Decisive strike is not antitunnel at all.



  • yoi
    yoi Member Posts: 338
    edited November 2019

    thats another problem, survivors use their 60 seconds to actually push gens reckless they dont give a fuc* because they know they are invulnerable for 60 seconds and thats another big problem, killers can lose momentum but they never lose momentum cause they can go up again fast and rush a gen without any problem but the killer cant never pick up a survivor in those 60 secodns because you lose. (red ranks not yellow or green ranks guys, im talking about people who actually know a little bit more than running in a straight line)

    these guys saying "just 5 seconds, you dont lose nothing" clearly HAVE NO IDEA about the game, even less in red ranks and not agaisnt average red ranks we are talking about SWF but good ones, those you can beat only by playing with lots of strategy and pretty much using a viable killer, actually im being exagerated, an average swf is good enough to take advantage of 1 or 2 ds and win the game, "5 seconds" is not 5 seconds means another chase, is very simple and survivor mains dont get it. i was gonna get a hook and i dont have a hook now i lost time in the chase and now i have to go again and lose even more time is not 5 secons, i mean if you are garbage are 5 to 10 seconds if u are a good survior can mean winning the game, and is unfair when actually you went for another survivor you won the chase and then u lost your momentum cause you get punished because the person you hooked is gonna get unhooked and now the first person is gonna stab WICH MEANS? yeah PEOPLE WHO USE BRAIN, YOU GOT IT! now everyone is up and you lost momentum, unless you stay there like an idiot for 20 to 30 seconds waiting yeah, i think ds is off now, you cant allow that.

    btw the argument of ds turning off if you push a gen is viable, i like it survivors can do their objective but killers cant hook i didnt realize that way but is also true.

  • theArashi
    theArashi Member Posts: 998
    edited November 2019

    I think it's possible to easily fix DS to be actual anti tunnel perk.

    Make it disable itself when:

    • other survivor gets hooked
    • survivor with DS active does action such as fixing the gen or unhooking someone else or one of many actions that survivors currently do with that invincibilty perk.
    • gates are open(just to throw the bone in)
    • and the last one.... YOU GET TRAPPED IN TRAPPER'S TRAP. It should disable BT as well(as you currently just smack survivor twice as he falls down twice.
  • StarMoral
    StarMoral Member Posts: 938

    I got no issue with it either, it's just people complain a whole freakin lot that they're getting slugged.


  • Zoldyar
    Zoldyar Member Posts: 438

    This is not a smart decision for changing ds at all. This just leads to alot of ways in which killers can continue on tunnelling surivior.

    Let me list you an obvious situation:

    What's stopping the killer from slugging two suriviors, right? Hook one of them, then wait for that person who is hook, to get Unhook. So that he can hook the other person who is on the ground, so that the killer can go after the other guy who got Unhook because he has no fear of as being activated.

    So to put it simple, no.

  • yoi
    yoi Member Posts: 338

    again ad again, do you actually know why kilelrs are forced to slug? yes because "POTENTIAL DECISIVE" you see "wings" in one of the 4 survivors and you immediately have to suppose that everyone is using DS because is probably like that anyway.-

  • StarMoral
    StarMoral Member Posts: 938

    I never stated I was defending those slugging complaints. If anything, DS SHOULD be a pure anti-tunnel perk because if getting hit with it is sometimes better than slugging, something's up.

  • ZtarShot
    ZtarShot Member Posts: 838

    No. Why do people say these after a fit of rage or a bad match?

  • Which is it? You dominate a team so well that you think it's unfair to get hit by DS, when not tunneling, then meaning you will lose the game you were dominating? That doesn't sound like dominating at all. This just sounds like whiney killer BS. I am also a bit suspicious of the whole thing. So, you're saying, DS survivor gets unhooked, you camped so chased the unhooked, downed a red rank survivor then found the previous survivor all in under 60seconds? Dude, make your mind up! You're describing brown rank survivor capabilities then applying them to red ranks lol. DS is fine, certainly better than it was. Personally, DS should only work for your last hook.

