So the tomes suck
It's not even that a lot of them are stupidly hard....but why can't they all be active at once? If they were it would solve the problem of EVERYBODY trying to do one challenge and also not be as frustrating to complete them, the game would actually be you know .....a game. As opposed to people throwing for the sake of doing a challenge.
And i know the comments are gonna be "They just want you to spend money on the rift!" but I honestly would take less rewards for completing challenges if it meant actually enjoying doing them.
And lastly FORTNITE. People hate it im aware but that's what the battlepass is from, and that's how the challenges worked in that game and no one complained (they probably did) but they did it that way because it worked. Why take something from a game and then leave out an important aspect like that?
I just want the lore
If I remember correctly one dev said that you can still do challenges for lore after the event is over but you wont get fragments for it.
I also agree that all should be active at once. That's why survivor queues are long now (for me at least)
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No they really shouldn't because if that the case you could finish half of the tomes in a single game and there wouldn't be a grind or a pure focus on what tome to do and it could make the game less satisfying on accomplishing a random goals.
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Oh wow we got a god over here
This actually brings up another point, you don't want it to be simpler because you're putting in A LOT of time and effort right?
But how many people can dedicate all those hours to grinding out challenges they probably don't want to do in this game? I mean it completely cuts off the entire casual fan base (Which btw is where the money is, whales are nice but a school of hungry fish all eating the same content will go further, see fortnite)
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We should at least be able to have two or three active at once... as it is now it takes SO long to finish them especially as a casual player. Some people have work and can’t play the game enough to finish them fast.
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Not only that but you have to dedicate yourself JUST to this game and doing challenges that can often feel less of a challenge and more of a chore.
Not to mention the killer challenges make the game even more toxic because you have survivor mains that never play killer just camping and DCing
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this ^
And beside that we could finally start to play like we used to instead of being an anti team-mate, cause we just want to get our challenge done, it's already hard for casual players. I don't want to get all the stuff for free, I want to do something for it, but this is.....Yesterday I let my team-mate die on hook, well I needed to get that 3 gen challenge done, the other 2 survivors were already dead and the killer was running pop, so I've played like I normally wouldn't: selfish. Since I don't have the time to play on a daily basis I only care about my challenges when I have the time to play dbd, which is pretty sad, cause normally I just play for fun, so I don't care if I escape or die, I don't care about ranks, I just want to have a good time, but I also want to get the challenges done, cause I really want the lore memories though.
Oh you need a heal? Sorry, have to finish this gen. Oh you want me to unhook you? Sorry, got to search all chests first... :/ And the tome is based on luck and other people most of the time, that makes it worse. And sometimes you need perks you don't even have, so you have to grind through your bloodweb to get them losing points you wanted to spend for someone else. "This is not happening" for example, I stop grinding through my bloodwebs, when I already got my main perks so "this is not happening" was on of the perks I didn't have. So I've spent a lot of BP to finally get this perk after 16 levels. Nice, BP I wanted to spend on the new survivor :/
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Fortnite was not even close to being the first game to introduce a battle pass system. Pretty sure Valve takes the cake on that one.
That aside, the main reason why the challenges are limited to one at a time is the same reason why the Tome levels are timegated - to pace things out, and stop people from grinding through the entire thing in a matter of hours.
Personally, I like the fact that the game forces me to pace myself a bit - although I wasn't a fan of the concept at first, and even recommended they change it in the Archives PTB survey - because I know I don't have the self-control to do it on my own. If I could grind through multiple challenges at once, I would feel like I had to for efficiency's sake. But this way, I get to enjoy working my way through the Tome for longer.
I'll also add, on that note, that locking the challenges to one at a time actually limits the epidemic of people throwing games for challenges, rather than encouraging it. Right now, most people finish their challenge and then continue the game normally from that point on, or even try to integrate the challenge into their normal gameplay. If we could attempt multiple challenges in a single match, that's literally all anyone would be doing, and then normal gameplay would really go out the window.
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Filler challenges aren't quite challenges though.
Mastery challenges may pass as something that you actually should commit to, and if you can do multiple of them in one game then cudos to you or those challenges sucked. Standard ones are time sinks that could as well be "play 5-10-15 matches" because of their nature and that you can't do them simultaneously. Damn, I WISH those challenges was just "play the game X times", but instead you have to create toxic situations trying to follow the path.
