

Could Rin work as a survivor?

Member Posts: 1,899

Since the entity is the god of his realm, could Rin be a survivor as well as a killer?

I know time works differently in it's realm because we have Adiris.

Any lore experts who could share their thoughts?

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  • Member Posts: 3,893

    It would be sick we be really weird to have of the same beings in the same place.

    As stated before by the dev's the only reason multiple versions of the same survivor can be in one trial is gameplay reasons.

    Actual lore wise there is only one Min, Kate or Claudette

    There is only one Trapper, Amanda or Wraith.

    The only character to break this trend is Legion however that simply because Legion is a gang of multiple people that just all carry the same code name or

    However even with them there is only one Frank, one Julie, one Susie and one Joey.

    It would makes no sense to suddenly changed that for two Rins (killer and survivor)

    But however I could be wrong they could decide to change down the line but from what we know it's likely going to be a no

  • Member Posts: 3,127

    I know it wouldn't really make sense but I would love to play as her as a Survivor.

    I love Rin as a character already so to be able to play her on the side I am better at (I really suck as killer) would be amazing.

  • Member Posts: 558

    I like the soul splitting idea, or since we see her emotions and expressions change so frequently, they could just play it as a multiple personality disorder sort of thing, where sometimes she's feeling murderous and is a killer, when she doesn't she's a survivor.

  • Member Posts: 271

    Someone said that the devs have stated in a stream that there can be a survivor version of a killer. Idk it's that true or not.

  • Member Posts: 1,899

    Iirc, the survivors can become killers (maybe something to do with losing hope and succumbing to the entity's wishes?) but I don't know if it works the other way around.

  • Member Posts: 271

    Maybe having two versions of themselves? Like the entity taking rin before the murder maybe? Or having the spirits soul split in two and one became a killer and another became a survivor?

  • Member Posts: 1,899

    Well I suppose because the entity can take any person from any point in time, it could take Rin before his father even snapped? I'm fairly certain the entity can take people from parallel dimensions as well so it could be possible for it to take another Rin from a different reality where she didn't die.

  • Member Posts: 271

    I think they should do a chapter like this, have a survivor version of a killer. I'm really hoping the next rift will be based off of rin so they can explore these things.

  • Member Posts: 634

    I think it's possible. If the lore allows a lobby full of Bills, I'm not sure why the lore wouldn't allow an alternate version of the killer that's survivor.

  • Member Posts: 1,122
    edited November 2019

    Lorewise, we only know that the Entity is unaffected by time, so it takes Killers (and possibly survivors, even though they all seem to come from a not too distant past or future) from any point in time.

    There's no info or proof that the Entity can take Killers or Survivors from alternate realities (I don't have the link, but in an interview Devs have said that Ghostface and Myers are from the same reality/timeline, clarifying Ghostface's love of horror movies and him recognizing the iconic Myers). So unless we assume the Entity can do this, the only way to allow this would be if the Entity took a younger Rin as a survivor, then escaped only to be butchered by her father and become a Killer.

    Devil's advocate though, it makes sense as to why the Entity focused on the Yamaoka family after Rin's escape- it could even have been interested in not just her father for revenge on Rin, but her ancestor (The Oni) as another potential Killer.

  • Member Posts: 34

    I kinda get the appeal of having a killer and survivor being different versions of the same person, not a huge fan of Rin being a survivor though and I'm not sure why; I guess I'd rather the chapter that does it play more on the duality of the survivor/killer thematically. That could be very interesting and could play into the killer's design/power in some way that I think has a decent amount of potential.

    I don't think Rin also being a survivor would add to her character and unless they think of a way to do that I'd rather they focus on characters that are new and original.

  • Member Posts: 201

    Rin has already made herself out to be a terrible survivor, seeing as how she died.

  • Member Posts: 3,893

    Are The Entity is unaffected by time it doesn't seem to be able to pull two of the same beings into it.

    That is why besides Legion there is only one instance of each character there is only ever one Yui or Min.

    The only reason Legion breaks this trend is because they're made up of four individual people so it is possible to have each of the Legion members doing separate trials or possibly being in the same trial.

  • Member Posts: 1,238

    It would definitely not work, Rin has now become a spirit reaped by revenge, for that reason she cannot see to whom her fury is directed.

    the only way he could become a survivor is if he fulfills his revenge by killing his father, but I believe that if one day he reaches that comet then his soul can rest in peace.

    and I think that would be a better end for her than to revive her and make her suffer another eternity.

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