    The only agreeable thing you have said, is the notification spamming needs looking at, but tbh, I would rather they fix a whole bunch of other game issues, than the minor annoyance of audio visual abuse.

  • ThatLaurieMain
    ThatLaurieMain Member Posts: 16

    i find it extremely interesting how people dont see the difference between a fact and an opinon. ur whole post boyo, is an opinon. so its p dumb to say people didnt understand anything of what you said or say you're losing braincells bc of someones comment when its an opinion (if you lost braincells by reading these comments, my whole brain got fried by your comments).

    i know multiple people who only play killer (red ranks) and they never complain about ds. so instead of blaming everyone else and saying theyre dumb maybe stop whining about it? and if it really ruins the whole game for you... either wait 60 sec max and make sure no one can heal them, get risk getting hit by ds and chase them again if you think thats right or just stop playing. atleast until they changed it to your likings, right princess? ;)

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,339

    At least you wouldnt run into cases where someone with an active DS is rescuing someone off the hook. It sucks getting hit with a DS for going after the unhooker...

  • CloakedDagger1
    CloakedDagger1 Member Posts: 181

    I play killer all the time and survivor it is an anti tunnel perk and yes it has its consequences but a 5 second stub shouldn’t give you that much trouble to lose

  • beatddb
    beatddb Member Posts: 565

    DS timer should be 30s

  • yoi
    yoi Member Posts: 338
    edited November 2019

    Yep Survivor mains arrived With the no sense. Probably Brown survivors justifying why ds Is fine as it Is or without any brain cell remaining si they can't or they don't want to balance the game. I'm not impressed. I play both sides With 1.4 k hours and i Saw ds changing the game in My favour or to them many times that Is remarcable. Ds Is not antitunnel Is Anti momentum Is i'm playing good so you get punished for it. and cause of it the game Is an slug fest when shouldn't be. Things should be call for What they are. I'm not impressed of seeing 10 min of waiting to get a Survivor game and why i get a game as killer in 5 seconds Is actually very obvious the steam numbers speaks by themselves. Nothing else to add . Im not Gonna respond any childish comment just sense With facts. Otherwise don't lose your time. Specially when everyone Is saying the same to defend it and i already cover those points many comments ago. Anyway i highly doubht anything Is Gonna get changed as keys comodious toolbox all that Is fine aswell.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266
    edited November 2019

    The last game without DS was like 2 months ago. When I removed DS to try some another build. Then I met a Ghostface tunnel me to dead despite the other 3 noticed it and body block him so I could run away. But GF only attack them when hes unable to run toward me because of the body block. I was still the 1st one to die.

    DS should be a permanent mechanic for Survivors, but of course must be rework to heavily strike on tunneling Killer. Since I understand OP's situation.

  • Atrushan88
    Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,092

    I very rarely get hit by DS, and I don't slug. The only times I do get hit by DS are where I can't find the other survivor who unhooked them, and run into the other one by accident. Technically I tunneled, but I take the DS because it's a perk people use, and me avoiding DS is like if there was a way a survivor could avoid Ruin or Pop, one of the perks people often complain about needing so much. If you slug a survivor who was just unhooked, you're still tunneling them.

  • CandyBard
    CandyBard Member Posts: 54

    I was a red ranked survivor before reset, and a rank 8 killer. DS is does not need to be nerfed by having it disable when someone else gets hooked. If they run deerstalker, the killer can slug you and hook someone else before picking you up. That isn't fair either. Instead, if they were to make any adjustments, I would say they should keep the 60 second timer, and have it disable if you get healed to healthy. That way, you're still guaranteed the free hit, but you're not allowed to be reckless. The stun being 5 seconds is okay because the only way the survivor gets to make the max distance from you is by running in a straight line. Thats only 20m. You move at 4.6m/s on most killers, so if they keep running in a straight line, you will catch up to them much faster.

