Yep. Ya gotta love being a killer main

Even his insults are weak, #########
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Dumbass Xbox kids smh. Talking trash makes you an automatic loser no matter what.
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This is the game in a nutshell. If you aren't playing exactly how someone wants you to play then you're getting insulted. Never could figure that out.
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Sad part was I gave them the Hatch twice in previous matches.
Because I was recording for this for YouTube video I basically went for the 4k
However the survivors were with super altruistic so I ended up slugging and you saw how that worked out
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Yeah, that last comment is inexcusable. You should report this person immediately.
That said, I hope you didn't slug for the 4k. Specifically, I hope you didn't leave one of the survivors slugged in a attempt to find the last survivor. Not only does it waste time, but it's also very lame.
Typically, if a situation like that occurs, you've already beaten the survivor group. So why not just hook the last survivor and give the last survivor a sporting chance? Wouldn't that be more interesting and fun?
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Yep sadly, considering I've given this person the hatch twice before this it really just makes me not want to be nice in this game.
You're nice you get false praise and thanks you play normally you get insulted and mocked.
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At least Xbox actually enforces that stuff nowadays so if you report he'll defo get punished. The 360 days give me bad memories of what you could get away with.
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Not maining killer myself, but the ammount of hate I get in contrast to how few times I actually play killer is out of proportions.
Recently after getting a 4k as the doctor, a Claudette sent me a message saying she hoped I would die in cancer :/. Ironically she was the one who played the worst out of the four survivors by doing things like unhooking her teammates when I was grabbing-distance away :P
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I got one from a survivor the other day
Apparently I was taking too long to finish my gen and I wasn't carrying the team enough as a rank 12.
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Just report and move on. Not sure why you'd even give them the time of day.
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If only reports actually did anything. Might as well scream into some sort of void. You get the same nonresult.
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Reporting on Xbox and ps4 for msgs like that definitely work. Bhvr have said they don't have any authority over what is said in a direct msg on console. Microsoft and Sony will do something. I've known people banned for saying awful things. It may take a while but the more reports the faster it will be. Responding to these people, on the other hand, does nothing but give them what they want
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Microsoft bans people for cussing even if it isn't meant in an insulting or derogatory way nowadays. You'll get a result from reports.
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I have seen worse. Not saying yours is anything less problematic. Hopefully you reported them. People get so angry for anything so small. It takes so much work to send messages on console. Everyone needs to take a deep breath, take a step back and walk away for a bit.
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See I come from the land of pc where reports fly into the abyss.
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On PC there isn't really a way to know, but as a PC player as well I do see some reports get taken into action sooo idk...
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I don't know if it's just me, but everytime I give the killer a free sacrifice, they don't take it and drop me beside the Exit Gate. 😕
Anyways, there are still great survivors out there, don't let this one give all survivors a bad name! ❤
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Yea I refer to it as Fan Mail.
I farm them. The saltier the better. Hundrets of people out there wish I would die a horrible death and my whole family gets butchered by Bubba.
Kind of warms my heart on those cool winter days.
Someone out there right now is thinking about me very intensly.
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I started collecting endgame chat screenshots and putting them in their own folder.
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I collect rage mail
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i don’t play x box but if I did I’d slug all 4 and let them bleed out on the ground.
what he said was overboard
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If you enjoy it then why are you posting on here like it bothers you? You collect it and yet at the same time you say it's sad and makes you not want to be nice in the game.
Sounds contradictory. Almost like one of those two sentiments isn't sincere.
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First off calm down Nancy Drew.
Secondly just because I collect them doesn't mean I enjoy receiving them. Some are quite annoying or disincentivizing like this one for example because the specific person in question was very hypocritical and some are so overboard that it becomes hilarious
Throughout my entirety of playing killer and I just tend to receive them after a while deleting them just becomes pointless so I kind of just save them and show them to people.
If you want a tl;dr just because I collect evidence of a situation doesn't mean I enjoy the situation happening. Showing toxicity is more evident than saying it exists with no proof.
Do me a favour and get off your high horse and stop trying to analyse me like I'm some evil guy twirling a moustache.
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Right. 👍
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Uh- huh
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Same here, had a game against the Plague and my friend lost connection right at the beginning. She farmed a bit with me, I dropped pallets for her to destroy and chase around a little. However, the other two randoms didn't understand that she was farming, rushed the four gens and escaped through the hatch with a key. She basically only had the few points she got from me and a few hooks. I felt bad, sat under a hook and pointed on it, but she carried me to the hatch instead.
Most killers that are nice don't accept a free sacrifice. Sometimes I force it on them with the endgame collapse though, if it does not take too long :D
I appreciate if the killers give a chance to get a few points or even play nice if someone dcs and they should get their points, too.
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I may be a survivor main, and I may get a lil salty at times, but never have I ever directed that salt towards a killer. These are like the two-yr-old kids of the community.
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they’re really putting the “special” in special edition
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Yeah exactly
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🤣🤣🤣🤣Golden comment😂😂😂😂
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Garbage like this is why I never played or had a reason to play Survivor: because huge amount of them are entitled jack asses that think they're playing Bully by Daylight and should always be given a chance by killers. With the way they spaz out, you'd think they were agents of the Entity. So slug one of them, slug ALL of them. Collect that fanmail or delete it. Nothing you do will change the other side's view of you.
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bruh, honestly, just enjoy it, I find these messages funny, because now I know that I angered some annoying piece of crap
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Lol privileged survivors hate when you dont wipe there ass and hold there hands and tell them everything going to be alright.
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######### is wrong with some people....
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I get hate-mail for running OoO, I’ll never understand how people hate certain perks that much.