Decisive strike is not antitunnel at all.

yoi Member Posts: 338

the current ds just forces to slug all the time, if i decide to go for the unhooker and i manage to put him on a hook in less than 60 seconds i go back and i got "ds" i didnt tunnel i just got punished because i am playing better than them and that just stopped all my momentum and probably i will lose the game cause of it, so imo ds should turn off as soon as i hook another guy becasue i didnt tunnel there i decided to go for other survivor, i think every person who ever played killer (just once) should agree with me.



  • GhostofYharnam
    GhostofYharnam Member Posts: 597

    Most of the time i just deny them the satisfaction. If im playing trapper ill just trap the locker. Especially if im using the addon where it inflicts dying if they free themselves.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    This isn't removing it's anti-tunnel ability, since it's deactivation requirement IS going after someone else, which is the definition of not tunneling.

  • Viracocha72
    Viracocha72 Member Posts: 207

    I posted the same exact suggestion about a week ago. The replies didn't go well. Survivors just want their 60 seconds immunity. I mean what you proposed makes absolute 100% sense and I can't understand why any player wouldn't agree.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    It never was meant to be.

    It CAN be used as an anti tunnel perk but it’s not primary it.

    If a killer can slug excessively I see no problem with DS at all.

  • yoi
    yoi Member Posts: 338
    edited November 2019

    the problem johnny is that ACTUAL DS forces the killer to slug, survivors HATE being slugged but at the same time they force beign slugged cause ds, interesting right?. because if i grab you you are gonan stab me and go free without any kind of skill for it (i lose momentum i lose everything i created cause of it), that means i have to chase you again if im not try harding with spirit or nurse because i also like playing the game with weak killers is something that i cant afford even less if is 4 TIMES. tnad you know the worst part? I NEVER TUNNELED.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430


    I was slugged literally 5 times yesterday. In the same match.

    DS wasn’t even there anymore, but they still did it.

    Im not saying they shouldn’t slug to run the DS timer out but I am putting it into perspective WHY people bring DS in most games.

    Killers aren’t going to play nicer if DS ever got nerfed. It probably will never be since it isn’t something that is broken atm.

  • Viracocha72
    Viracocha72 Member Posts: 207

    It's also way too easy to use. Anyone who's ever hit a good skill check can hit it 99% of the time. Like why not just make it automatic at this point? They need to make the skill check a little more difficult like maybe have it appear in a random spot on screen like when you're playing against the doctor.

  • yoi
    yoi Member Posts: 338

    people bring ds because they fear being tunneled, your comment has no sense, and killers must slug to not eat ds, if enduring actually made something as used to be wouldnt be any problem but is not like that anymore.

    the nerf im talking to does NOTHING against what DS is meant to do, ANTI TUNNEL, if i go for other survivor and i hook him ds should TURN OFF that is what i want you to understand use the brain please.

  • MysticAdvisor
    MysticAdvisor Member Posts: 453
    edited November 2019

    Sure it’s easy for an experienced player to hit.

    But what about new players?

    They can easily miss it which makes the perk a waste of a perk slot.

    Also remember this perk can only activate ONCE a match and if you hit or miss it, the game counts it as the perk activated and you lose the perk.

    In some ways DS should be automatic because if someone is tunneling this should be automatic.

    Making the skillcheck harder screws over newer players so that wouldn’t make sense.

    Simply count to 60 or slug if you want that person so bad.

  • Viracocha72
    Viracocha72 Member Posts: 207

    Yeah but op enter a scenario which is all too common for good killers, you're getting good pressure on a team, you specifically don't tunnel but still get punished for it. It should be harder for newer players , it should be something that requires some skill that you have to learn over time. Why do you think it should be easy for new players in the first place? It's not anti tunnel if you have hooked somebody else before getting hit with it. And everybody always says count to 60 or slug but again that kills your momentum. So I'm just supposed to slug and stand there and guard them for 60 seconds? Makes no sense.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Use the "hook someone else to deactivate" INSTEAD of the 60 second timer and then remove it procing off self unhooks to avoid edge case problematic scenarios.

    No timer means you get the full benefit of the perk even if you are a god at looping.