    Besides that, I've gotta say: it seems you only want DS nerfed so you can "win more". You're already winning more than half your games, if youre in red ranks consistently. You really come off as the worst advocate for getting changes made, and I have trouble not reading your post as satire when your grammar is on the level of a seven year old child. If its cause you arent a native English speaker, I apologize, but if you are a native speaker, maybe try reading a book, yeah?

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    I disagree. If there's an obsession you need to keep better track of who you hooked.

  • underlord99
    underlord99 Member Posts: 1,030

    the problem with having it disable when healed is that towards the later game a lot of survivors do not heal. they just finish gens and work towards adrenalin.

  • Saitamfed
    Saitamfed Member Posts: 1,620

    I know DS can be an issue but seriously? "We slug for a potential DS" Are you all scared for a 5 second stun? Please, slugging you waste a lot of time, just grab the survivor, wait the 5 seconds and they won't be able to use it never again.

  • CandyBard
    CandyBard Member Posts: 54

    Yeah I'll concede that it becomes useless as a nerf in mid/late game, but its important to also note that since, on average, a gen takes 80 seconds, so before considering even the time it takes to get to the gen, theres a 20 second window where you can just scoop the survivor.

    On the other hand, the nerf suggested by OP is bad for survivors in a much more unfair way. For example, if you have 2 slugs and you know one still has DS, you can instantly disable it by hooking the other slug. Of course, it isnt always going to be this scenario, but what are the limits on this? Are we suggesting only one DS is allowed to be up at a time? What if 2 people with DS get unhooked at the same time? When you make a suggestion this crazy, you have to be willing to concede certain things, and OP has continually displayed that they believe that anyone who doesn't agree is a troll or a rank 20 who doesn't know any better, and implied or directly stated that they dont know enough to argue with him. That alone is crazy, to me.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632
    edited November 2019

    Let me tell you how DS doesn't need another nerf. If you're getting DS stunned then you're tunneling. Most survivors can run the killer for longer than 30 seconds at which point DS is almost deactivated. Besides, a DS stun isn't even significant at all. Pallet stuns are probably more hurtful considering you then have to walk around it or destroy it.

  • S_Panda
    S_Panda Member Posts: 539

    A lot of survivors running DS will purposely get downed near the end or locker themselves to force it otherwise. They'll not use pallets or their exhaustion perk because they can use those after the DS stun for more value.

  • Monlyth
    Monlyth Member Posts: 982
    edited November 2019

    Let's say that you're playing Killer, and you end every single chase within 30 seconds of finding the survivor.

    So, you find a survivor, and down them in 30 seconds. You hook them. Then they get unhooked. So you spend another 30 seconds chasing them down, and down them. Then they DS you. You're stunned for 5 seconds, then you need to chase them down again, wasting another 30 seconds.

    Decisive Strike doesn't waste 5 seconds of your time as Killer. It wastes about 35 seconds of your time at best, because once the stun wears off, you need to chase down and hook the survivor all over again.

    And since a generator takes 80 seconds for one survivor to complete by default, every second counts as Killer, especially in red ranks.

  • MyNamePete
    MyNamePete Member Posts: 1,053

    you sayin that like it was meant to be an antitunnel perk, it couldve been designed for an antimomentum perk or anything else.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    It's called being smart. Dead Hard isn't running against a clock. DS is. Taking the DS and then Dead Harding afterwards is called conservation.

  • yoi
    yoi Member Posts: 338
    edited November 2019

    as i said multiple times im not impressed how survivors see the perk thinking is just 5 seconds stun, it seems they never ever touched the "play as killer" option, i would like to see some brain cells being used while commenting, sadly you barely see it from a survivor main. for them everything was fine, and probably they think that purple keys and skeleton keys are fair and balanced aswell. im sure are the same people.

  • CandyBard
    CandyBard Member Posts: 54

    You aren't any better. Any argument you dont agree with is just some clueless peon in your eyes, but you aren't offering any counterarguments. You're just saying "no you're wrong use your brain".

    DS should not be disabled by another survivor being hooked. There are so many situations where that would be incredibly unfair. If they shorten the stun, the killer gains back lost distance much too quickly. I take the DS when i play killer, and I still manage to down them again in less than 30 seconds. Even with killers Im less experienced with.

