

Which do you dislike about this Chapter update more?

Member Posts: 114
edited November 2019 in Polls

Now there are a lot of good things and A LOT of bad things about this chapter. Mainly some of the strong perks (Breakout/Any means Necessary), Legion nerf, and Kindred rework. People are probably going to grill me for the survivor perks so he's my defense. Having the ability to bring back downed pallets means killers have to break pallets more often. Which isn't a problem but now killers have to waste more time making sure to break pallets. Again not to bad but annoying. Breakout, however, should NOT be a perk. Playing Red ranks, your going to face a lot of SWF. With this perk, there's a really high chance of rescue. Here's how most situations will go. Friend tries getting the flashlight save, they either miss or the killer is facing a wall during pick up. Then that friend will have a guaranteed body block which isn't too bad; the killer can just ignore them. But what will be bad is trying to hook them. Since the friend will get in front of the hook the killer will have to hit them wasting even more time for the survivor to wiggle out. And oh yeah, they can wiggle out 20% faster. Normal wiggle time is 16 seconds. 16 seconds reduced by 20% is 12 seconds. Admittedly 4 seconds isn't much of a difference but when you have to account for the body blocking survivor which you have to hit because they WILL stand in front of the hook. That reduces another 3 seconds because it's a successful hit. So you have only 9 seconds to hook that survivor. That's almost 50% the time it normally takes. Sorry for rambling a bit there. I know I might be overthinking it so just try to reassure me that it's not that strong.

EDIT: Accidentally thought Kindred got nerfed and since I can't change the poll option just ignore it.

Which do you dislike about this Chapter update more? 69 votes

Legion Nerf
36 votes
Breakout / Any Means Necessary
6 votes
Kindred Rework. Goodbye solo player rescue.
5 votes
The Killer's weak Perks or Power
4 votes
Balanced Landing Buff / Nerf
18 votes
Post edited by CL4P_TRAP_ER on

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  • Member Posts: 122
    edited November 2019
    Kindred Rework. Goodbye solo player rescue.

    Kindred was an underrated perk. TBH it's a little better imo since they just added more to it.

  • Member Posts: 114
    Kindred Rework. Goodbye solo player rescue.

    Wait did they add to it or rework it?

  • Member Posts: 8,816
    Legion Nerf

    Kindred was straight up buffed and it's now fantastic. There is no nerf.

  • Member Posts: 122
    Kindred Rework. Goodbye solo player rescue.

    In the PTB, Kindred still has it's original intent. They just added onto it.

  • Member Posts: 3
    Balanced Landing Buff / Nerf

    The balanced landing nerf is totally unnecessary and will destroy the perk completely. Would prefer to eliminate the speed burst vs the stagger elimination.

  • Member Posts: 399
    Legion Nerf

    Legion is already a bad pick, and this makes it worse. It's a bye-bye for some decent perk combinations they had.

    However, not every change on them was actually a nerf. Some of their add-ons are actually a lot better now, and the vault speed with frenzy is a bit faster. It's sort of like a couple of bad and good things mixed. I do agree that it leans more towards a nerf than a buff, just wanted to point out it wasn't a complete nerf.

    There also seems to be plans for the Doctor in the future. And the Cannibal's add-ons too. Hope it's not for the worst.

    Also, I don't wanna say anything about the new perks just yet. I'll probably have an opinion on them when they go live. And I don't mind the changes regarding Balanced Landing and Kindred.

  • Member Posts: 3,293

    Beast of Prey and Nemesis with Legion.

  • Member Posts: 243
    Legion Nerf

    Legion was already nerfed, and it's getting nerfed to oblivion once again. I hope they wont do the same with The Pig.

  • Member Posts: 42
    Legion Nerf

    I was about to buy the legion because BEFORE he at least had a ok power and some pretty cool perk builds. But now I don’t even know

  • Member Posts: 453
    The Killer's weak Perks or Power

    I don’t agree with some of the new killer perks I think some are really not useful.

  • Member Posts: 330
    Legion Nerf

    When I saw the Legion nerfs:

  • Member Posts: 4,212
    Breakout / Any Means Necessary
    1. Where is the "other" option for how weeby the chapter is?
    2. Kindred got buffed, it does exactly what it did before, but now when OTHER people are hooked the person running kindred gets the effect for themselves as well.
  • Member Posts: 244
    The Killer's weak Perks or Power

    His perks seem kinda weak if not comboed with other perks like nemesis will only be good with like Judith's journal or play with your food. The one perk were you see all the pallets is just like windows of opportunity good fro new players but once you play the game long enough you know were they are. Blood echo just doesn't seem good enough to be runned. As for his power its really good i chose this option for the perks.

  • Member Posts: 1,784

    Uhhh I don't really dislike any of this. The Legion buffs outweigh the nerfs, but people like to be negative.

  • Member Posts: 110

    The Balanced nerf has now brought it in line with the other exhaustion perks. When the conditions are met (window, injured, hill, locker, etc) you get to gain a little distance on the killer. With old balanced you got that and so much more by being able to use the stagger reduction to loop infinites.

  • Member Posts: 114
    Kindred Rework. Goodbye solo player rescue.

    Yeah sorry accidentally thought it got nerfed instead of buffed. I can't fix it because it's a poll answer.

  • Member Posts: 13,036
    Legion Nerf

    I hoped for a buff, not a nerf

  • Member Posts: 1,862
    edited November 2019
    Kindred Rework. Goodbye solo player rescue.

    ######### rest in peace kindred. I'm a solo (most of the time) and I can guarantee you I'm never using the perk again if this change goes through, why the ######### you gonna be nerfing off-meta perks in the first place!? You're encouraging a constant un-shifting meta of the same old Sprint Burst, Self Care, Dead Hard, Adrenaline, Balanced landing (let's be real, despite the nerf it's still gonna be a meta perk), etc. rather than increased perk diversity!!

    Had the change they made been in ADDITION to the current effect, sort of like how Dark Sense was buffed so it was when any generator popped not just when you were working on one, this would have been great. So then it would be when any survivor is hooked including yourself, not just yourself, this would be great and I would probably run it way more often.

    But what they did is complete dog #########, normally I don't criticize the devs and normally their balance passes on old perks are great, but this is just garbage. Kindred was a perk FOR SOLO PLAYERS YOU MONGOLOIDS, and now you want to take that away, #########. Wasn't the whole idea to nerf SWF to buff solo players capability of information sharing in a trial?? What is this bullshit!?

    Everybody else be talking about the rest of the chapter while I'm over here in my solo corner up in arms about the kindred nerf god ######### damn it.

  • Member Posts: 71
    Balanced Landing Buff / Nerf

    It got buffed tho, now the effects are for everyone while you're hooked and YOU get its effects if someone else is hooked

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