    Always deactivating on a hook means that the Killer can simply go for someone else to avoid the perk.

    No timer also means that while slugging sort of counters it you still need to go out and do something so camping the body is futile.

  • Viracocha72
    Viracocha72 Member Posts: 207

    This is perfect. Hopefully one of the devs sees this and agrees. I would love to see a Survivor explain how this would be bad but I'm sure they'll figure out a way to.

  • yoi
    yoi Member Posts: 338

    imo the timer is fine, 60 seconds but inmidiatelly should turn of if i HOOK someone else.

  • CrowFoxy
    CrowFoxy Member Posts: 1,310

    Bad argument. Sometimes I am losing with 1-2 gen left and suddenly get many downs fast. Well, now I can try to win!

    DS, Adren...etc. yes, it's my fault for being in a losing situation but I could've brought the game back to at least a 2k.

  • MysticAdvisor
    MysticAdvisor Member Posts: 453

    Why should stopping someone from tunneling you be harder? If you tunnel someone within the 60 seconds it’s your fault.

    I do agree it could be changed to as soon as someone else is hooked it turns off and also remove the timer.

    But they should make it an automatic activation if the killer picks you up.

    BTW: If not tunneling kills your momentum then simply down them without camping their body.

    It applies the same pressure as hooking them.

    They can’t do anything unless they have a perk or a friend to help them, in that case at least 2 survivors aren’t on gens.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430
    edited November 2019


    Umm, I don't bring DS because I get tunneled, and neither do many people.

    DS has always been a offensive type perk.

    "Using whatever is at hand, you stab at your aggressor in an ultimate attempt to escape."

    It was never strictly a "anti tunnel" perk. They only added conditions to it and a timer.

    You say killers have to slug to not eat the DS, guess what? Even when the person doesn't have DS they still slug. Even when NO ONE is the obsession they still slug. This isn't rocket science.

  • Viracocha72
    Viracocha72 Member Posts: 207

    I absolutely agree with your suggestions. I even say just make it built in to the game and not a perk. Then it would truly be an anti tunneling measure.

  • yoi
    yoi Member Posts: 338
    edited November 2019

    and do you know why they do it? because it seems you didnt read any of what people sayed here. killers slug because of the potential ds survivors most time will have. and yes the perk is meant to be as anti tunnel perk thats the reason for existance is the reason why it got changed back in the day was a free escape totally unfair and unbalanced (pretty much similar to that description wich was created i dont know in 2017?) now is meant to be an anti tunnel perk and guess what is not, is just a kill momentum for the killer perk. prety much every single time

    then you have the minority if the situations wich are the ones you are talking about wich are being sluged because the killer loves slugging. because yes most killers goes for the 4 slugs every game right? speak with common sense.

  • kcwolf1975
    kcwolf1975 Member Posts: 651

    I hate the ds during endgame, you know it is coming so you can either eat it and watch them tbag through the gate or let them crawl out.

  • GodNap
    GodNap Member Posts: 206

    the perk doesn't say "anti-tunnel" so if you don't like it don't use it.

  • yoi
    yoi Member Posts: 338

    i felt how my braincells were dying by reading this, did you actually understand any of what i sayed? or any of what we discussed? please read before repplying.

  • AkiTheKitten
    AkiTheKitten Member Posts: 670
    edited November 2019

    Honestly, if I hook someone else then get hit by DS, I'll tunnel the DS user. That's what you get for using a still-broken perk

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    So you lose momentum cause you got a 5s stun? Then you are just really bad. DS usually does nothing like this, cause some seconds later youre probably still on the hook cause killer can just restart chase.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430


    The reason it was changed was because there were no conditions. The effect is still the same only now you have to be hooked first AND they added a timer.

    Stop trying to nerf something that was already nerfed. Especially when it is fair.

  • yoi
    yoi Member Posts: 338
    edited November 2019

    You literally don't understand anything. There Is nothing fair about the perk in the actual state unless you only play survivor if u ever touched "play as killer" option you'll know why there Is nothing fair about actual state. And why Is not Anti tunnel

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430


    I was a rank 3 before rank reset. Try again.