    In short, you're offering an unrealistic solution to a non-issue, which leads me ti believe with 100% certainty that you arent a red-rank killer. Maybe a high purple, but thats about all I'd credit you for. Even console killers have learned to play around DS.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    People have tried debating with you but you just call them “clueless brown rank survivor mains who never touch the play killer option.” I can assure you even though I can’t check since I’m on PS4, I have more hours than you (not that hours really even matter).

    Most everyone plays both sides and isn’t in brown ranks.

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    I'm of the opinion that if your dominating them so bad that you down two people less than a minute after the unhook, you can afford to let them lie there more or even eat the DS and take it out of play completely.

    No change required.

  • Dumithicc
    Dumithicc Member Posts: 11

    DS has already been reworked/nerfed, and you guys are now complaining it needs another nerf?

    You all complain about survivors asking for killers to be nerfed when they say there's no counterplay, when there is. DS is so easy to counter, and you're still complaining.

    Just down them when they get unhooked, and then go for the guy that unhooked them. Or let them use their ds early on in the game. It doesn't stun for long, and unless the survivor has some magic powers, they're not gonna get far when they're screaming, leaking blood, and leaving giant red scratch marks to their location. Chances are, if they brought DS, they're not gonna be good at hiding.

    Waiting out the timer is your best bet. DS is literally just to be used when a survivors lost a chase, and it's also there to stop them being tunnelled by ######### killers that are greedy and want their kill. If someone brings it, it's just to give them a second chance at escaping, just like noed gives a second chance at sacrificing the survivors when they've managed to survive long enough to get gens done.

    I dont see a problem with the perk, and Ive never even used it as a survivor. AND I'm a killer main.

  • TheLastGreatStar
    TheLastGreatStar Member Posts: 1,002

    DS is fine the way it is. Leave it alone.

  • yoi
    yoi Member Posts: 338

    Wich situatuons? You never offered anyone, btw i never sayed Make the stun shorter, did You ever read My complain?. I'm Gonna try to think about one, farming in front of My fuc*ING face for example?...

  • HighQualityDonut
    HighQualityDonut Member Posts: 126

    DS is really good but its issue is also with bad teammates. If they made DS a true anti tunnel and it turns off when someone else is caught, what happens if Im unhooked late cause my team is inefficient? Why am i being punished for not being saved and someone else not being able to last long in a chase? DS 100% can be abused but it's one of the few saving graces us solo survivors need. Note: i dont use DS anymore mainly cause i stopped caring on how my games go, but DS really helped me stay in dbd when my teammates and occasionally the killer tried me.

  • PickCollins
    PickCollins Member Posts: 495

    At least let them crawl out like the maggots they are lol.

  • PickCollins
    PickCollins Member Posts: 495

    That's some backwards logic you've got there. Ideally a survivor running DS is trying to get you off them with DS, then you should probably back down.

    With this mindset I bet you lose a lot :/

  • S_Panda
    S_Panda Member Posts: 539

    to be honest I do the same when they force the DS via lockers and I don't mind the loss. Hey least they get their 500? survival points for that stun they HAD to get.

  • DevourOfSalt
    DevourOfSalt Member Posts: 254

    Ds is absolutes garbage.

    And by garbage i mean stupidly op non anti-tunnel 100% safety for 60sec what a load of shite.

    Need a rework its overpreforming.

    On a more serious note ds need adjusting because 60sec immunity to killer is broken not mention i could hook 2 people run into the ds person and he could still have it. Its absolute trash

  • CandyBard
    CandyBard Member Posts: 54

    I did, in my first reply to you. If you down 2 survivors and know that one has DS, all you have to do to disable it in your suggested fix is hook the other slug first.

    Second scenario, someone literally just got unhooked while you were carrying another survivor. You hook the next person and DS is disabled less than 10 seconds after it was made available.