As a killer you can commit to a challenge in advance, as a survivor you must adapt to a situation (starting from lobby) and an archive often conflicts with objectives. If you see two people with flashlights, you can't switch your challenges from blinds to something else. 3 people keep rescuing each other and you're the only one left on gens? Pile up, because your challenge is to rescue 15 people! A guy is hooked and no one comes to rescue? Who cares, you have to finish 15 gens. Oh, you managed to stun a killer 5 times in a chase? Haha, too bad, you still have to do that archive challenge separately. I bet in next 14 matches when you take that challenge all killers gonna respect your pallets or just use their abilities to avoid them.
So basically, survivor challenges generate frustration!
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The only issue I have with the Tome are the close to impossible challenges on Level 3 & 4.
The challenges that require time are slightly annoying but possible to do and don't slog down what's needed to complete the Rift (however, if they get more grind-y then I will have concern).
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I definitely understand how frustrating it is to meet the requirements for a challenge you don't have selected. I imagine it will be even more so once we get to level 4, where the challenges actually become feats of skill, rather than being more or less achievable through ordinary gameplay. Personally, I don't really mind taking several matches trying to complete a challenge, but if it becomes a source of frustration rather than fun for the majority of the community I'm sure the devs will consider making changes in the future.
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Fortnite also wasn't the first battle royal game. I mean i honestly feel like me saying that completely gets my point across about the battlepass but again people hate it so i don't think understanding is the problem lol
The whole thing about the challenges being "paced" and people throwing less games the way it is whatever is just wrong, and instead of explaining why i think it's more productive to acknowledge the fact that the people who like the tomes, like them BECAUSE they suck. Extremely long, unfun, and grindy meaning most people aren't doing it so it's exclusive to the people dedicated enough to do it.
The problem with this is that most people aren't doing it. I seriously doubt that even quarter of the playerbase will finish the last tome and if they make a second one it in the same way it will probably be ignored by most people.
You'll finish it, ill finish it, but who gives a ######### it sucks! That matters because it SHOULD be catching the eyes of new players and giving current players a new objective. Instead it gave current players a grind they can pay to bypass because the whole thing is tied to a battlepass .....that also sucks. Which is actually good because it means not many people are going to be willing to buy tiers for that sweet.....billy hat.
Anyway the more i think about it the more i realize this is just going to have to be something that fails before any change happens which sucks but when you have a community as toxic as this one what can you do.
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I'm honestly not sure what your point about Fortnite is, but it doesn't seem like the main point anyway so I guess it doesn't matter.
As someone who does enjoy the Tomes, I can assure you that it's not because of some kind of superiority complex. Pretty much everyone I know is progressing just fine in them. I enjoy them because I enjoy having secondary objectives in my games, and I enjoy getting extra rewards for doing things I would normally do in a game anyway.
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"but why can't they all be active at once?"
You mean what we currently have, so people can just work ALL of them during every match? You realize that it would be way less time consuming and easier to complete then right? People would just complain its too fast/easy.
If they did have us work all challenges at the same time they would probably make them WAY harder and/or have WAY more numbers. Like, instead of 6 first aid kits it would probably be like 12.
I work and I finished all of Tome 2 earlier this week. Its not THAT bad. The next one might be though.
Also, the tomes don't have a time limit.
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All those time and hours? At most, a single challenge might take two or three games. And since you can do them WHENEVER YOU WANT for the lore and bloodpoint rewards, just not the Rift fragments.
Exactly how much work do you think you have to put in to do these? A few games a day and you can get 2-3 (or more) challenges done. You'd have to be some kind of bad to not be able to get at least one done a day. Even at one a day you would finish in two weeks.
How DARE the Devs give you infinite time to complete the challenges and get the rewards? Who has infinite time?
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All active at once would be mass chaos, I think two would be much better and wouldn't tilt the game too much.
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Longer basic quests like "15 gens" "13 survivors" and "20 emblems" should be worth more rift shards.
If I make it through tome 3, tome 4 will probably break me and make me hate the rift system.
(For context I have 4 more challenges on the current tome to do. "Blood pact," and the small branch ending in "blind killer twice)
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Again, proving my point. I'm "bad" because i can' a few tedious challenges a day?
