Survivor Perk: Intuition

Unlocks potential in ones aura reading ability.
Unlocks the Search action.
When a killer does certain actions (breaks a pallet, opens a locker, use a hook, vaults a window) they have a chance to leave behind a clue.
You can search this clue for 15 seconds, afterwards the clue will disappear, and you can see the killer's aura for 4/5/6 seconds, time is halved if the killer is 48 meters away
Searching a clue gives +500 bloodpoints in survival
I think 15 seconds of searching is too long for just a reward of max 6 seconds of aura reading. Other than that, interesting perk ;)
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This is only good for points but a waste of time for your team. 15 seconds can make a massive difference in this game and I think we have some very good information perks already. Alert in particular is very good for showing where the killer.
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if you were to reduce the time it takes to search something to something like 5 seconds it would probably be worth your time but 15 seconds is way too long. also you should make it so that you can see the aura of something that has a clue on it within a certain range like 12 meters? The aura should also be some unique color like blue cause people usually associate investigations or clue related things with the color blue.