    What does rank have to do with this?

  • yoi
    yoi Member Posts: 338
    edited November 2019

    The quote was not for u. I Made a mistake was for the guy above u who didnt Even read. The guy With the doctor picture. Anyway you didnt understand anything neither

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430


    You only think it’s unfair because you think it is an anti tunnel perk, which it isn’t.

    You said it yourself in the title of your post.

  • yoi
    yoi Member Posts: 338

    If u play Spirit all day probably not. if u play against green ranks to above probably not. But for 90% of killers against actual good survivors Is a problem.

  • yoi
    yoi Member Posts: 338
    edited November 2019

    Then Is What i sayed wich Is Even Worse. Is a stop killer momentum Is a fuc* the killer then. Exactly what i sayed. Thats Even way worse

  • yoi
    yoi Member Posts: 338

    Most times i see this i wonder if they ever touched killer, i want to imaginé that are survivor mains trying to justify the no sense. A killer With some brain cells still remaining wouldnt ever defend actual ds state. Anyway the post was done and some of the players agreed With What i sayed (most of them). So there Is an issue With the perk and should get fixed. Many ideas were sayed. Not much more to say

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,339

    Had a team DC on me earlier after i slugged someone who was unhooked, chased after 2 other survivors in the area and then interrupted a heal. Apparently that was tunneling...really wishing I had added that post game chat to my "salty endgame chats" folder. Still didnt even pick up the guy before the whole team just DCed.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    How did you lose all your pressure? If you downed and hooked a new person you at worst kept the same pressure you had before the person was unhooked.

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    The problem with a 60 second pick-up immunity timer is that it allows survivors to be reckless. And of course, at red ranks survivors usually are quite reckless.

    The idea behind DS is to prevent a survivor from immediately being targeted again after getting unhooked. In situations like that, I am okay with DS existing. Some killers will immediately return to the hook and go after the survivor who was just rescued, in which case said survivor deserves protection.

    But as many of us killer mains know, DS goes beyond that. Survivors can use their brief immunity to make dangerous plays that otherwise should be punished by the killer. By dangerous plays, I mean survivors are intentionally putting themselves in a dangerous situation. Normally, a killer would heavily punish such a play.

    I believe there should be provisions in play to make DS only activate if the killer immediately targets a survivor who was just rescued. If the survivor is not immediately targeted again, then they should lose the protection of DS. Because why should the survivor get extra protection if the killer doesn't come back to the hook?

  • Freudentrauma
    Freudentrauma Member Posts: 1,053

    Maybe not tunneling, but there is quite a good amount of killers with a hardfocus. Using BBQ specifically to check which and where the recently unhooked survivor and going after them. We cvan argue how much that is strategy or not. But in a situation where the same gets downed within 60 sec. Even after an unhook is quite close on the unhook issue.

    That's why I would prefer it, that DS should rather be stopped by an "back-in-action" event, triggered by survivor actions like touching a totem, gen, unhooking etc. to solve those typical issue, when survivor take their "immunity" too far and force the grab.

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    I usually leave them for EGC and let them bleed out till the last moment before hooking them. If your gonna be a jerk about it so can i.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Who knew that completely ignoring someone and going after everyone else was tunneling? The more you know.

  • Xerge
    Xerge Member Posts: 928

    The problem I have with the current state of ds is that survivors are able to rush their objective while the killers can't. That doesn't sound balanced to me.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    That approach could work in theory but would be much harder to balance since that means they could just not do any of those things in order to keep the perk.

    While that would mean not doing gens it still leads to problematic scenarios.

    That problem isn't impossible to solve or anything, I just figured having a simpler solution where it's the desired Killer reaction actually happening that triggers the deactivation to be a better solution.

  • Decisive strike sometimes will get you tunneled when you wouldn't have been otherwise too.

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    Normally if I see a survivor hop into a locker I'll leave them be. If I'm Trapper I'll leave them a little present then go however if you don't choose to spam vault out of that Locker repeatedly to get the decisive strike off I'll pick you up take the decisive strike and after that I'm tunneling you to death.

    Because at that stage you not even using decisive strike to prevent being tunneled you're using it to be an active nuisance