You don't care, you don't like it, you don't even actually think its challenging, BUT you still feel pride in putting time and effort into it.
Also didn't read what i said so let me hammer this in, this sucks. You'll do it, ill do it. Im the only one of my friends who likes the game enough to do it. Because they're not fun, they're tedious and time consuming. You work 9 to 5 like most people? Don't have much time to play? WELL you better spend all that time doing things you don't want to do on one game.
You know i mentioned this before but there's a large culture divide between PC and consoles where PC players think nothing to have a few thousand hours on a game, and yeah through that lense sure i guess the tomes are fine, they might even be made the way they are BECAUSE of the PC playerbase. But adding a battlepass, putting the game on switch, on mobile! It seems like they naturally want to appeal to a more casual audience and grow the game right? Maybe then we shouldn't base things like this off of people who have invested 1000s of hours and instead look to the game that we took this whole concept from to start with
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The whole point of fortnite is that people hate it and tend to ######### tall it whenever possible. But fortnite is the reason we have a battlepass in this game and cod, and paladins, and ######### red dead. No it didn't create the concept but it did make a few billion dollars and every dev and their mother wants a slice of that.
The problem comes from the fact that the tomes are the way that they are to encourage people to buy tiers. Flat out, doesn't matter if you absolutely adore the way it is now, Thats what's it for.
The problem DBD and a lot of games have is the fact that 1. The battlepass kinda sucks and 2. They always circumvent the way fortnite did challenges (A challenges unlocked from the start with some having multiples steps.) This was so easy that even kids can do it.....but they still sell a lot tiers. That's because the challenges are already unlock weekly so you can blow through it and whales are going to just buy all the tiers day one anyway.
Again this is why im pretty positive its going to change, it's not going to be as making money as it could or should be, but i gotta wonder if they'll get it right the second time.
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What about them is hard? It's literally playing the game. I didn't prove a single point of yours.
Let me hammer it in. The "challenges" are just looking for you to play the game normally and you'll eventually just get it done.
How can I feel pride in doing something that I would have done anyway? Yay, I blinded the killer twice in one game. Ooooooo! So difficult! What? Unhook someone who unhooked me? That's basically every match if you're not a selfish tunnel-visioned gen jockey.
How is it basing the game off of what people who have thousands of hours in when they just ask you to do normal, every match things? Heal two health states? Only people thousands of hours could EVER do that!!!!
You're either a special kind of bad to think these are actually challenging and thinking it takes thousands of hours to be capable of doing any of these challenges, or you're just trying to stir crap up because you don't want to do them.
If they're (somehow) too difficult, don't do them. They're not a requirement. And adding more players isn't catering to "casuals".
Heck, if you think these "challenges" are challenging, I hate to break it to you; you're more than a casual. Even casuals are able to do these things.
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Before i read anything past the first line
"You must be bad if you can't complete them"
Why even say that if you're just going to concede to the fact that it's not hard it's tedious 😂
Actually not to be an ahole but the games loading, i already invalidated your opinion by immediately getting you to go back so yeah....gotta go do them FUN and CHALLENGING challenges lol
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If you're going to quote something, quote it correctly. I said you have to be a "special kind of bad". Not just bad, but so bad that it's a special level. Bad players can do these challenges. You essentially have to be brain dead if you can't, or intentionally trying not to do them.
You invalidated nothing. But I'm happy you think you did.
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To add to that i just had another game where nobody played and we all just wanted to heal.
Against a trapper too imagine that
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Oh so your point is that ANYBODY can do these challenges and it just takes up a bunch of time
Listen i get you're mad, for whatever reason but you're literally just saying I'm right and mocking the disabled 😂
This is a perfect example of how toxic the community can be, you're trying you're hardest to bash me.....but you're just repeating what im saying. And i understand your endgame is "challenge good , u scrub!" but this is the only game i know where instead of trying to counter what i say people will just go "You're right but ######### you #########!"
Also the only game where 90% of the forum is just "######### the devs" which is probably why we have a stupid ass situation like the current tomes. They can't listen their community
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I haven't once insulted you. Nor am I mad. You're the one trying to turn things I say into insults. It's a solid tactic for people who can't actually defend their points. You try to attack the character of the person you're speaking with instead. But it doesn't work when the person you're speaking with doesn't take your bait.
