What’s your favorite build?

I’d like to know what YOUR guys favorite build is not you favorite streamers build ok.
For Example, I like to use Bitter Murmur, NOED, Deerstalker, and Sloopy Butcher on Hillbilly
I created movie inspired builds for Ghostface and Michael Myers, so here they are...
Ghostface: Monitor And Abuse, Enduring, Unrelenting, NOED
Myers: Monitor And Abuse, Brutal Strength, Enduring, Save The Best For Last
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up the ante adreanline borrowed time and lithe
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Inner Strength and Bt. Then mix and match the last 2
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Drift King Hillbilly
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Survivor: Head On, Inner Strength, Quick and Quiet, Small Game/DS, etc.
Killer: Spies, BBQ, Discordance, Pop
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Pig or Plague- Surveillance, PGTW, Ruin, and last is one of the following: BBQ&C, Discordance, Corrupt Intervention, or Thrilling Tremors.
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It WAS Spine Chill, Iron Will, BL, and Adrenaline but I guess we'll have to see whether it continues to be viable.
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Only No Mither with a Camping Aid Kit with a Syringe.
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Survivor: BT, DS, DH, Spine Chill
Killer: PGTW, M&A, BBQ, Nurses (Killer: Nurse with CD addons)
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Whispers, Corrupt, Save the Best for Last, random last perk. Pop, Sloppy, Dying Light, etc.
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Survivor: DH, DS, adrenaline, borrowed time
after rank reset: head on, diversion, OoO, no mither
- NOED, bloodwarden, franklins, knockout
- iron grasp, agitation, mad grit, insidious (insidious is optional and can be replaced with monstrous shrine if I am really bored)
- insidious, noed, bloodwarden (last perk slot can be left empty)
- devour hope, haunted ground + any 2 perks (except for hex perks)
- corrupt, pgtw + any 2 perks (except for hex perks)
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Ah a man of culture I see
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Survivor: Head On + Ds + Inner Strength + Quick and Quiet
Killer: Scratch mirror Myers