Hawkins is the worst survivor map

I can't wait to see some survival data. I think Hawkins will have the lowest survival rate.
I personally hate it.
Also, can you devs reduce the noises? It's grinding my gears.
Balanced landing says otherwise
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I like it to be honest. I agree some noises are too loud but all in all. It's surprisingly large with plenty of hiding spots. Some decent pallets inside the rooms not in the corridors. And it looks good. Also it's unique compared to the other maps.
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Hawkins has a similar issue that Haddonfield has.
Bring Balanced or you're screwed.
There's a lot of unsafe pallets on both of these maps, but the houses and catwalk rooms are way too strong with Balanced Landing.
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I don't find Haddonfield at all difficult to survive on without Balanced Landing. Can't say the same for Hawkins.
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My scoreboards confirm me. Doesn't matter if I play killer or survivor, 4 kills with 3+ gens most of the time.
Btw Ruin spots seems to be ridiculous, it's always up the entire match without a totem build.
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Nope, that would be TheGame. trust me, no one escapes there easily.
THere is a very unfair advantage for killers especially with Ruin up (but also without)
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The game? It was difficult back then but now it seems quite balanced. Ruin can be hard to find, and finding gens isn't always straight. However, the game has many safe loops. Like legit safe loops, the killer has to break them.
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Shelter woods is the worst one imo. Filled with deadzones with absolutely nothing for survivors.
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my experience tells me a different story. I don't really recall many escapes there every time i 'm there. since most killers have ruin up.
i don't see the difficulty in the hawkins map, it's pretty balanced. i have some escapes and some deaths.
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I’d much prefer Hawkins over Lery’s or Shelter woods.
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Hawkins is the only map where I actually feel like disconnecting. I don't do it of course but playing games on Hawkins suck. It's laggy, it's framey, it's boring, and it's easy to get lost in. I really wanted to like this map because I love ST but holy hell I hate it.
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At least you can find gens and totems easier + you can spot the killer from the distance (and actually can see from where he's coming from) on shelter woods.
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It's good that there are some killersided maps.
After all survivors have unbalanced maps like bloodlodge, thompson house, haddonfield, ironworks, rancid abattoir etc.
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It's mainly as the map is still new and many are not really used to the layout, gen spots and totem positions yet.
Additionally, as in all indoor maps, the killers position is uncertain while being inside terror radius due to blocked LOS. From my feeling it's small, which is usually good for killers.
It also gives killers like Spirit advantage, because the directions you can choose could be very limited depending on the location.
In terms of strategy, survivors should avoid to make the gen in the second floor and at the elevator first, because these gens are the hardest to control.
If they are done early, the other gens are relatively easy to patrol as these are the ones with the biggest distance.
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( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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And the survivor has the advantage during the EGC because the Exit Gates always spawn across the map. 🤗😁
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I feel much the same way. I hate that map. It's nothing but LoS blockers, and I still get constantly lost on it. I'll half-ass any match I play there.
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Personally my favorite map on both sides and one of the most balanced ones imo
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"Survivor map" You know that not every map should be Survivor favored?
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I also think it will get better over time. If you are willing to learn the loops. Especially the 1.5 floor ones in the middle are all pretty strong, even without BL. And unsafe pallets... The ones on the floors you should never use to do mindgames. Drop them and run.They give you distance, no loops.
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new balanced landing agrees
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with balanced getting gutted the maps officially unwinnable
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theres maps being "sided" then theres brainless bloodlusting because none of the pallets are really playable.
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Hawkin's is literally a death sentence if you go in there without balanced landing.
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New balanced? What did I miss?
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It's more killer sided if you dont have balanced landing.. and its great for stealth killers but it's not the worst.. I would say shelter woods is.
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Im about 50/50 survival rate on that map withouy balanced landing. Most of the time even when i dont escape 3 to 4 gens were popped. Solo player also.
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Only reason you would have a high chance of winning in that map is the killer initiates a chase against someone with balanced landing at the start and he knows what he is doing then everyone should be gen rushing like a man man. Of course good killers shouldn't commit to that chase, maybe get rid of a pallet or two to create a dead zone then you chase the ones without BL.
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I also play stealthy. And i don't try to mindgame the corridor pallets.
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The pallets aren’t as bad as everyone thinks.
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The hallway pallets are best used early, if you can throw them early enough, you can rotate back and just vault over them. It’s rarely worth trying to go for the stun with those pallets.
Post edited by FairP1ayer on0 -
Hawkins is a great survivor map. The amount of pallets which are safe or at least safe without Bloodlust is high enough, the map has some good loops (especially with BL) and the most important factor: The gens are very far away from each other. Killers can't patrol the gens if they don't have a form of increased mobility; and even if they do, it's still hard.
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also don't forget the whole upstairs is straight up suicide unless you have lithe or something