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This games community is so bad and its the devs fault

First off the game design really wants you to pick one side or the other, its not like counter strike where sure the two teams differ but you still have to play both. With dbd you got two roles that play completely different, and you dont have to play one or the other. This causes single minded people on both sides and splits the community down the middle. On top of that the devs are pretty bad at balancing so each side takes what they can get and abuses it like old ds or adrenaline, or for killers no ed and rancor. Most games one side does not have fun and the game has been like that forever. no one has respect for opinions and most arguments come down to, ok salty ______ main. most people who played both sides excessively will tell you the game is just a garbage fest with the occasional high moment . I love the concept for this game but its just so bad executed, and the community has no respect for each other so they abuse the ######### parts of the game. tell me why you think this games community is so bad maybe you will change my mind.


  • Mon_Tizzle
    Mon_Tizzle Member Posts: 10

    the way the game is designed automatically splits the community so yea kinda can

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    I don't think that it's necessarily the dev's fault for the community splitting itself. DbD is an entirely competitive game due to its ranking system, and that's probably going to hurt the game as a whole. There is also the problem of people who exclusively play one side, and those who play both tend to be ignored.

    There are also the issues of Killers abusing their power with techniques and strategies like camping or tunnelling. Even stuff as simple of bringing a Mori. Then people come to the forums and there are essentially 2 things said then:

    • "Survivors shouldn't tell the killer how to play"
    • "Don't be such a trash killer and use dog tactics"

    While I personally lead towards the second side there, I can see why some killers would use NoED. On a slower killer such as Trapper, sure. It does make some sense. Hillbilly? Yeah, no.

    Most of the issues with the game should cease when both sides can see the plights of the other and stop shooting each other down instantly when ideas are put forth.

  • underlord99
    underlord99 Member Posts: 1,030

    a lot of games split their players in half . almost any game with factions in it do so.

    DBD is an asymmetrical game , if you dont like it dont play.

  • MightyDwight
    MightyDwight Member Posts: 156

    No, you can't.

    It's no one's fault for how they act but their own.

    It's not the devs fault this Survivor or that Killer are a toxic troll. It's not the internet's fault. It's not the 'Us/Them' setup of the game.

    Everyone in the world is responsible for how THEY act. No one else can control you but you. (Except for those with actual disabilities that inhibit one's abilities to control themselves. I don't say this to be mean; I'm autistic, myself.)

  • underlord99
    underlord99 Member Posts: 1,030

    also when I play (both sides but mostly killer) i try to play for a good time, I dont care much for pipping. it's a game if you lose you'll be fine . if the other side is toxic you'll be fine. just play another game afterwards or switch video games.

  • akbays35
    akbays35 Member Posts: 1,123

    What the devs could do to increase good behavior is with an cosmetic honor system amongst killers/survivors (not amongst survivors/survivors since swf would abuse it). Heck they could go the opposite route with charms and force a mark of shame on survivors/killers to give you an indicator in a match.

    They could do some more emblem/bp punishments on camping/dcing/and tunneling/dying on hook intentionally. I think they should expand every mechanic in the game and see what sticks. As a killer I wouldn't mind something less binary than downing and hooking and as a survivor we need something besides gens/totems/chests/chases.

    Killers need more balancing tools they can implement in their matches and survivors should get some way of spawning secondary objectives that can be used towards gens. What the Devs need to do is throw these implementations out there and have the community choose to activate it through the offering system and see what the community actually wants instead of getting negative feedback when they try something.

  • toxic_clown
    toxic_clown Member Posts: 318


  • Avariku
    Avariku Member Posts: 608

    The devs DO contribute to the toxicity in a few ways. Toxic behavior in the game is often shielded and/or encouraged as legitimate playstyles, and while that's true to a certain extent, there are blatant cases where it's just plain toxic behavior which goes unpunished... which of course, doesn't matter to them.

    in-game reports are often ineffective and ultimately ignored outside of xbox or playstation messaging reports, which generally require threats or vulgar language to receive punishment.

    There's no way to avoid specific players, no way to mark players as toxic, no way to stop players from being toxic. Many of these issues could be handled in various ways, one just has to look at other games to see those solutions.

    and even here on the forums, blatant toxicity and trolling is common with very minimal mitigation or punishment. It seems as if the devs feel that policing their own medium is beneath them so they don't even try.

    with all that said, stopping the toxicity in-game or in the community would be a challenging feat and ultimately its up to us as players to do what we can to alleviate some of that burden.

  • Phox
    Phox Member Posts: 206

    Click bait hoo ha ha!

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    I came here to comment my own perspective but really I couldn't have said it better. Bravo.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    To your first point. No it doesn't. The game allows you to play one side or both as you like. It doesn't encourage you to pick a side. People do that by themselves. Naturally if you only play one side you'll be biased towards that side.

    As for balance, try balancing a multiplayer game with massive gaps in skill between players. It's going to be hard as hell. Not saying they have it perfect. But considering the difficulties they face, the balance isn't that bad.

    Having fun in a game comes down to you. If you take this game too seriously you won't have fun 90% of the time.

    You are correct. Alot of people don't respect others opinions. Unfortunately that's the internet and not a dbd issue.

    Unfortunately there is a vicious cycle of mains on both sides constantly tearing into the other side. Many killer mains won't be happy until every tool survivors have get nerfed to the ground. The same applies to many survivor mains and killer tools. This isn't the devs fault. It's on those people and only on them.

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666

    Its hard to keep everyone happy you know?

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,322

    As far as the forums go, toxic ppl are generally banned after awhile. Mods will issue a warning via DM, and then follow thru if you keep it up. As far as toxic PLAY goes... The devs tend to adopt a mostly hands off approach for most gameplay. They step in if someone's getting body blocked in a corner til they DC or something like that, but GENERALLY... If your not hacking, it's fair game.

  • WickedMilk03
    WickedMilk03 Member Posts: 624

    The community is so bad because the game started off unfair for killer which started a war. Survivors hated camping but at the time it was really the only way to get a kill. As the devs TRY regardless of if they fail to or not throughout the games life, they had to take away and are still taking away survivors powers while killers get buffed. This is because the devs were super stubborn at the start and believed survivors being OP and having no entity blocking and 2 windows in box house WAS FAIR. How??? idk. SO now they are trying to fix that and the newer players that get into it dont know what it once was but the old ones that left do. They know that the devs myst change the base game to balance it and thats why 90,000 players popped up right as they releasef the end game collapse.

    It will continue too

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    I mean... sure, they do influence it by proxy when they make certain desicions... (Nurse and Spirit changes), but they don't force their community to act in a certain way.

    Each individual has the ability to make an impact on the whole. Quite a few can be quite toxic, and it impacts a lot of people. Saying it's the dev's fault though is not the solution. Blaming them is an easy and cheap way out that doesn't help fix the problems within the community.