the others DC or not.
It dont bother me honestly. I play both sides as well.
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Give survivors more of a chance to escape. Either that be finding the hatch and having a 30 second progress bar or change door spawns.
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I'm okay with moving the exit gates slightly further from each other on average, but that's about it.
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@Mikey4Hire DCs are a whole other issue that negatively effect so many aspects of the game. Until BHVR does something about that both sides will be screwed over.
survivors DC to give their buddy the hatch. At the same time if someone DCs at the start of the match then in most cases the killer is going to dominate in a 3v1 with 5 gens to go scenario.
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Yeah, never said I was entitled to a escape. Just saying it shouldn't be impossible to escape.
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It's not impossible. I have about a 60% escape rate as a solo survivor during EGC. The thing is you have to recognize the situation. Is hatch close or in the immediate area? Should I camp the gate? Do I 20% the gate wait for them to leave and start again or go all the way? How close are the exit gates?
It's near impossible because the team has clearly failed. Dont bring DCing up. Its not a core part of the game and the DEV'S are trying to deal with it.
Every time you fail the next escape rate is literally reduced significantly.
Let's pretend it's like this
5 Gen Escape 50%
X Gens done Hatch Spawned 25%
Unknown Hatch Spawn 15%
EGC Exit Door Escape 7.5%
It decreases each time. Numbers are far from accurate, but that's how it generally goes.
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Yeah - I can see how the hatch spawning with 1 survivor left, regardless of how many gens are done or your own personal performance, followed up by a second but more difficult chance in case you fail that one is pandering to those pesky killers!
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Dont have to be a smartass, just saying half the time the doors will spawn close together
If the doors spawn next to each other then you won't be able to 20% a door because all the killer has to do is walk half way to one door to the other, let's say those numbers were accurate, it shouldn't be a 7% chance of escaping. the doors shouldn't be 5 feet from each other, take the game for example, you actually have a chance to open the doors because they are far enough away.
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By the time the hatch gets closed, you already had 2 chances to escape and you still have a third, by opening the doors. So, how many chances do you baby survivors need? 4? 5?
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The door is RNG based hense the reason it was a small number to begin with. Your either lucky or your not at the end of the game. If the doors were a guaranteed on opposite walls then that takes the RNG out and the possibility of weaker killers getting the last survivor on larger maps.
Honestly if your in that situation go farm Blood Points. You've lost anyways. The Devs gave you the exit gate and a hatch that auto spawns to prevent game hostage situations.
No need to be rude.
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The best moment as a killer is when that selfish survivor who didn't help on gens or unhook survivors is the last one and they are camping the hatch and you close it just in time and they give you that give me mercy look and i look back and say No!
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I miss tombstone Myers for hatch Standoffs sometimes tbh.
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No, after the hatch is closed the last survivor should NOT have equal footing in surviving against the killer. The killer worked hard to get the 3k, and after the hatch is closed, why should the last survivor still get an easy escape?
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No. The hatch being closed and powering the gates is the THIRD chance for a survivor to escape. You failed to power all 5 gens, you failed to get to the hatch first, why should the third chance be anything but a long shot?
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The main problem with exit gates is that youd have to account for being able to VISUALLY see both, not just the time taken to walk to both. Maps like Mount ormond for example make this particularly problematic due to the killer being able to go to the top floor of the main building and look across the map. Unless the gates spawn on completely opposite sides of the map in that sense... hed be able to keep track of both gates.
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"they need to give the survivor a chance at escaping"
you failed at your main objective, then you failed at finding the hatch (which literally is a free escape) and you STILL get ANOTHER chance by having the gates trigger.
and you really complain about that?
after failing twice you complain about the third escape route being hard?
why shouldnt the killer get a kill at that point? he denied you two escape routes, why doesnt he deserve to get the kill now? what else does he need to do to "deserve the kill"?
and most importantly, what entitles you to get a free escape after failing twice?
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I nvr thought of this *proceeds to walk up there*
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Never said it needs to be a free escape, again I'm just saying on most maps it's impossible to get a door open because they spawned next to each other. Sometimes the last person is the one person who was doing the most work, for example I did 3 gens in one match and was the last one because the killer camped everyone in the basement, the door spawned right next to each other so I couldn't get anything. My last match I did all 5 gens with another person while the other two died,the third person died and hatch got closed and again doors spawned next to each other. Two games and I still died to egc because the doors spawned next to each other. It shouldn't be like that.
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Cant remember where, but I remember one of the devs stating exactly this, and using the Mount ormond example.
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While i agree with you, the fact is that there needs to be 4 survivors for every single game in order for 1 killer to be able to play. I would understand why survivors want less close spawns of the exit gates when it gets to a 1v1 situation. Survivors feeling they have a chance in the 1v1 egc is more important than the killer getting an easy 4k. You need 4 times as many survivors as killers in this game in order to play.
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yeah you still havea chance, did you know there is a secret way to get the door open faster? just open it till the first e in escape, that is before the 1st light is on, then you wait till the killer checks that door then goes to the other one and you now can open that door quicker. survivors already have way to many second chances, they don't need another you already had the chance to find the hatch and failed that, you had the chance to do gens and escape that way, failed it. making the doors open easier when you are the last one alive IS NOT NEEDED
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out of my ENTIRE DBD life, I have NEVER seen that happen, that is a scenario that is like capturing lightning in a bottle and the EGC SHOULD NOT be designed around that scenario. using that scenario is very STUPID
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Gotta say, as someone who plays both roles, and who stopped playing from early 2018 until last month, EGC is my single favorite addition to the game. There’s so much more tactics involved with it than the old hatch standoff. Did the final hook for player 3 happen right when I was near a door? Is it worth looking for the hatch or do I camp the door to power it ASAP when the hatch gets closed? If I’m the killer, am I able to pressure both doors or do I need to make a 50/50 call? I’ve seen a good number of EGCs with doors close end due to a key. I’ve seen a survivor cook one door until the first light, then go to the other and get out while I’m fruitlessly looking for them at the first’s a legitimately thrilling end to the game and I love it no matter what side I’m on.
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If you're having trouble with solo EGC, just use wake up.
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The hatch is already a free escape, dude. The devs have stated that if the killer finds the hatch first, then that's game over for the survivor assuming the killer doesn't fudge up their door patrol. And the killer can be screwed by door rng as well. Half the time they'll spawn across the map from each other and the hatch itself. Hatch and egc are balanced. Bring a key if you hate hatch closing so much. Just know you're probably gonna be hard tunneled for bringing one.