    Third scenario, you have two people on hooks in basement, and one manages to save themself, and then the other person. You're either in a chase or camping and waiting for them to come upstairs. Say you down your next victim before they leave the basement. Once you hook them, you knock 2 people's perks out.

    Next, I have a question you've yet to answer because you're being stubborn. In your suggested fix, youre essentially only letting one person have DS at a time. What happens if you have 2 on hooks and they both get saved? Does only 1 person get to keep DS? If so, who gets to keep their perk? Why do we as killers deserve a safety net when we're already winning? If not, what does it matter, because clearly you, as a REDRANKKILLERUWU, are playing well enough or they're making enough mistakes that you're able to win regardless of DS. If DS is enough for you to lose your #########, maybe you should take a break from the game. Clearly you're not enjoying yourself, and games are meant to be played for the fun of it.

  • AkiTheKitten
    AkiTheKitten Member Posts: 670

    Rank 5 and I get frequent 4k, it's not that hard for any killers that are good

  • silverwolf4455
    silverwolf4455 Member Posts: 496

    But then the killer can just smack down the saved survivor slugging them hook someone else and comeback to rehook the slugged survivor that has an anti tunnel perk... I dont know if that is the answer... I agree that ds is pretty absurdly strong bit balancing it is a little difficult with out just gutting its usefulness.

  • CandyBard
    CandyBard Member Posts: 54

    If you are able to get 2 downs, hook both, and still get hit with DS by a third person, you're playing against really, REALLY bad survivors.

    That, or you're exaggerating because you want the perk nerfed, which would eventually lead to other perks becoming the problem.

  • DevourOfSalt
    DevourOfSalt Member Posts: 254

    Wrong there have been many times were iv got lucky in reds and purple.

    On top of that ds needs nerf its broken in its state. 60 immunity is unfar.

    ds should be anti tunnel the moment your unhook u should be going far away.

    Ds should be made to to deactivate if iv hook someone. Its stop trolling from survivors and makes them run off so they cant stay around you and abuse it for 60sec.

    So then im force to slug and in most cases that person will 9/10 always get revive and of scotch free.

  • MissBehavingX
    MissBehavingX Member Posts: 493

    LMAO I was about to say the same.

    When I use DS as a survivor I almost never get to use it because I rarely get downed within 60 secs. (I start to think most of the people complaining tunnel wether they want to admit it or not).

    When I play killer, I rarely get stunned by it. At least not enough to consider it a problem, *shrugs*

  • MissBehavingX
    MissBehavingX Member Posts: 493

    I guess we might as well nerf make your choice or haunted ground cause 60 seconds of being exposed is too much lol heck lets get rid of NOED cause being exposed during endgame is unfair


  • CandyBard
    CandyBard Member Posts: 54
    edited November 2019

    To a degree, I agree with you. However, I do not agree that it should be only used as an anti tunnel perk. That isnt why it was introduced to the game. Calling it immunity isnt very fair, because you can still down them, and despite the fact the skill check is overwhelmingly easy, it's still possible to miss the check.

    Despite that, you're talking about a very niche scenario in which two survivors misplayed and both got hooked within 60 seconds of one another, and while both were still on hooks, you got hit with DS by a THIRD person. This situation is so rarethat it was either planned, a huge coincidence, a lie, or an exaggeration of events.Not something worth nerfing a perk over.

    I believe it doesnt need a nerf. However, if they wanted to nerf DS, they would make the check smaller, and/or make it deactivate on full heal, the same way Dead Hard does.

    I feel its also important to address and quote you, @MissBehavingX because I don't know how many people in this thread are survivor mains, but seeing as we both play both sides, I feel our voices are some of the quietest, in this thread (at least, it's treated that way by the OP and everyone who agreeswith them). I've personally never had a problem with DS, and I only use it when I have an escape challenge, or I'm using a really niche perk combo. Even when I have it equipped, the killers I face usually have no trouble getting me or others who use it downed again, less than 20 seconds later, and I normally dont even get the chance to use it in the first place. On top of that, when I play killer, it either never hits me, or I barely lose any time redowning the other player. so trust me when I say you aren't alone.