So you're attempts at twisting what I've said haven't worked. You're attempt to make me an example of toxicity hasn't worked. And trying to pretend like the points I make were never said just make your attempts to belittle me look even more sad.
Maybe one day you'll learn to have a productive conversation with points and counterpoints without trying to insult the other person or twisting their words to make it seem like they're saying you're right.
Till then, you have a good rest of your day.
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See look at all that, you didn't say anything lol
You didn't even deny anything i said other than you didn't insult me which is not only a lie but also not my point. Not one post on here actually says "######### the devs" either
I actually challenge you to go calm down and maybe in a few hours come back and read what you said 😂
But lastly and most importantly, someone who is extremely angry and totally against me, DOESN'T DISAGREE that the tomes are just tedious. That's the big take away here
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All active at once needs to happen. Even for the tiers. At the very least let us do all the challenges for the tier at once.
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I don't think all tiers need to be active at once because this set up is made to slow down progression and keep players coming back.
That's also exactly why its so dumb that you can't have more than one challenge active at a time
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Some of the ones in the fourth tier sound ridiculous and even while playing hardcore I could fear I miss them with limited time. Everyone is going to KNOW we are trying to get those basement ones and probably DC.
But like I said the whole tier should at least be available at once. Nothing like joining a match and 3 players are trying to open 3 chests each or something.
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I get that but that's just a problem with the challenges themselves also being dumb. The 4th tier is probably what's going to get people to give up on the whole thing(if not the 3rd, we have to see)
[BAD WORD] bubba gameplay inbound tho
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I'm going to remind you all to calm the aggression down on this thread before it starts getting out of hand - you are free to DISCUSS something, but when you start behaving aggressively towards one another it's crossing a line here.
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As a casual, I'll chime in. I too was surprised upon the realization that only one could be done at a time. This is ok. It gives more replayability.
Activating multiple nodes would also make the web even easier, as some of these objectives are nearly identical (2 safe hook rescue in one match, complete 5 safe rescues). People would just plow through these things. I think it's only the hardcore players doing this now (mostly).
I wouldn't be playing survivor much without the tomes. The allure of bp that i can spend on killer just for safe rescuing people is enough to get me to boot up the game tonight (and hey, maybe more shards too.)
I like that's there are secondary objectives. I recently burned a bonus chest offering and went 1/1 on opening 3 chests. Even if that took me 2 or 3 games to get, thats alright. I'm still finding it fun going after these silly challenges
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Racism is fine tho right. Oh and no meme of guys holding knifes of course
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There's more than one way to skin a cat, and just because Fortnite did something and made a bunch of money off it doesn't mean that Dead By Daylight has to do the exact same thing. The Dead By Daylight community is not the same as the Fortnite community - if it were, maybe we'd all be playing Fortnite instead. Different age demographic, different interests, different priorities. Perhaps the developers are trying to cater to that instead of designing mechanics that are blow-by-blow carbon copies of other games. After all, being different from other games was what made them so successful in the first place.
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One challenge took me several days to finish, especially when I had "almost" finished the "complete in a single trial" then the killer dragged defeat from the jaws of victory, threw victory a bone and then promptly hooked me.
I admit I am not a skilled as some players: I dont play Killer for example and that eliminates half the master challenges and lore associated with them. But I thought being able to pay to progress the rift tiers useful. I made a choice between playing 25 games or more and paying 5 bucks to move it on 5 tiers.
Players who play both killer and survivor will inevitably move further along the tiers as they are receiving rewards (which they earned) for completing both types of challenge.
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my name is mr.what zit tooya
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Ok. But we have a battlepass and challenge system from fortnite.
