Nerfing Gen speeds

I think gen speeds should be nerfed. Giving survivors the ability to end the game in literally minutes is ridiculous.


  • toxicmegg
    toxicmegg Member Posts: 662

    or you could, u know, protect the gens.

  • Venoxxie
    Venoxxie Member Posts: 300

    Interesting conversation you both got going, but ima have to say no. Killers already have perks that are enough of a nerf. If you don't want to use those perks, then accept that you might lose your matches.

    If gen speed got nerfed, those perks basically get a big buff. So either nerf those perks then nerf gen speed or do nothing and leave it be.

  • unless u get a huge map and the gens are near impossible to defend

  • what perks u talking about?

  • silverwolf4455
    silverwolf4455 Member Posts: 496

    Prolly Ruin, PGTW, Corrupt Intervention, Thanatophobia, Thrilling Tremors, etc. But decreasing gen speeds is not the answer... it's boring sitting on the gens holds the repair button. A second objective would be a better idea. If you nerfed gen speeds people will get bored and find another game... it's already boring enough that sometimes I just look for the killer so i can get chased and have some fun.

  • Venoxxie
    Venoxxie Member Posts: 300

    Ruin, Thana, Pop, Overcharge (cuz not everyone can get the skill check), etc. basically any anti gen perks.

  • BigBubs
    BigBubs Member Posts: 1,131


  • Rizzo
    Rizzo Member, Administrator, Mod Posts: 17,706

    Please be civil and avoid attacking each other, thank you.

  • T2K
    T2K Member Posts: 635

    Yo nice idea. Just go protect the gens sounds like 200 IQ. Theres no problem with gen pressure when you play spirit, billy or freddy. But for the other killers most maps are just too huge to apply pressure on so mamy gens. And the gen perks also are quite bad. Ruin is gone after 20 secs, they play sneaky till corrupt int is gone, you have to walk all the way over to gens for pop goes and even ignore survs on your way because the 60 sec timer and so on.

    I think reducing the gen speed would help. You can still bring toolboxes and stuff. 80 seconds for one gen is really nothing compared to the time you need to find, down and hook survivors and this in a total of 12 times.

  • CandyBard
    CandyBard Member Posts: 54

    Certain killers are really strong for defending sets of Generators. Playing doctor or clown, for example, and letting them do gens around the map while focusing on the 3 gens closest to one another, is a crazy strong strategy. Most survivors give up at that point and leave.

    Basically, killers are able to force survivors to work on certain generators, or waste their time when they dont comply. For example:

    Corrupt Intervention blocks the 3 gens furthest from the killer's spawn, which forces players who run Vigo's Shroud to suffer.

    Thrilling Tremors lets you see what gens are being worked on for a period of time when you pick a survivor up, by blocking all gens that arent currently being progressed.

    Hex: Ruin slows down progress, and in the lower tiers (15-20), can occasionally completely halt progress because all 4 survivors will hunt for the totem.

    Pop Goes The Weasel will instantly knock 25% off the first generator you kick after hooking a survivor.

    Thanatophobia slows all progression timers for each injured, downed, or hooked survivor, forcing them to play altruistic or be slowed down.

    You have a ton of options. Unfortunately, all of these listed are teachables. If you own or play the killers I list below, you have access to these perks, and should stop neglecting them, if you have problems with Gen repair speed.

    The Hag (Hex:Ruin)

    The Nurse (Thanatophobia)

    The Clown (Pop Goes The Weasel)

    The Ghostface (Thrilling Tremors)

    The Plague (Corrupt Intervention)

    The Clown also has a perk called Coulrophobia, which combos pretty well with Thanatophobia, because it slows down healing speed when in the killer's terror radius.

    Anyway, take your pick, any of these should help you.

  • well im talking high ranks here, since this is where the gens are done really fast.

    Overcharge is not very good, the skill check is not difficult to hit.

    Ruin is hit or miss. 90% of the time it gets cleansed in 30 seconds.

    Thana is very negligible. it adds what? a few seconds more?

    pop is the only good one

  • Th3Nightmare
    Th3Nightmare Member Posts: 1,266

    why the devs are launch that perks? Cause they dont know as to fix the gens xD

  • Venoxxie
    Venoxxie Member Posts: 300

    shrug Those were only a few examples, there are more anti gen perks. Depending on the survivor you go up against (cuz quite a few are boosted), any anti gen perk is plenty to slow the game just enough. Not to mention people get altruistic and there's also anti healing perks.

    But perhaps the gens get done fast because the survivors actually come up with a plan for themselves. Or they're good at stealthing away from their gen if you come near and are able to get back on it when you walk away. And like others said, gen pressure is a thing. I'm sure for some specific killers its hard, especially depending on the map but regardless, it's still a thing. If you're in the red ranks, by now gen pressure is something you should be exceptionally skilled with.

  • understandable. it's just that surviors have the ability to end the game within minutes, and that's just plain RIDICULOUS

  • Ruin is hit or miss. 90% of the time it gets cleansed in 30 seconds.

    Corrupt: Survivors can just play immersed

    Thana is very negligible, it adds what? A few seconds.

    Pop and Thrilling are the only good ones.

    And don't EVER use Coulrophobia, no reason to use that trash perk.

  • lunaticlifter
    lunaticlifter Member Posts: 426

    we need a second objective, slowing down the gen speed is not fun for survivors, and i'm a killer main who play both sides.. maybe less time doing gens, and adding a more interactive second objective would be the answer..

  • MissBehavingX
    MissBehavingX Member Posts: 493

    Why dont we also get rid of the toolboxes and brand new parts? *insert dorky face*

  • CandyBard
    CandyBard Member Posts: 54

    Coulrophobia is pretty bad, on its own. If they buffed Thanat to do even a little bit more slowdown, though, you could make a whole build around it.

    Thanat, Sloppy Butcher, Caulrophobia, and Nurse's Calling. Its probably the most trashtier build I've ever thought of, but Im sure it would work with/for the right killer/player.

    Either way, the point of the list I'd made was that there are already several ways to slow down gen progress. They dont need to, and shouldn't, nerf gen speeds.

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125


    No why should the killer do that? I mean just use noed LUL *Sacrasm*

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,360

    The game can always feel unbalanced to people who are inexperienced, and unfortunately this ranking system pits inexperienced ppl against long time players alot. I could show you screenshots of games I've had where I did well with "weak" killers, or post videos of various youtubers or twitch streamers who also play well, with and without ruin. Much of it comes down to understanding various maps and knowing how you can play them to your advantage. Personally, Ive had great fun lately messing teams up with a Bubba, WITHOUT facecamping them I should add, lol.