Idk man kind of feels like arguing for a worse version when they're basically identical isn't cool but go off about skinning cats
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the sad thing is, that not every challenge lets you play the game normally. For example normally I don't search chests, but for that chest challenge which was hard for me (cause most of the time all the other survivors searched them before I got the chance) I did nothing at the beginning but searching chests. Sorry for the person that died on hook early, but I had to search the last closed chest on the other site of the map where the other two survivors where working on a gen close to that chest. This is not how I NORMALLY play. So even though I totally agree with you, when it comes to challenges like "unhooking" or "healing" a lot of challenges force us to play in a toxic way. These "in one trial" challenges bother me the most though. And like I said before some challenges depend too much on luck and your team mates. Even that unhooking 15 survivors challenge took me 25 games, cause most of the time
- the other survivors were closer than I was or playing swf and swarming the hook already -
- the killers dc right at the beginning of the trial
- nobody got hooked
- I was the first on hook and died, cause nobody came to unhook, they were searching chests or healing themselves - maybe this could have something to do with the challenges? ;)
Starting 25 games to get one challenge done is ridiculous. Switching to that 3 gen challenge, oh look, I've spawned next to the killer, running him around for 4 gens, challenge not done, maybe next game then, or the game after that, finally just finished it because I've played selfish again. And that's when we are talking about luck, team mates and not normal game play again. When you play solo like I do, well...RIP, cause since the tome release you don't have 3 team mates, you have 3 rivals.
And I'm a casual player, I only play on fridays and saturdays due to personal life reasons (work from 7am - 6pm with a long access route, family etc.) So I won't get the rift finished before it ends without paying for it, which I won't. And I won't buy the next rift, cause I already know that I won't be able to finish that as well. I'm happy to see that there are people like you that don't have problems with these challenges, but I'm sure that the majority will have big problems to finish it by just playing the game and not paying for it :(
Post edited by Paina on2 -
I play solo. It's taken me a maximum of three games, playing normally, to get any of these challenges done except the 'save/hook 15 survivors' ones or 'drop x pallets during a chase' which happen over multiple games if you, again, just play normally.
The chest one takes one game. Equip Plunderer's Instinct, bring offerings that increase the number of chests. Win. You can play normally and use the extra information to get it done without having to hope for a "chance".
Doing gens is playing selfishly? So it's selfish to work on the objective now? That's a new one. I didn't realize getting the gens done so everyone could get out was a selfish act....
I'm a casual player as well. The most difficult of these for me to do was blinding the killer twice in one game. Got it first try because I decided to use my brain and do a gen next to a window. Went through, blinded the killer, went back through, blinded the killer. Easy.
These challenges are laughably easy. Casuals, even new players, can do these in a few games if they just play normally and use their brains to bring perks and addons that help you achieve them.
- the other survivors were closer than I was or playing swf and swarming the hook already - (OH NO! You mean... they were playing selfishly by trying to unhook someone?!? I thought you said doing Gens was playing selfishly... both of these can't be selfish can they?)
- the killers dc right at the beginning of the trial (You're blaming a killer DC to being a hinderance to being able to do these challenges? XD That has nothing to do with the 'difficulty' of the challenges. You may as well blame heavy traffic that stops you from being able to get home in time to play as much to being a hinderance as well.)
- nobody got hooked (Now you're blaming good survivors or a bad killer? Holy crap, it's like everything that DOESN'T go your way AND everything that DOES go your way is a reason for you not to be able to complete these challenges now...)
- I was the first on hook and died, cause nobody came to unhook, they were searching chests or healing themselves - maybe this could have something to do with the challenges? ;) (Wait... survivors were searching chests and healing themselves.... like normal... in every game ever? It HAD to be the chllaneges they were doing and not that they were bad solo queue teammates, right? Definitely the challenges. I'm sure you've never been one-hooked ever before, right? What was the excuse before the tome came out? Did they not know you were hooked? But now that tomes are out it's because they were doing challenges? It couldn't possibly be they were doing normal survivor actions while assuming someone else was on the way to unhook you right? Nah! HAD to be the challenges. ;) )
You can make up all the excuses you want to, but your blaming normal gameplay and gameplay issues that you would have anyway for the reasons you somehow can't get normal gameplay done.
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Im with you, if people would just play the game like a job it wouldn't be a problem, i don't know why people have such a hard time. I'm a causal player (only play 8 hours a day) and i did both tomes on the first day. If you can't do that or put in that time you're less than a causal, you're actually worthless and should delete the game.
Some people man, if you're really that bad that you can't put in a few hours every day you can just buy tiers. Gamer gods like us tho, we'll just keep getting EZ victories while everyone else is wasting their time working, doing drugs, and having sex.
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Locking this because it seems the OP really doesn't want to have a discussion about this topic and just wants to argue with everyone - this isn't the place for that!